/** \file BinaryInput.cpp \author Morgan McGuire, graphics3d.com Copyright 2001-2013, Morgan McGuire. All rights reserved. \created 2001-08-09 \edited 2013-01-03
    BinaryOutput b("c:/tmp/test.b", BinaryOutput::LITTLE_ENDIAN);

    float f = 3.1415926;
    int i = 1027221;
    std::string s = "Hello World!";


    BinaryInput in("c:/tmp/test.b", BinaryInput::LITTLE_ENDIAN);

    debugAssert(f == in.readFloat32());
    int ii = in.readInt32();
    debugAssert(i == ii);
    debugAssert(s == in.readString());
*/ #include "G3D/platform.h" #include "G3D/BinaryInput.h" #include "G3D/Array.h" #include "G3D/fileutils.h" #include "G3D/Log.h" #include "G3D/FileSystem.h" #include #if _HAVE_ZIP /* G3DFIX: Use ZIP-library only if defined */ #include "../../zip.lib/include/zip.h" #endif #include namespace G3D { const bool BinaryInput::NO_COPY = false; /** Helper used by the constructors for decompression */ static uint32 readUInt32FromBuffer(const uint8* data, bool swapBytes) { if (swapBytes) { uint8 out[4]; out[0] = data[3]; out[1] = data[2]; out[2] = data[1]; out[3] = data[0]; return *((uint32*)out); } else { return *((uint32*)data); } } BinaryInput::BinaryInput( const uint8* data, int64 dataLen, G3DEndian dataEndian, bool compressed, bool copyMemory) : m_filename(""), m_bitPos(0), m_bitString(0), m_beginEndBits(0), m_alreadyRead(0), m_bufferLength(0), m_pos(0) { m_freeBuffer = copyMemory || compressed; setEndian(dataEndian); if (compressed) { // Read the decompressed size from the first 4 bytes m_length = readUInt32FromBuffer(data, m_swapBytes); debugAssert(m_freeBuffer); m_buffer = (uint8*)System::alignedMalloc(m_length, 16); unsigned long L = (unsigned long)m_length; // Decompress with zlib int64 result = uncompress(m_buffer, &L, data + 4, (uLong)dataLen - 4); m_length = L; m_bufferLength = L; debugAssert(result == Z_OK); (void)result; } else { m_length = dataLen; m_bufferLength = m_length; if (! copyMemory) { debugAssert(!m_freeBuffer); m_buffer = const_cast(data); } else { debugAssert(m_freeBuffer); m_buffer = (uint8*)System::alignedMalloc(m_length, 16); System::memcpy(m_buffer, data, dataLen); } } } BinaryInput::BinaryInput (const std::string& filename, G3DEndian fileEndian, bool compressed) : m_filename(filename), m_bitPos(0), m_bitString(0), m_beginEndBits(0), m_alreadyRead(0), m_length(0), m_bufferLength(0), m_buffer(NULL), m_pos(0), m_freeBuffer(true) { setEndian(fileEndian); #if _HAVE_ZIP /* G3DFIX: Use ZIP-library only if defined */ std::string zipfile; if (FileSystem::inZipfile(m_filename, zipfile)) { // Load from zipfile FileSystem::markFileUsed(m_filename); FileSystem::markFileUsed(zipfile); // Zipfiles require Unix-style slashes std::string internalFile = FilePath::canonicalize(m_filename.substr(zipfile.length() + 1)); struct zip* z = zip_open(zipfile.c_str(), ZIP_CHECKCONS, NULL); { struct zip_stat info; zip_stat_init( &info ); // TODO: Docs unclear if zip_stat_init is required. zip_stat(z, internalFile.c_str(), ZIP_FL_NOCASE, &info); m_bufferLength = m_length = info.size; // sets machines up to use MMX, if they want m_buffer = reinterpret_cast(System::alignedMalloc(m_length, 16)); struct zip_file* zf = zip_fopen( z, internalFile.c_str(), ZIP_FL_NOCASE ); if (zf == NULL) { throw std::string("\"") + internalFile + "\" inside \"" + zipfile + "\" could not be opened."; } else { const int64 bytesRead = zip_fread( zf, m_buffer, m_length ); debugAssertM(bytesRead == m_length, internalFile + " was corrupt because it unzipped to the wrong size."); (void)bytesRead; zip_fclose( zf ); } } zip_close( z ); if (compressed) { decompress(); } m_freeBuffer = true; return; } #endif // Figure out how big the file is and verify that it exists. m_length = FileSystem::size(m_filename); // Read the file into memory FILE* file = FileSystem::fopen(m_filename.c_str(), "rb"); if (! file || (m_length == -1)) { throw format("File not found: \"%s\"", m_filename.c_str()); return; } if (! compressed && (m_length > INITIAL_BUFFER_LENGTH)) { // Read only a subset of the file so we don't consume // all available memory. m_bufferLength = INITIAL_BUFFER_LENGTH; } else { // Either the length is fine or the file is compressed // and requires us to read the whole thing for zlib. m_bufferLength = m_length; } debugAssert(m_freeBuffer); m_buffer = (uint8*)System::alignedMalloc(m_bufferLength, 16); if (m_buffer == NULL) { if (compressed) { throw "Not enough memory to load compressed file. (1)"; } // Try to allocate a small array; not much memory is available. // Give up if we can't allocate even 1k. while ((m_buffer == NULL) && (m_bufferLength > 1024)) { m_bufferLength /= 2; m_buffer = (uint8*)System::alignedMalloc(m_bufferLength, 16); } } debugAssert(m_buffer); (void)fread(m_buffer, m_bufferLength, sizeof(int8), file); FileSystem::fclose(file); file = NULL; if (compressed) { if (m_bufferLength != m_length) { throw "Not enough memory to load compressed file. (2)"; } decompress(); } } BinaryInput::~BinaryInput() { if (m_freeBuffer) { System::alignedFree(m_buffer); } m_buffer = NULL; } std::string BinaryInput::readFixedLengthString(int numBytes) { Array str; str.resize(numBytes + 1); // Ensure NULL termination str.last() = '\0'; readBytes(str.getCArray(), numBytes); // Copy up to the first NULL return std::string(str.getCArray()); } void BinaryInput::decompress() { // Decompress // Use the existing buffer as the source, allocate // a new buffer to use as the destination. int64 tempLength = m_length; m_length = readUInt32FromBuffer(m_buffer, m_swapBytes); // The file couldn't have better than 500:1 compression alwaysAssertM(m_length < m_bufferLength * 500, "Compressed file header is corrupted"); uint8* tempBuffer = m_buffer; m_buffer = (uint8*)System::alignedMalloc(m_length, 16); debugAssert(m_buffer); debugAssert(isValidHeapPointer(tempBuffer)); debugAssert(isValidHeapPointer(m_buffer)); unsigned long L = (unsigned long)m_length; int64 result = (int64)uncompress(m_buffer, &L, tempBuffer + 4, (uLong)tempLength - 4); m_length = L; m_bufferLength = m_length; debugAssertM(result == Z_OK, "BinaryInput/zlib detected corruption in " + m_filename); (void)result; System::alignedFree(tempBuffer); } void BinaryInput::setEndian(G3DEndian e) { m_fileEndian = e; m_swapBytes = (m_fileEndian != System::machineEndian()); } void BinaryInput::loadIntoMemory(int64 startPosition, int64 minLength) { // Load the next section of the file debugAssertM(m_filename != "", "Read past end of file."); int64 absPos = m_alreadyRead + m_pos; if (m_bufferLength < minLength) { // The current buffer isn't big enough to hold the chunk we want to read. // This happens if there was little memory available during the initial constructor // read but more memory has since been freed. m_bufferLength = minLength; debugAssert(m_freeBuffer); m_buffer = (uint8*)System::realloc(m_buffer, m_bufferLength); if (m_buffer == NULL) { throw "Tried to read a larger memory chunk than could fit in memory. (2)"; } } m_alreadyRead = startPosition; # ifdef G3D_WINDOWS FILE* file = fopen(m_filename.c_str(), "rb"); debugAssert(file); size_t ret = fseek(file, (off_t)m_alreadyRead, SEEK_SET); debugAssert(ret == 0); size_t toRead = (size_t)G3D::min(m_bufferLength, m_length - m_alreadyRead); ret = fread(m_buffer, 1, toRead, file); debugAssert(ret == toRead); fclose(file); file = NULL; # else FILE* file = fopen(m_filename.c_str(), "rb"); debugAssert(file); int ret = fseeko(file, (off_t)m_alreadyRead, SEEK_SET); debugAssert(ret == 0); size_t toRead = (size_t)G3D::min(m_bufferLength, m_length - m_alreadyRead); ret = fread(m_buffer, 1, toRead, file); debugAssert((size_t)ret == (size_t)toRead); fclose(file); file = NULL; # endif m_pos = absPos - m_alreadyRead; debugAssert(m_pos >= 0); } void BinaryInput::prepareToRead(int64 nbytes) { debugAssertM(m_length > 0, m_filename + " not found or corrupt."); debugAssertM(m_pos + nbytes + m_alreadyRead <= m_length, "Read past end of file."); if (m_pos + nbytes > m_bufferLength) { loadIntoMemory(m_pos + m_alreadyRead, nbytes); } } void BinaryInput::readBytes(void* bytes, int64 n) { prepareToRead(n); debugAssert(isValidPointer(bytes)); memcpy(bytes, m_buffer + m_pos, n); m_pos += n; } uint64 BinaryInput::readUInt64() { prepareToRead(8); uint8 out[8]; if (m_swapBytes) { out[0] = m_buffer[m_pos + 7]; out[1] = m_buffer[m_pos + 6]; out[2] = m_buffer[m_pos + 5]; out[3] = m_buffer[m_pos + 4]; out[4] = m_buffer[m_pos + 3]; out[5] = m_buffer[m_pos + 2]; out[6] = m_buffer[m_pos + 1]; out[7] = m_buffer[m_pos + 0]; } else { *(uint64*)out = *(uint64*)(m_buffer + m_pos); } m_pos += 8; return *(uint64*)out; } std::string BinaryInput::readString(int64 maxLength) { prepareToRead(maxLength); int64 n = 0; while ((m_buffer[m_pos + n] != '\0') && (n != maxLength)) { ++n; } std::string s((char*)(m_buffer + m_pos), n); m_pos += maxLength; return s; } std::string BinaryInput::readString() { prepareToRead(1); int64 n = 0; bool hasNull = true; while(m_buffer[m_pos + n] != '\0') { ++n; if ((m_pos + m_alreadyRead + n) == m_length) { hasNull = false; break; } prepareToRead(n + 1); } std::string s((char*)(m_buffer + m_pos), n); m_pos += n; if (hasNull) { skip(1); } return s; } static bool isNewline(char c) { return c == '\n' || c == '\r'; } std::string BinaryInput::readStringNewline() { prepareToRead(1); int64 n = 0; bool hasNull = true; bool hasNewline = false; while(m_buffer[m_pos + n] != '\0') { if ((m_pos + m_alreadyRead + n + 1) == m_length) { hasNull = false; break; } if (isNewline(m_buffer[m_pos + n])) { hasNull = false; hasNewline = true; break; } ++n; prepareToRead(n + 1); } std::string s((char*)(m_buffer + m_pos), n); m_pos += n; if (hasNull) { skip(1); } if (hasNewline) { if ((m_pos + m_alreadyRead + 2) != m_length) { prepareToRead(2); if (m_buffer[m_pos] == '\r' && m_buffer[m_pos + 1] == '\n') { skip(2); } else if (m_buffer[m_pos] == '\n' && m_buffer[m_pos + 1] == '\r') { skip(2); } else { skip(1); } } else { skip(1); } } return s; } std::string BinaryInput::readStringEven() { std::string x = readString(); if (hasMore() && (G3D::isOdd((int)x.length() + 1))) { skip(1); } return x; } std::string BinaryInput::readString32() { int len = readUInt32(); return readString(len); } Vector4 BinaryInput::readVector4() { float x = readFloat32(); float y = readFloat32(); float z = readFloat32(); float w = readFloat32(); return Vector4(x, y, z, w); } Vector3 BinaryInput::readVector3() { float x = readFloat32(); float y = readFloat32(); float z = readFloat32(); return Vector3(x, y, z); } Vector2 BinaryInput::readVector2() { float x = readFloat32(); float y = readFloat32(); return Vector2(x, y); } Color4 BinaryInput::readColor4() { float r = readFloat32(); float g = readFloat32(); float b = readFloat32(); float a = readFloat32(); return Color4(r, g, b, a); } Color3 BinaryInput::readColor3() { float r = readFloat32(); float g = readFloat32(); float b = readFloat32(); return Color3(r, g, b); } void BinaryInput::beginBits() { debugAssert(m_beginEndBits == 0); m_beginEndBits = 1; m_bitPos = 0; debugAssertM(hasMore(), "Can't call beginBits when at the end of a file"); m_bitString = readUInt8(); } uint32 BinaryInput::readBits(int numBits) { debugAssert(m_beginEndBits == 1); uint32 out = 0; const int total = numBits; while (numBits > 0) { if (m_bitPos > 7) { // Consume a new byte for reading. We do this at the beginning // of the loop so that we don't try to read past the end of the file. m_bitPos = 0; m_bitString = readUInt8(); } // Slide the lowest bit of the bitString into // the correct position. out |= (m_bitString & 1) << (total - numBits); // Shift over to the next bit m_bitString = m_bitString >> 1; ++m_bitPos; --numBits; } return out; } void BinaryInput::endBits() { debugAssert(m_beginEndBits == 1); if (m_bitPos == 0) { // Put back the last byte we read --m_pos; } m_beginEndBits = 0; m_bitPos = 0; } void BinaryInput::readBool8(std::vector& out, int64 n) { out.resize((int)n); // std::vector optimizes bool in a way that prevents fast reading for (int64 i = 0; i < n ; ++i) { out[i] = readBool8(); } } void BinaryInput::readBool8(Array& out, int64 n) { out.resize(n); readBool8(out.begin(), n); } #define IMPLEMENT_READER(ucase, lcase)\ void BinaryInput::read##ucase(std::vector& out, int64 n) {\ out.resize(n);\ read##ucase(&out[0], n);\ }\ \ \ void BinaryInput::read##ucase(Array& out, int64 n) {\ out.resize(n);\ read##ucase(out.begin(), n);\ } IMPLEMENT_READER(UInt8, uint8) IMPLEMENT_READER(Int8, int8) IMPLEMENT_READER(UInt16, uint16) IMPLEMENT_READER(Int16, int16) IMPLEMENT_READER(UInt32, uint32) IMPLEMENT_READER(Int32, int32) IMPLEMENT_READER(UInt64, uint64) IMPLEMENT_READER(Int64, int64) IMPLEMENT_READER(Float32, float32) IMPLEMENT_READER(Float64, float64) #undef IMPLEMENT_READER // Data structures that are one byte per element can be // directly copied, regardles of endian-ness. #define IMPLEMENT_READER(ucase, lcase)\ void BinaryInput::read##ucase(lcase* out, int64 n) {\ if (sizeof(lcase) == 1) {\ readBytes(out, n);\ } else {\ for (int64 i = 0; i < n ; ++i) {\ out[i] = read##ucase();\ }\ }\ } IMPLEMENT_READER(Bool8, bool) IMPLEMENT_READER(UInt8, uint8) IMPLEMENT_READER(Int8, int8) #undef IMPLEMENT_READER #define IMPLEMENT_READER(ucase, lcase)\ void BinaryInput::read##ucase(lcase* out, int64 n) {\ if (m_swapBytes) {\ for (int64 i = 0; i < n; ++i) {\ out[i] = read##ucase();\ }\ } else {\ readBytes(out, sizeof(lcase) * n);\ }\ } IMPLEMENT_READER(UInt16, uint16) IMPLEMENT_READER(Int16, int16) IMPLEMENT_READER(UInt32, uint32) IMPLEMENT_READER(Int32, int32) IMPLEMENT_READER(UInt64, uint64) IMPLEMENT_READER(Int64, int64) IMPLEMENT_READER(Float32, float32) IMPLEMENT_READER(Float64, float64) #undef IMPLEMENT_READER } // namespace G3D