/** @file GUniqueID.cpp @author Morgan McGuire, http://graphics.cs.williams.edu */ #include "G3D/GUniqueID.h" #include "G3D/BinaryInput.h" #include "G3D/TextInput.h" #include "G3D/BinaryOutput.h" #include "G3D/TextOutput.h" #include "G3D/NetworkDevice.h" #include "G3D/Any.h" namespace G3D { GUniqueID& GUniqueID::operator=(const Any& a) { a.verifyName("GUniqueID"); a.verifyType(Any::ARRAY); a.verifySize(1); std::string s = a[0]; a.verify(s.length() == 16); id = GUniqueID::fromString16(s); return *this; } Any GUniqueID::toAny() const { Any a(Any::ARRAY, "GUniqueID"); a.append(toString16()); return a; } void GUniqueID::serialize(BinaryOutput& b) const { b.writeUInt64(id); } void GUniqueID::deserialize(BinaryInput& b) { id = b.readUInt64(); } void GUniqueID::serialize(TextOutput& t) const { t.writeSymbol("("); t.writeNumber((double)(id >> 32)); t.writeNumber((double)(id & 0xFFFFFFFF)); t.writeSymbol(")"); } void GUniqueID::deserialize(TextInput& t) { t.readSymbol("("); id = (((uint64)t.readNumber()) << 32) + (uint64)t.readNumber(); t.readSymbol(")"); } GUniqueID GUniqueID::NONE(uint16 tag) { GUniqueID i; uint64 t = tag; i.id = (t << 54); return i; } std::string GUniqueID::toString16() const { return format("%08x%08x", uint32(id >> 32), uint32(id & 0xFFFFFFFF)); } GUniqueID GUniqueID::fromString16(const std::string& s) { if (s.length() != 16) { debugAssertM(false, "Corrupt 16-character string"); return GUniqueID(); } uint32 high = 0, low = 0; sscanf(s.c_str(), "%08x%08x", &high, &low); GUniqueID i; i.id = (uint64(high) << 32) | low; return i; } GUniqueID GUniqueID::create(uint16 tag) { static uint64 counter = 0; static uint64 systemID = 0; if (systemID == 0) { // Create a unique ID for this machine/program instance // TODO: see ioctl(skfd, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &if_hwaddr) Array addr; NetworkDevice::instance()->localHostAddresses(addr); if (addr.size() > 0) { systemID |= addr[0].ip(); } union { float64 ft; uint64 ut; }; ft = System::time(); systemID = ut << 22; systemID ^= ((uint64)iRandom(0, 32768)) << 8; systemID &= ~((uint64)1023 << 54); // Ensure that the systemID is non-zero (vanishingly small probability) if (systemID == 0) { systemID = 1; } } // No need for modulo; we'll all be dead before this counter // overflows 54 bits ++counter; GUniqueID i; i.id = (((uint64)(tag & 1023)) << 54) | (counter ^ systemID); return i; } } // G3D