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// -*- C++ -*-
* @file Registry.h
* @author Irfan Pyarali (irfan@cs.wustl.edu)
#include /**/ "ace/pre.h"
#include /**/ "ace/config-all.h"
#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
# pragma once
#if defined (ACE_WIN32) && !defined (ACE_LACKS_WIN32_REGISTRY)
// This only works on registry-capable Win32 platforms.
#include "ace/Containers.h"
#include "ace/SString.h"
* @class ACE_Registry
* @brief A Name Server implementation
* The registry interface is inspired by the interface
* specified in the CORBA Naming Service Specification.
* The implementation is done through Win32 <Reg*> functions.
* Other than providing an OO wrapper for the Win32 <Reg*>
* functions, ACE_Registry provides an abstraction for iteration
* over the elements of the Registry.
class ACE_Export ACE_Registry
/// International string
struct ACE_Export Name_Component
ACE_TString id_;
ACE_TString kind_;
bool operator== (const Name_Component &rhs) const;
bool operator!= (const Name_Component &rhs) const;
// Comparison
// The <id_> field is used,
// but the <kind_> field is currently ignored
/// A Name is an ordered collections of components (ids)
typedef ACE_Unbounded_Set<Name_Component> Name;
/// Separator for components in a name
/// Convert a @a name to a @c string
static ACE_TString make_string (const Name &name);
/// Convert a @a string to a @c name
static Name make_name (const ACE_TString &string);
/// There are two types of bindings
enum Binding_Type {INVALID, OBJECT, CONTEXT};
struct ACE_Export Binding
/// Empty (default) constructor
Binding (void);
/// Constructor
/// (Name version)
Binding (const Name &binding_name,
Binding_Type binding_type);
/// Constructor
/// (String version)
Binding (const ACE_TString &binding_name,
Binding_Type binding_type);
bool operator== (const Binding &rhs) const;
bool operator!= (const Binding &rhs) const;
// Comparison
/// Name accessor
/// (Name version)
void name (Name &name);
/// Set Name (String version)
void name (ACE_TString &name);
/// Get Name (String version)
ACE_TString name (void);
/// Type accessor
Binding_Type type (void);
/// A binding has a name
ACE_TString name_;
/// .... and a type
Binding_Type type_;
/// A list of bindings
typedef ACE_Unbounded_Set<Binding> Binding_List;
// Forward declaration of iterator
class Binding_Iterator;
* @class Object
* @brief An object representation
* In CORBA, all objects inherit from (CORBA::Object).
* For the registry, this is used as a wrapper for an
* instance of a built-in data type.
* Think about an object as being similar to a file
* in a file system.
class ACE_Export Object
/// Default constructor
Object (void *data = 0,
u_long size = 0,
u_long type = REG_NONE);
/// Set data
void data (void *data);
/// Get data
void *data (void) const;
/// Set size
void size (u_long size);
/// Get size
u_long size (void) const;
/// Set type
void type (u_long type);
/// Get type
u_long type (void) const;
/// Pointer to data
void *data_;
/// Size of the data
u_long size_;
/// Type of data
u_long type_;
* @class Naming_Context
* @brief An context representation
* Think about a context as being similar to a directory
* in a file system.
class ACE_Export Naming_Context
/// Friend factory
friend class ACE_Predefined_Naming_Contexts;
enum {
/// Max sizes of names
/// (Not too sure about this value)
/// Max size of context name
/// Empty constructor: keys will be NULL
Naming_Context (void);
/// Constructor: key_ will be set to @a key
Naming_Context (const HKEY &key);
/// Destructor will call <Naming_Context::close>.
~Naming_Context (void);
// The following interfaces are for objects
* Insert @a object with @a name into @c this context.
* This will fail if @a name already exists
* (Name version)
int bind_new (const Name &name,
const Object &object);
* Insert @a object with @a name into @c this context
* This will fail if @a name already exists
* (String version)
int bind_new (const ACE_TString &name,
const Object &object);
* Insert or update @a object with @a name into @c this context
* This will not fail if @a name already exists
* (Name version)
int bind (const Name &name,
const Object &object);
* Insert or update <object> with @a name into @c this context
* This will not fail if @a name already exists
* (String version)
int bind (const ACE_TString &name,
const Object &object);
/// Update <object> with @a name in @c this context
/// (Name version)
int rebind (const Name &name,
const Object &object);
/// Update <object> with @a name in @c this context
int rebind (const ACE_TString &name,
const Object &object);
/// Find <object> with @a name in @c this context
/// (Name version)
int resolve (const Name &name,
Object &object);
/// Find <object> with @a name in @c this context
int resolve (const ACE_TString &name,
Object &object);
/// Delete object with @a name in @c this context
/// (Name version)
int unbind (const Name &name);
/// Delete object with @a name in @c this context
int unbind (const ACE_TString &name);
// The following interfaces are for Naming Context
/// Create new @c naming_context
int new_context (Naming_Context &naming_context);
* Insert <naming_context> with @a name relative to @c this context
* This will fail if @a name already exists
* (Name version)
int bind_new_context (const Name &name,
Naming_Context &naming_context,
u_long persistence = REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
u_long security_access = KEY_ALL_ACCESS,
LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES security_attributes = 0);
/// Insert <naming_context> with @a name relative to @c this context
/// This will fail if @a name already exists
int bind_new_context (const ACE_TString &name,
Naming_Context &naming_context,
u_long persistence = REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
u_long security_access = KEY_ALL_ACCESS,
LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES security_attributes = 0);
* Insert or update <naming_context> with @a name relative to @c this context
* This will not fail if @a name already exists
* (Name version)
int bind_context (const Name &name,
/* const */ Naming_Context &naming_context,
u_long persistence = REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
u_long security_access = KEY_ALL_ACCESS,
LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES security_attributes = 0);
/// Insert or update <naming_context> with @a name relative to @c this context
/// This will not fail if @a name already exists
int bind_context (const ACE_TString &name,
/* const */ Naming_Context &naming_context,
u_long persistence = REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
u_long security_access = KEY_ALL_ACCESS,
LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES security_attributes = 0);
/// Rename <naming_context> to @a name
/// (Name version)
int rebind_context (const Name &name,
/* const */ Naming_Context &naming_context);
/// Rename <naming_context> to @a name
int rebind_context (const ACE_TString &name,
/* const */ Naming_Context &naming_context);
/// Find <naming_context> with @a name in @c this context
/// (Name version)
int resolve_context (const Name &name,
Naming_Context &naming_context,
u_long security_access = KEY_ALL_ACCESS);
/// Find <naming_context> with @a name in @c this context
int resolve_context (const ACE_TString &name,
Naming_Context &naming_context,
u_long security_access = KEY_ALL_ACCESS);
/// Remove naming_context with @a name from @c this context
/// (Name version)
int unbind_context (const Name &name);
/// Remove naming_context with @a name from @c this context
int unbind_context (const ACE_TString &name);
/// Same as <unbind_context> with @c this as naming_context
int destroy (void);
* listing function: iterator creator
* This is useful when there are many objects and contexts
* in @c this context and you only want to look at a few entries
* at a time
int list (u_long how_many,
Binding_List &list,
Binding_Iterator &iterator);
/// listing function: iterator creator
/// This gives back a listing of all entries in @c this context.
int list (Binding_List &list);
// Some other necessary functions which are
// not part of the CORBA interface
/// Sync content of context to disk
int flush (void);
/// Close the handle of the context
/// @note <close> does not call <flush>
int close (void);
// Accessors
/// Get key
HKEY key (void);
// void parent (HKEY parent);
/// Get parent
HKEY parent (void);
/// Get name
/// (Name version)
void name (Name &name);
/// Set name (String version)
void name (ACE_TString &name);
/// Get name (String version)
ACE_TString name (void);
/// Set key
void key (HKEY key);
/// Set parent
void parent (HKEY parent);
/// Set name
/// (Name version)
void name (const Name &name);
/// Set name
/// (String version)
void name (const ACE_TString &name);
/// Disallow copy constructors
Naming_Context (const Naming_Context &rhs);
/// Disallow assignment
const Naming_Context &operator= (const Naming_Context &rhs);
/// Key for self
HKEY key_;
/// Key for parent
HKEY parent_key_;
/// Name of self
ACE_TString name_;
* @class Binding_Iterator
* @brief An iterator
* Useful when iteratorating over a few entries at a time
class ACE_Export Binding_Iterator
/// Friend factory
friend class Naming_Context;
/// Default constructor
Binding_Iterator (void);
/// Next entry
int next_one (Binding &binding);
/// Next <how_many> entries
int next_n (u_long how_many,
Binding_List &list);
/// Cleanup
int destroy (void);
/// Reset the internal state of the iterator
void reset (void);
/// Get naming_context that the iterator is iterating over
Naming_Context &naming_context (void);
/// Set naming_context that the iterator is iterating over
void naming_context (Naming_Context& naming_context);
/// Reference to context
Naming_Context *naming_context_;
// This should really be private
// But the compiler is broken
* @class Iteration_State
* Base class for state
class ACE_Export Iteration_State
/// Constructor
Iteration_State (void);
/// Destructor
virtual ~Iteration_State (void);
/// Set the iterator reference.
void iterator (Binding_Iterator *iterator);
/// Next <how_many> entries
virtual int next_n (u_long how_many,
Binding_List &list) = 0;
/// Reset state
void reset (void);
/// Pointer to parent iterator
Binding_Iterator *parent_;
u_long index_;
class ACE_Export Object_Iteration : public Iteration_State
/// Next <how_many> entries
int next_n (u_long how_many,
Binding_List &list);
class ACE_Export Context_Iteration : public Iteration_State
/// Next @a how_many entries
int next_n (u_long how_many,
Binding_List &list);
class ACE_Export Iteration_Complete : public Iteration_State
/// Next @a how_many entries
int next_n (u_long how_many,
Binding_List &list);
/// Friend states
friend class Iteration_State;
friend class Object_Iteration;
friend class Context_Iteration;
friend class Iteration_Complete;
/// Instances of all states
Object_Iteration object_iteration_;
Context_Iteration context_iteration_;
Iteration_Complete iteration_complete_;
/// Pointer to current state
Iteration_State *current_enumeration_;
/// Set current_enumeration
void current_enumeration (Iteration_State& current_enumeration);
/// Get current_enumeration
Iteration_State &current_enumeration (void);
* @class ACE_Predefined_Naming_Contexts
* @brief A factory for predefined registries, which exist by default
* on Win32 platforms
* This factory can connect to both local and remote
* predefined registries.
class ACE_Export ACE_Predefined_Naming_Contexts
* Factory method for connecting to predefined registries. This
* method works for both remote and local machines. However, for
* remote machines, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and HKEY_CURRENT_USER types
* are not allowed
static int connect (ACE_Registry::Naming_Context &naming_context,
const ACE_TCHAR *machine_name = 0);
/// Check if @a machine_name is the local host
static int is_local_host (const ACE_TCHAR *machine_name);
#endif /* ACE_WIN32 && !ACE_LACKS_WIN32_REGISTRY */
#include /**/ "ace/post.h"
#endif /* ACE_REGISTRY_H */