/** @file Image4uint8.cpp @maintainer Morgan McGuire, http://graphics.cs.williams.edu @created 2007-01-31 @edited 2008-07-31 */ #include "G3D/Image4uint8.h" #include "G3D/Image4.h" #include "G3D/Image3uint8.h" #include "G3D/Image3.h" #include "G3D/GImage.h" #include "G3D/Color1.h" #include "G3D/Color1uint8.h" #include "G3D/Color4.h" #include "G3D/Color4uint8.h" #include "G3D/ImageFormat.h" namespace G3D { Image4uint8::Image4uint8(int w, int h, WrapMode wrap) : Map2D<Color4uint8, Color4>(w, h, wrap) { setAll(Color4::zero()); } Image4uint8::Ref Image4uint8::fromGImage(const GImage& im, WrapMode wrap) { switch (im.channels()) { case 1: return fromArray(im.pixel1(), im.width(), im.height(), wrap); case 3: return fromArray(im.pixel3(), im.width(), im.height(), wrap); case 4: return fromArray(im.pixel4(), im.width(), im.height(), wrap); default: debugAssertM(false, "Input GImage must have 1, 3, or 4 channels."); return NULL; } } Image4uint8::Ref Image4uint8::fromImage4(const ReferenceCountedPointer<Image4>& im) { Ref out = createEmpty(static_cast<WrapMode>(im->wrapMode())); out->copyArray(im->getCArray(), im->width(), im->height()); return out; } Image4uint8::Ref Image4uint8::createEmpty(int width, int height, WrapMode wrap) { return new Type(width, height, wrap); } Image4uint8::Ref Image4uint8::createEmpty(WrapMode wrap) { return createEmpty(0, 0, wrap); } Image4uint8::Ref Image4uint8::fromFile(const std::string& filename, WrapMode wrap, GImage::Format fmt) { Ref out = createEmpty(wrap); out->load(filename, fmt); return out; } Image4uint8::Ref Image4uint8::fromArray(const class Color3uint8* ptr, int w, int h, WrapMode wrap) { Ref out = createEmpty(wrap); out->copyArray(ptr, w, h); return out; } Image4uint8::Ref Image4uint8::fromArray(const class Color1* ptr, int w, int h, WrapMode wrap) { Ref out = createEmpty(wrap); out->copyArray(ptr, w, h); return out; } Image4uint8::Ref Image4uint8::fromArray(const class Color1uint8* ptr, int w, int h, WrapMode wrap) { Ref out = createEmpty(wrap); out->copyArray(ptr, w, h); return out; } Image4uint8::Ref Image4uint8::fromArray(const class Color3* ptr, int w, int h, WrapMode wrap) { Ref out = createEmpty(wrap); out->copyArray(ptr, w, h); return out; } Image4uint8::Ref Image4uint8::fromArray(const class Color4uint8* ptr, int w, int h, WrapMode wrap) { Ref out = createEmpty(wrap); out->copyArray(ptr, w, h); return out; } Image4uint8::Ref Image4uint8::fromArray(const class Color4* ptr, int w, int h, WrapMode wrap) { Ref out = createEmpty(wrap); out->copyArray(ptr, w, h); return out; } void Image4uint8::load(const std::string& filename, GImage::Format fmt) { copyGImage(GImage(filename, fmt)); setChanged(true); } void Image4uint8::copyGImage(const GImage& im) { switch (im.channels()) { case 1: copyArray(im.pixel1(), im.width(), im.height()); break; case 3: copyArray(im.pixel3(), im.width(), im.height()); break; case 4: copyArray(im.pixel4(), im.width(), im.height()); break; } } void Image4uint8::copyArray(const Color1uint8* src, int w, int h) { resize(w, h); int N = w * h; Color4uint8* dst = getCArray(); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { dst[i].r = dst[i].g = dst[i].b = src[i].value; dst[i].a = 255; } } void Image4uint8::copyArray(const Color1* src, int w, int h) { resize(w, h); int N = w * h; Color4uint8* dst = getCArray(); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { dst[i].r = dst[i].g = dst[i].b = Color1uint8(src[i]).value; dst[i].a = 255; } } void Image4uint8::copyArray(const Color4uint8* ptr, int w, int h) { resize(w, h); System::memcpy(getCArray(), ptr, w * h * 4); } void Image4uint8::copyArray(const Color4* src, int w, int h) { resize(w, h); int N = w * h; Color4uint8* dst = getCArray(); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { dst[i] = Color4uint8(src[i]); } } void Image4uint8::copyArray(const Color3uint8* ptr, int w, int h) { resize(w, h); GImage::RGBtoRGBA((const uint8*)ptr, (uint8*)getCArray(), w * h); } void Image4uint8::copyArray(const Color3* src, int w, int h) { resize(w, h); int N = w * h; Color4uint8* dst = getCArray(); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { dst[i] = Color4uint8(Color4(src[i], 1.0f)); } } /** Saves in any of the formats supported by G3D::GImage. */ void Image4uint8::save(const std::string& filename, GImage::Format fmt) { GImage im(width(), height(), 4); System::memcpy(im.byte(), getCArray(), width() * height() * 4); im.save(filename, fmt); } ReferenceCountedPointer<class Image1uint8> Image4uint8::getChannel(int c) const { debugAssert(c >= 0 && c <= 3); Image1uint8Ref dst = Image1uint8::createEmpty(width(), height(), wrapMode()); const Color4uint8* srcArray = getCArray(); Color1uint8* dstArray = dst->getCArray(); const int N = width() * height(); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { dstArray[i] = Color1uint8(srcArray[i][c]); } return dst; } const ImageFormat* Image4uint8::format() const { return ImageFormat::RGBA8(); } } // G3D