-- disable map 1669 Argus -- disable map 1712 Antorus the Burning Throne -- disable map 1753 Seat of the Triumvirate DELETE FROM disables WHERE sourceType = 2 AND entry IN (1669, 1712, 1753); INSERT INTO disables (`sourceType`, `entry`, `comment`) VALUES (2, 1669, '7.3 content - Argus'), (2, 1712, '7.3 content - Antorus the Burning Throne'), (2, 1753, '7.3 content - Seat of the Triumvirate'); -- disable quest 47221/47835/48506/48507 The Hand of Fate (starting quest of 7.3 content) -- disable quest 47867/47222 Two If By Sea (followup quest from: The Hand of Fate) -- disable quest 47223 Light's Exodus (here Alliance/Horde converges, block just to be sure) -- disable quest 48639/48642 Emissary quests from Army of the Light and Argussian Reach (7.3 factions) DELETE FROM disables WHERE sourceType = 1 AND entry IN (47221, 47835, 48506, 48507, 47867, 47222, 47223, 48639, 48642); INSERT INTO disables (`sourceType`, `entry`, `comment`) VALUES (1, 47221, '7.3 content - The Hand of Fate'), (1, 47835, '7.3 content - The Hand of Fate'), (1, 48506, '7.3 content - The Hand of Fate'), (1, 48507, '7.3 content - The Hand of Fate'), (1, 47867, '7.3 content - Two If By Sea'), (1, 47222, '7.3 content - Two If By Sea'), (1, 47223, '7.3 content - Lights Exodus'), (1, 48639, '7.3 content - Army of the Light Emissary quest'), (1, 48642, '7.3 content - Argussian Reach Emissary quest'); -- disable Invasaion Point Argus Events UPDATE game_event SET start_time = '2035-07-04 17:00:00' WHERE eventEntry IN(180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191); -- set the minimum item level to 0 (scaling with current gear) for pvp world quests and dungeon world quests UPDATE world_quest_template SET MinItemLevel = 0 WHERE ZoneId = 0 AND QuestInfoId IN (113, 137);