/** @file BinaryFormat.h @maintainer Morgan McGuire, http://graphics.cs.williams.edu @author 2005-06-03 @edited 2005-06-03 Copyright 2000-2005, Morgan McGuire. All rights reserved. */ #ifndef G3D_BINARYFORMAT_H #define G3D_BINARYFORMAT_H #include "G3D/platform.h" #include "G3D/g3dmath.h" namespace G3D { class Vector2; class Vector2int16; class Vector3; class Vector3int16; class Vector4; class Vector4int16; class Color3; class Color3uint8; class Color4; class Color4uint8; /** Some values like float16 and int128 have no current CPU data structure that implements them but are useful for file formats and for GPUs. CHUNK_BINFMT data follows the protocol. */ // Must be packed int 16 bits for the chunk reader // We can't name these just "INT8" etc. because some libraries #define names like that enum BinaryFormat { FIRST_BINFMT = 1000, BOOL8_BINFMT, UINT8_BINFMT, INT8_BINFMT, UINT16_BINFMT, INT16_BINFMT, UINT32_BINFMT, INT32_BINFMT, UINT64_BINFMT, INT64_BINFMT, UINT128_BINFMT, INT128_BINFMT, FLOAT16_BINFMT, FLOAT32_BINFMT, FLOAT64_BINFMT, VECTOR2_BINFMT, VECTOR2INT16_BINFMT, VECTOR3_BINFMT, VECTOR3INT16_BINFMT, VECTOR4_BINFMT, VECTOR4INT16_BINFMT, COLOR3_BINFMT, COLOR3UINT8_BINFMT, COLOR3INT16_BINFMT, COLOR4_BINFMT, COLOR4UINT8_BINFMT, COLOR4INT16_BINFMT, STRING_BINFMT, STRINGEVEN_BINFMT, STRING8_BINFMT, STRING16_BINFMT, STRING32_BINFMT, CHUNK_BINFMT, CUSTOM_BINFMT, LAST_BINFMT }; } /** A macro that maps G3D types to format constants. (e.g. binaryFormatOf(Vector3) == VECTOR3_BINFMT). */ // This implementation is designed to meet the following constraints: // 1. Work around the many MSVC++ partial template bugs // 2. Work for primitive types (e.g. int) #define binaryFormatOf(T) (G3D::_internal::_BinaryFormat::x()) namespace G3D { namespace _internal { template class _BinaryFormat { public: static BinaryFormat x() { return CUSTOM_BINFMT; } }; }} /** Macro to declare the underlying format (as will be returned by glFormatOf) of a type. For example,
Use this so you can make vertex arrays of your own classes and not just the standard ones. */ #define DECLARE_BINARYFORMATOF(CType, EnumType) \ namespace G3D { \ namespace _internal { \ template<> class _BinaryFormat { \ public: \ static BinaryFormat x() { \ return EnumType; \ } \ }; \ } \ } DECLARE_BINARYFORMATOF( bool, BOOL8_BINFMT ) DECLARE_BINARYFORMATOF( uint8, UINT8_BINFMT ) DECLARE_BINARYFORMATOF( int8, INT8_BINFMT ) DECLARE_BINARYFORMATOF( uint16, UINT16_BINFMT ) DECLARE_BINARYFORMATOF( int16, INT16_BINFMT ) DECLARE_BINARYFORMATOF( uint32, UINT32_BINFMT ) DECLARE_BINARYFORMATOF( int32, INT32_BINFMT ) DECLARE_BINARYFORMATOF( uint64, UINT64_BINFMT ) DECLARE_BINARYFORMATOF( int64, INT64_BINFMT ) DECLARE_BINARYFORMATOF( float32, FLOAT32_BINFMT ) DECLARE_BINARYFORMATOF( float64, FLOAT64_BINFMT ) DECLARE_BINARYFORMATOF( Vector2, VECTOR2_BINFMT ) DECLARE_BINARYFORMATOF( Vector2int16, VECTOR2INT16_BINFMT ) DECLARE_BINARYFORMATOF( Vector3, VECTOR3_BINFMT ) DECLARE_BINARYFORMATOF( Vector3int16, VECTOR3INT16_BINFMT ) DECLARE_BINARYFORMATOF( Vector4, VECTOR4_BINFMT ) DECLARE_BINARYFORMATOF( Vector4int16, VECTOR4INT16_BINFMT ) DECLARE_BINARYFORMATOF( Color3, COLOR3_BINFMT ) DECLARE_BINARYFORMATOF( Color3uint8, COLOR3UINT8_BINFMT ) DECLARE_BINARYFORMATOF( Color4, COLOR4_BINFMT ) DECLARE_BINARYFORMATOF( Color4uint8, COLOR4UINT8_BINFMT ) namespace G3D { /** Returns -1 if the format is custom, otherwise the byte size of a single element in this format.*/ int32 byteSize(BinaryFormat f); } //G3D #endif