/** @file Stopwatch.h @maintainer Morgan McGuire, http://graphics.cs.williams.edu @created 2005-10-05 @edited 2009-05-10 Copyright 2000-2009, Morgan McGuire. All rights reserved. */ #ifndef G3D_Stopwatch_h #define G3D_Stopwatch_h #include "G3D/platform.h" #include "G3D/Queue.h" #include "G3D/G3DGameUnits.h" #include "G3D/g3dmath.h" namespace G3D { /** \brief Accurately measure durations and framerates. Example 1: For profiling code in the context of a rendering loop:
      ...timed code...

      screenPrintf("%f\n", sw.smoothFPS());
Example 2: For profiling pieces of a sequence:
    Stopwatch sw;
    sw.after("Balance tree");
*/ class Stopwatch { private: std::string myName; bool m_enabled; double startTime; std::string prevMark; double prevTime; /** True between tick and tock */ bool inBetween; /** The initial cycle count. */ uint64 cycleStart; /** The time at which tick was called. */ RealTime timeStart; /** The time at which the previous tock was called, -1 if never. */ RealTime lastTockTime; RealTime lastDuration; int64 lastCycleCount; /** Frames per second. */ double m_fps; /** Weighted fps */ double emwaFPS; double m_smoothFPS; /** Weighted duration */ RealTime emwaDuration; /** The overhead for calling into the class. */ int64 cycleOverhead; /** Called from the constructor. */ void computeOverhead(); public: Stopwatch(const std::string& name = "Stopwatch"); void setEnabled(bool e) { m_enabled = e; } /** A stopwatch only prints output when enabled */ bool enabled() const { return m_enabled; } /** Returns the number of times that tick was called per wall-clock second; e.g. frames-per-second. */ double FPS() const { return m_fps; } /** Amount of time between the most recent tick and tock calls. 0 if tick has never been called. */ RealTime elapsedTime() const { return lastDuration; } /** Time-smoothed value that is stable to the nearest 1%. This is useful if you are displaying elapsed time in real-time and want a stable number.*/ RealTime smoothElapsedTime() const { return emwaDuration; } /** Time-smoothed value of fps that is stable to the nearest integer for fps > 10 and to the first decimal place for fps <= 10. This is useful if you are displaying the frame rate in real-time and want a stable (readable) number.*/ double smoothFPS() const { return m_smoothFPS; } /** The elapsed cycle time between tick and tock. An attempt is made to factor out all tick/tock overhead, so that back-to-back calls should return zero. Unreliable on non-x86 platforms.*/ uint64 elapsedCycles() const { return lastCycleCount; } /** Call at the beginning of the period that you want timed. */ void tick(); /** Call at the end of the period that you want timed. */ void tock(); /** Reset the start time used by after() and the emwa value.*/ void reset(); /** Call after an operation has completed, with the name of the operation, to print a debug message listing the time since the previous after() call. Does nothing if the stopwatch is disabled. */ void after(const std::string& s = ""); }; /** Because it is hard to remember the proper capitalization. */ typedef Stopwatch StopWatch; } #endif