2023-11-05 15:26:19 -05:00

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\file Array.h
\maintainer Morgan McGuire, graphics3d.com
\cite Portions written by Aaron Orenstein, a@orenstein.name
\created 2001-03-11
\edited 2013-01-28
Copyright 2000-2012, Morgan McGuire, http://graphics.cs.williams.edu
All rights reserved.
#ifndef G3D_Array_h
#define G3D_Array_h
#include "G3D/platform.h"
#include "G3D/debug.h"
#include "G3D/MemoryManager.h"
#include "G3D/System.h"
#ifdef G3D_DEBUG
// For formatting error messages
# include "G3D/format.h"
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# include <new>
# pragma warning (push)
// debug information too long
# pragma warning( disable : 4312)
# pragma warning( disable : 4786)
namespace G3D {
Constant for passing to Array::resize
/** Constant for Array::sort */
const int SORT_INCREASING = 1;
/** Constant for Array::sort */
const int SORT_DECREASING = -1;
\brief Dynamic 1D array tuned for performance.
Objects must have a default constructor (constructor that
takes no arguments) in order to be used with this template.
You will get the error "no appropriate default constructor found"
if they do not.
Do not use with objects that overload placement <code>operator new</code>,
since the speed of Array is partly due to pooled allocation.
Array is highly optimized compared to std::vector.
Array operations are less expensive than on std::vector and for large
amounts of data, Array consumes only 1.5x the total size of the
data, while std::vector consumes 2.0x. The default
array takes up zero heap space. The first resize (or append)
operation grows it to a reasonable internal size so it is efficient
to append to small arrays.
Then Array needs to copy
data internally on a resize operation it correctly invokes copy
constructors of the elements (the MSVC6 implementation of
std::vector uses realloc, which can create memory leaks for classes
containing references and pointers). Array provides a guaranteed
safe way to access the underlying data as a flat C array --
Array::getCArray. Although (T*)std::vector::begin() can be used for
this purpose, it is not guaranteed to succeed on all platforms.
To serialize an array, see G3D::serialize.
The template parameter MIN_ELEMENTS indicates the smallest number of
elements that will be allocated. The default of 10 is designed to avoid
the overhead of repeatedly allocating the array as it grows from 1, to 2, and so on.
If you are creating a lot of small Arrays, however, you may want to set this smaller
to reduce the memory cost. Once the array has been allocated, it will never
deallocate the underlying array unless MIN_ELEMENTS is set to 0, MIN_BYTES is 0, and the array
is empty.
Do not subclass an Array.
\sa G3D::SmallArray
template <class T, size_t MIN_ELEMENTS = 10>
class Array {
/** Once the array has been allocated, it will never deallocate the underlying
array unless MIN_ELEMENTS is set to 0, MIN_BYTES is 0, and the array is empty. */
static const size_t MIN_BYTES = 32;
/** 0...num-1 are initialized elements, num...numAllocated-1 are not */
T* data;
size_t num;
size_t numAllocated;
MemoryManager::Ref m_memoryManager;
/** \param n Number of elements
void init(size_t n, const MemoryManager::Ref& m) {
m_memoryManager = m;
this->num = 0;
this->numAllocated = 0;
data = NULL;
if (n > 0) {
} else {
data = NULL;
void _copy(const Array &other) {
init(other.num, MemoryManager::create());
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
data[i] = other.data[i];
Returns true iff address points to an element of this array.
Used by append.
inline bool inArray(const T* address) {
return (address >= data) && (address < data + num);
/** Only compiled if you use the sort procedure. */
static bool __cdecl compareGT(const T& a, const T& b) {
return a > b;
Allocates a new array of size numAllocated (not a parameter to the method)
and then copies at most oldNum elements from the old array to it. Destructors are
called for oldNum elements of the old array.
void realloc(size_t oldNum) {
T* oldData = data;
// The allocation is separate from the constructor invocation because we don't want
// to pay for the cost of constructors until the newly allocated
// elements are actually revealed to the application. They
// will be constructed in the resize() method.
data = (T*)m_memoryManager->alloc(sizeof(T) * numAllocated);
alwaysAssertM(data, "Memory manager returned NULL: out of memory?");
// Call the copy constructors
{const size_t N = G3D::min(oldNum, numAllocated);
const T* end = data + N;
T* oldPtr = oldData;
for (T* ptr = data; ptr < end; ++ptr, ++oldPtr) {
// Use placement new to invoke the constructor at the location
// that we determined. Use the copy constructor to make the assignment.
const T* constructed = new (ptr) T(*oldPtr);
debugAssertM(constructed == ptr,
"new returned a different address than the one provided by Array.");
// Call destructors on the old array (if there is no destructor, this will compile away)
{const T* end = oldData + oldNum;
for (T* ptr = oldData; ptr < end; ++ptr) {
Assignment operator. Will be private in a future release because this is slow and can be invoked by accident by novice C++ programmers.
If you really want to copy an Array, use the explicit copy constructor.
Array& operator=(const Array& other) {
for (int i = 0; i < (int)num; ++i) {
data[i] = other[i];
return *this;
Array& operator=(const std::vector<T>& other) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
data[i] = other[i];
return *this;
G3D C++ STL style iterator variable. Call begin() to get
the first iterator, pre-increment (++i) the iterator to get to
the next value. Use dereference (*i) to access the element.
typedef T* Iterator;
/** G3D C++ STL style const iterator in same style as Iterator. */
typedef const T* ConstIterator;
/** stl porting compatibility helper */
typedef Iterator iterator;
/** stl porting compatibility helper */
typedef ConstIterator const_iterator;
/** stl porting compatibility helper */
typedef T value_type;
/** stl porting compatibility helper */
typedef int size_type;
/** stl porting compatibility helper */
typedef int difference_type;
C++ STL style iterator method. Returns the first iterator element.
Do not change the size of the array while iterating.
Iterator begin() {
return data;
ConstIterator begin() const {
return data;
C++ STL style iterator method. Returns one after the last valid iterator
ConstIterator end() const {
return data + num;
Iterator end() {
return data + num;
The array returned is only valid until the next append() or resize call, or
the Array is deallocated.
T* getCArray() {
return data;
/** Exchanges all data between the two arrays, which are required to have a common MemoryManager.
This is a convenient
way to avoid large array copies when handing off data without involving reference counting
or manual memory management. Beware that pointers or references into the arrays will
access memory in the <i>other</i> array after the swap. */
static void swap(Array<T, MIN_ELEMENTS>& a, Array<T, MIN_ELEMENTS>& b) {
alwaysAssertM(a.memoryManager() == b.memoryManager(), "The arrays are required to have the same memory manager");
std::swap(a.data, b.data);
std::swap(a.num, b.num);
std::swap(a.numAllocated, b.numAllocated);
The array returned is only valid until the next append() or resize call, or
the Array is deallocated.
const T* getCArray() const {
return data;
/** Creates a zero length array (no heap allocation occurs until resize). */
Array() : num(0) {
init(0, MemoryManager::create());
/** Creates an array containing v0. */
explicit Array(const T& v0) {
init(1, MemoryManager::create());
(*this)[0] = v0;
/** Creates an array containing v0 and v1. */
Array(const T& v0, const T& v1) {
init(2, MemoryManager::create());
(*this)[0] = v0;
(*this)[1] = v1;
/** Creates an array containing v0...v2. */
Array(const T& v0, const T& v1, const T& v2) {
init(3, MemoryManager::create());
(*this)[0] = v0;
(*this)[1] = v1;
(*this)[2] = v2;
/** Creates an array containing v0...v3. */
Array(const T& v0, const T& v1, const T& v2, const T& v3) {
init(4, MemoryManager::create());
(*this)[0] = v0;
(*this)[1] = v1;
(*this)[2] = v2;
(*this)[3] = v3;
/** Creates an array containing v0...v4. */
Array(const T& v0, const T& v1, const T& v2, const T& v3, const T& v4) {
init(5, MemoryManager::create());
(*this)[0] = v0;
(*this)[1] = v1;
(*this)[2] = v2;
(*this)[3] = v3;
(*this)[4] = v4;
Copy constructor. Copying arrays is slow...perhaps you want to pass a reference or a pointer instead?
//TODO: patch rest of the API to prevent returning Arrays by value, then make explicit
Array(const Array& other) : num(0) {
explicit Array(const std::vector<T>& other) : num(0), data(NULL) {
*this = other;
/* Sets this to hold the same contents as other, with num = numAllocated (no unused allocated space) */
void copyFrom(const Array<T>& other) {
/** Resizes this to match the size of \a other and then copies the data from other using memcpy. This is only safe for POD types */
void copyPOD(const Array<T>& other) {
if (numAllocated < other.num) {
data = NULL;
if (other.data) {
data = (T*)m_memoryManager->alloc(sizeof(T) * other.num);
numAllocated = other.num;
num = other.num;
if (other.data && (num > 0)) {
System::memcpy(data, other.data, sizeof(T) * num);
/** Resizes this to just barely match the size of \a other + itself and then copies the data to the end of the array from other using memcpy.
This is only safe for POD types */
void appendPOD(const Array<T>& other) {
const size_t oldSize = num;
num += other.num;
if (numAllocated < num) {
alwaysAssertM(other.data, "non-zero array with no allocated space");
T* old = data;
data = (T*)m_memoryManager->alloc(sizeof(T) * num);
System::memcpy(data, old, sizeof(T) * oldSize);
numAllocated = num;
if (other.data) {
System::memcpy((data + oldSize), other.data, sizeof(T) * other.num);
Destructor does not delete() the objects if T is a pointer type
(e.g. T = int*) instead, it deletes the <B>pointers themselves</B> and
leaves the objects. Call deleteAll if you want to dealocate
the objects referenced. Do not call deleteAll if <CODE>T</CODE> is not a pointer
type (e.g. do call Array<Foo*>::deleteAll, do <B>not</B> call Array<Foo>::deleteAll).
~Array() {
// Invoke the destructors on the elements
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
(data + i)->~T();
// Set to 0 in case this Array is global and gets referenced during app exit
data = NULL;
num = 0;
numAllocated = 0;
Removes all elements. Use resize(0, false) or fastClear if you want to
remove all elements without deallocating the underlying array
so that future append() calls will be faster.
void clear(bool shrink = true) {
resize(0, shrink);
void clearAndSetMemoryManager(const MemoryManager::Ref& m) {
debugAssert(data == NULL);
m_memoryManager = m;
/** resize(0, false)
void fastClear() {
inline MemoryManager::Ref memoryManager() const {
return m_memoryManager;
Number of elements in the array.
inline int size() const {
return (int)num;
Number of elements in the array. (Same as size; this is just
here for convenience).
inline int length() const {
return size();
Swaps element index with the last element in the array then
shrinks the array by one.
void fastRemove(int index, bool shrinkIfNecessary = false) {
debugAssert(index < (int)num);
data[index] = data[num - 1];
resize(size() - 1, shrinkIfNecessary);
Inserts at the specified index and shifts all other elements up by one.
void insert(int n, const T& value) {
// Add space for the extra element
resize(num + 1, false);
for (size_t i = (size_t)(num - 1); i > (size_t)n; --i) {
data[i] = data[i - 1];
data[n] = value;
/** Sets all elements currently in the array to \param value */
void setAll(const T& value) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
data[i] = value;
/** Resize this array to consume exactly the capacity required by its size.
\sa clear, resize, capacity, size
void trimToSize() {
if (size() != capacity()) {
size_t oldNum = numAllocated;
numAllocated = size();
/** @param shrinkIfNecessary if false, memory will never be
reallocated when the array shrinks. This makes resizing much
faster but can waste memory. Default = true.
\sa clear, trimToSize
void resize(size_t n, bool shrinkIfNecessary = true) {
alwaysAssertM(n < 0xFFFFFFFF, "This implementation does not support arrays with more than 2^32 elements, although the size in memory may be larger.");
if (num == n) {
size_t oldNum = num;
num = n;
// Call the destructors on newly hidden elements if there are any
for (size_t i = num; i < oldNum; ++i) {
(data + i)->~T();
// Once allocated, always maintain MIN_ELEMENTS elements or 32 bytes, whichever is higher.
const size_t minSize = G3D::max(MIN_ELEMENTS, (size_t)(MIN_BYTES / sizeof(T)));
if ((MIN_ELEMENTS == 0) && (MIN_BYTES == 0) && (n == 0) && shrinkIfNecessary) {
// Deallocate the array completely
numAllocated = 0;
data = NULL;
if (num > numAllocated) {
// Grow the underlying array
if (numAllocated == 0) {
// First allocation; grow to exactly the size requested to avoid wasting space.
numAllocated = n;
debugAssert(oldNum == 0);
} else {
if (num < minSize) {
// Grow to at least the minimum size
numAllocated = minSize;
} else {
// Increase the underlying size of the array. Grow aggressively
// up to 64k, less aggressively up to 400k, and then grow relatively
// slowly (1.5x per resize) to avoid excessive space consumption.
// These numbers are tweaked according to performance tests.
double growFactor = 3.0f;
size_t oldSizeBytes = numAllocated * sizeof(T);
if (oldSizeBytes > 10000000) {
// Conserve memory more tightly above 10 MB
growFactor = 1.2f;
} else if (oldSizeBytes > 400000) {
// Avoid bloat above 400k
growFactor = 1.5f;
} else if (oldSizeBytes > 64000) {
// This is what std:: uses at all times
growFactor = 2.0f;
numAllocated = (num - numAllocated) + (size_t)(numAllocated * growFactor);
if (numAllocated < minSize) {
numAllocated = minSize;
} else if ((num <= numAllocated / 3) && shrinkIfNecessary && (num > minSize)) {
// Shrink the underlying array
// Only copy over old elements that still remain after resizing
// (destructors were called for others if we're shrinking)
realloc(min(num, oldNum));
// Call the constructors on newly revealed elements.
// Do not use parens because we don't want the intializer
// invoked for POD types.
for (size_t i = oldNum; i < num; ++i) {
new (data + i) T;
Add an element to the end of the array. Will not shrink the underlying array
under any circumstances. It is safe to append an element that is already
in the array.
inline void append(const T& value) {
if (num < numAllocated) {
// This is a simple situation; just stick it in the next free slot using
// the copy constructor.
new (data + num) T(value);
} else if (inArray(&value)) {
// The value was in the original array; resizing
// is dangerous because it may move the value
// we have a reference to.
T tmp = value;
} else {
// Here we run the empty initializer where we don't have to, but
// this simplifies the computation.
data[num - 1] = value;
inline void append(const T& v1, const T& v2) {
if (inArray(&v1) || inArray(&v2)) {
// Copy into temporaries so that the references won't break when
// the array resizes.
T t1 = v1;
T t2 = v2;
append(t1, t2);
} else if (num + 1 < numAllocated) {
// This is a simple situation; just stick it in the next free slot using
// the copy constructor.
new (data + num) T(v1);
new (data + num + 1) T(v2);
num += 2;
} else {
// Resize the array. Note that neither value is already in the array.
data[num - 2] = v1;
data[num - 1] = v2;
inline void append(const T& v1, const T& v2, const T& v3) {
if (inArray(&v1) || inArray(&v2) || inArray(&v3)) {
T t1 = v1;
T t2 = v2;
T t3 = v3;
append(t1, t2, t3);
} else if (num + 2 < numAllocated) {
// This is a simple situation; just stick it in the next free slot using
// the copy constructor.
new (data + num) T(v1);
new (data + num + 1) T(v2);
new (data + num + 2) T(v3);
num += 3;
} else {
data[num - 3] = v1;
data[num - 2] = v2;
data[num - 1] = v3;
inline void append(const T& v1, const T& v2, const T& v3, const T& v4) {
if (inArray(&v1) || inArray(&v2) || inArray(&v3) || inArray(&v4)) {
T t1 = v1;
T t2 = v2;
T t3 = v3;
T t4 = v4;
append(t1, t2, t3, t4);
} else if (num + 3 < numAllocated) {
// This is a simple situation; just stick it in the next free slot using
// the copy constructor.
new (data + num) T(v1);
new (data + num + 1) T(v2);
new (data + num + 2) T(v3);
new (data + num + 3) T(v4);
num += 4;
} else {
data[num - 4] = v1;
data[num - 3] = v2;
data[num - 2] = v3;
data[num - 1] = v4;
void append(const T& v1, const T& v2, const T& v3, const T& v4, const T& v5) {
if (inArray(&v1) || inArray(&v2) || inArray(&v3) || inArray(&v4) || inArray(&v5)) {
T t1 = v1;
T t2 = v2;
T t3 = v3;
T t4 = v4;
T t5 = v5;
append(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5);
} else if (num + 4 < numAllocated) {
// This is a simple situation; just stick it in the next free slot using
// the copy constructor.
new (data + num) T(v1);
new (data + num + 1) T(v2);
new (data + num + 2) T(v3);
new (data + num + 3) T(v4);
new (data + num + 4) T(v5);
num += 5;
} else {
data[num - 5] = v1;
data[num - 4] = v2;
data[num - 3] = v3;
data[num - 2] = v4;
data[num - 1] = v5;
void append(const T& v1, const T& v2, const T& v3, const T& v4, const T& v5, const T& v6) {
if (inArray(&v1) || inArray(&v2) || inArray(&v3) || inArray(&v4) || inArray(&v5) || inArray(&v6)) {
T t1 = v1;
T t2 = v2;
T t3 = v3;
T t4 = v4;
T t5 = v5;
T t6 = v6;
append(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6);
} else if (num + 5 < numAllocated) {
// This is a simple situation; just stick it in the next free slot using
// the copy constructor.
new (data + num) T(v1);
new (data + num + 1) T(v2);
new (data + num + 2) T(v3);
new (data + num + 3) T(v4);
new (data + num + 4) T(v5);
new (data + num + 5) T(v6);
num += 6;
} else {
data[num - 6] = v1;
data[num - 5] = v2;
data[num - 4] = v3;
data[num - 3] = v4;
data[num - 2] = v5;
data[num - 1] = v6;
Returns true if the given element is in the array.
bool contains(const T& e) const {
for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) {
if ((*this)[i] == e) {
return true;
return false;
Append the elements of array. Cannot be called with this array
as an argument.
void append(const Array<T>& array) {
debugAssert(this != &array);
size_t oldNum = num;
size_t arrayLength = array.length();
resize(num + arrayLength, false);
for (size_t i = 0; i < arrayLength; ++i) {
data[oldNum + i] = array.data[i];
Pushes a new element onto the end and returns its address.
This is the same as A.resize(A.size() + 1, false); A.last()
inline T& next() {
resize(num + 1, false);
return last();
Pushes an element onto the end (appends)
inline void push(const T& value) {
inline void push(const Array<T>& array) {
/** Alias to provide std::vector compatibility */
inline void push_back(const T& v) {
/** "The member function removes the last element of the controlled sequence, which must be non-empty."
For compatibility with std::vector. */
inline void pop_back() {
"The member function returns the storage currently allocated to hold the controlled
sequence, a value at least as large as size()"
For compatibility with std::vector.
int capacity() const {
return (int)numAllocated;
"The member function returns a reference to the first element of the controlled sequence,
which must be non-empty."
For compatibility with std::vector.
T& front() {
return (*this)[0];
"The member function returns a reference to the first element of the controlled sequence,
which must be non-empty."
For compatibility with std::vector.
const T& front() const {
return (*this)[0];
"The member function returns a reference to the last element of the controlled sequence,
which must be non-empty."
For compatibility with std::vector.
T& back() {
return (*this)[size()-1];
"The member function returns a reference to the last element of the controlled sequence,
which must be non-empty."
For compatibility with std::vector.
const T& back() const {
return (*this)[size()-1];
Removes the last element and returns it. By default, shrinks the underlying array.
inline T pop(bool shrinkUnderlyingArrayIfNecessary = true) {
debugAssert(num > 0);
T temp = data[num - 1];
resize(num - 1, shrinkUnderlyingArrayIfNecessary);
return temp;
/** Pops the last element and discards it without returning anything. Faster than pop.
By default, does not shrink the underlying array.*/
inline void popDiscard(bool shrinkUnderlyingArrayIfNecessary = false) {
debugAssert(num > 0);
resize(num - 1, shrinkUnderlyingArrayIfNecessary);
"The member function swaps the controlled sequences between *this and str."
Note that this is slower than the optimal std implementation.
For compatibility with std::vector.
void swap(Array<T>& str) {
Array<T> temp = str;
str = *this;
*this = temp;
Performs bounds checks in debug mode
inline T& operator[](int n) {
debugAssertM((n >= 0) && (n < (int)num),
format("Array index out of bounds. n = %d, size() = %d", (int)n, (int)num));
return data[n];
inline T& operator[](uint32 n) {
debugAssertM(n < (uint32)num, format("Array index out of bounds. n = %d, size() = %d",
(int)n, (int)num));
return data[n];
inline T& operator[](uint64 n) {
debugAssertM(n < (uint64)num, format("Array index out of bounds. n = %d, size() = %d", (int)n, (int)num));
return data[n];
Performs bounds checks in debug mode
inline const T& operator[](int n) const {
debugAssert((n >= 0) && (n < (int)num));
debugAssert(data != NULL);
return data[n];
inline const T& operator[](uint32 n) const {
debugAssert((n < (uint32)num));
return data[n];
inline const T& operator[](uint64 n) const {
debugAssert((n < (uint64)num));
return data[n];
inline T& randomElement() {
debugAssert(num > 0);
return data[iRandom(0, (int)num - 1)];
inline const T& randomElement() const {
debugAssert(num > 0);
return data[iRandom(0, num - 1)];
Returns the last element, performing a check in
debug mode that there is at least one element.
inline const T& last() const {
debugAssert(num > 0);
return data[num - 1];
/** Returns element lastIndex() */
inline T& last() {
debugAssert(num > 0);
return data[num - 1];
/** Returns <i>size() - 1</i> */
inline int lastIndex() const {
debugAssertM(num > 0, "Array is empty");
return num - 1;
inline int firstIndex() const {
debugAssertM(num > 0, "Array is empty");
return 0;
/** Returns element firstIndex(), performing a check in debug mode to ensure that there is at least one */
inline T& first() {
debugAssertM(num > 0, "Array is empty");
return data[0];
inline const T& first() const {
debugAssertM(num > 0, "Array is empty");
return data[0];
/** Returns iFloor(size() / 2), throws an assertion in debug mode if the array is empty */
inline int middleIndex() const {
debugAssertM(num > 0, "Array is empty");
return num >> 1;
/** Returns element middleIndex() */
inline const T& middle() const {
debugAssertM(num > 0, "Array is empty");
return data[num >> 1];
/** Returns element middleIndex() */
inline T& middle() {
debugAssertM(num > 0, "Array is empty");
return data[num >> 1];
Calls delete on all objects[0...size-1]
and sets the size to zero.
void invokeDeleteOnAllElements() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
delete data[i];
/** \deprecated */
void G3D_DEPRECATED deleteAll() {
Returns the index of (the first occurance of) an index or -1 if
not found. Searches from the right.
int rfindIndex(const T& value) const {
for (int i = num -1 ; i >= 0; --i) {
if (data[i] == value) {
return i;
return -1;
Returns the index of (the first occurance of) an index or -1 if
not found.
int findIndex(const T& value) const {
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
if (data[i] == value) {
return (int)i;
return -1;
Finds an element and returns the iterator to it. If the element
isn't found then returns end().
Iterator find(const T& value) {
for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
if (data[i] == value) {
return data + i;
return end();
ConstIterator find(const T& value) const {
for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
if (data[i] == value) {
return data + i;
return end();
Removes count elements from the array
referenced either by index or Iterator.
void remove(Iterator element, int count = 1) {
debugAssert((element >= begin()) && (element < end()));
debugAssert((count > 0) && (element + count) <= end());
Iterator last = end() - count;
while(element < last) {
element[0] = element[count];
resize(num - count);
void remove(int index, int count = 1) {
debugAssert((index >= 0) && (index < (int)num));
debugAssert((count > 0) && (index + count <= (int)num));
remove(begin() + index, count);
Reverse the elements of the array in place.
void reverse() {
T temp;
size_t n2 = num / 2;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n2; ++i) {
temp = data[num - 1 - i];
data[num - 1 - i] = data[i];
data[i] = temp;
Sort using a specific less-than function, e.g.:
bool __cdecl myLT(const MyClass& elem1, const MyClass& elem2) {
return elem1.x < elem2.x;
Note that for pointer arrays, the <CODE>const</CODE> must come
<I>after</I> the class name, e.g., <CODE>Array<MyClass*></CODE> uses:
bool __cdecl myLT(MyClass*const& elem1, MyClass*const& elem2) {
return elem1->x < elem2->x;
or a functor, e.g.,
less_than_functor::operator()( const double& lhs, const double& rhs ) const
return( lhs < rhs? true : false );
// void sort(bool (__cdecl *lessThan)(const T& elem1, const T& elem2)) {
// std::sort(data, data + num, lessThan);
template<class LessThan>
void sort(const LessThan& lessThan) {
// Using std::sort, which according to http://www.open-std.org/JTC1/SC22/WG21/docs/D_4.cpp
// was 2x faster than qsort for arrays around size 2000 on intel core2 with gcc
std::sort(data, data + num, lessThan);
Sorts the array in increasing order using the > or < operator. To
invoke this method on Array<T>, T must override those operator.
You can overide these operators as follows:
bool T::operator>(const T& other) const {
return ...;
bool T::operator<(const T& other) const {
return ...;
void sort(int direction = SORT_INCREASING) {
if (direction == SORT_INCREASING) {
std::sort(data, data + num);
} else {
std::sort(data, data + num, compareGT);
Sorts elements beginIndex through and including endIndex.
void sortSubArray(int beginIndex, int endIndex, int direction = SORT_INCREASING) {
if (direction == SORT_INCREASING) {
std::sort(data + beginIndex, data + endIndex + 1);
} else {
std::sort(data + beginIndex, data + endIndex + 1, compareGT);
void sortSubArray(int beginIndex, int endIndex, bool (__cdecl *lessThan)(const T& elem1, const T& elem2)) {
std::sort(data + beginIndex, data + endIndex + 1, lessThan);
The StrictWeakOrdering can be either a class that overloads the function call operator() or
a function pointer of the form <code>bool (__cdecl *lessThan)(const T& elem1, const T& elem2)</code>
template<typename StrictWeakOrdering>
void sortSubArray(int beginIndex, int endIndex, StrictWeakOrdering& lessThan) {
std::sort(data + beginIndex, data + endIndex + 1, lessThan);
/** Uses < and == to evaluate operator(); this is the default comparator for Array::partition. */
class DefaultComparator {
inline int operator()(const T& A, const T& B) const {
if (A < B) {
return 1;
} else if (A == B) {
return 0;
} else {
return -1;
/** The output arrays are resized with fastClear() so that if they are already of the same size
as this array no memory is allocated during partitioning.
@param comparator A function, or class instance with an overloaded operator() that compares
two elements of type <code>T</code> and returns 0 if they are equal, -1 if the second is smaller,
and 1 if the first is smaller (i.e., following the conventions of std::string::compare). For example:
int compare(int A, int B) {
if (A < B) {
return 1;
} else if (A == B) {
return 0;
} else {
return -1;
template<typename Comparator>
void partition(
const T& partitionElement,
Array<T>& ltArray,
Array<T>& eqArray,
Array<T>& gtArray,
const Comparator& comparator) const {
// Make sure all arrays are independent
debugAssert(&ltArray != this);
debugAssert(&eqArray != this);
debugAssert(&gtArray != this);
debugAssert(&ltArray != &eqArray);
debugAssert(&ltArray != &gtArray);
debugAssert(&eqArray != &gtArray);
// Clear the arrays
// Form a table of buckets for lt, eq, and gt
Array<T>* bucket[3] = {&ltArray, &eqArray, &gtArray};
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
int c = comparator(partitionElement, data[i]);
debugAssertM(c >= -1 && c <= 1, "Comparator returned an illegal value.");
// Insert into the correct bucket, 0, 1, or 2
bucket[c + 1]->append(data[i]);
Uses < and == on elements to perform a partition. See partition().
void partition(
const T& partitionElement,
Array<T>& ltArray,
Array<T>& eqArray,
Array<T>& gtArray) const {
partition(partitionElement, ltArray, eqArray, gtArray, typename Array<T>::DefaultComparator());
Paritions the array into those below the median, those above the median, and those elements
equal to the median in expected O(n) time using quickselect. If the array has an even
number of different elements, the median for partition purposes is the largest value
less than the median.
@param tempArray used for working scratch space
@param comparator see parition() for a discussion.*/
template<typename Comparator>
void medianPartition(
Array<T>& ltMedian,
Array<T>& eqMedian,
Array<T>& gtMedian,
Array<T>& tempArray,
const Comparator& comparator) const {
// Handle trivial cases first
switch (size()) {
case 0:
// Array is empty; no parition is possible
case 1:
// One element
case 2:
// Two element array; median is the smaller
int c = comparator(first(), last());
switch (c) {
case -1:
// first was bigger
case 0:
// Both equal to the median
eqMedian.append(first(), last());
case 1:
// Last was bigger
// All other cases use a recursive randomized median
// Number of values less than all in the current arrays
int ltBoost = 0;
// Number of values greater than all in the current arrays
int gtBoost = 0;
// For even length arrays, force the gt array to be one larger than the
// lt array:
// [1 2 3] size = 3, choose half = (s + 1) /2
int lowerHalfSize, upperHalfSize;
if (isEven(size())) {
lowerHalfSize = size() / 2;
upperHalfSize = lowerHalfSize + 1;
} else {
lowerHalfSize = upperHalfSize = (size() + 1) / 2;
const T* xPtr = NULL;
// Maintain pointers to the arrays; we'll switch these around during sorting
// to avoid copies.
const Array<T>* source = this;
Array<T>* lt = &ltMedian;
Array<T>* eq = &eqMedian;
Array<T>* gt = &gtMedian;
Array<T>* extra = &tempArray;
while (true) {
// Choose a random element -- choose the middle element; this is theoretically
// suboptimal, but for loosly sorted array is actually the best strategy
xPtr = &(source->middle());
if (source->size() == 1) {
// Done; there's only one element left
const T& x = *xPtr;
// Note: partition (fast) clears the arrays for us
source->partition(x, *lt, *eq, *gt, comparator);
int L = lt->size() + ltBoost + eq->size();
int U = gt->size() + gtBoost + eq->size();
if ((L >= lowerHalfSize) &&
(U >= upperHalfSize)) {
// x must be the partition median
} else if (L < lowerHalfSize) {
// x must be smaller than the median. Recurse into the 'gt' array.
ltBoost += lt->size() + eq->size();
// The new gt array will be the old source array, unless
// that was the this pointer (i.e., unless we are on the
// first iteration)
Array<T>* newGt = (source == this) ? extra : const_cast<Array<T>*>(source);
// Now set up the gt array as the new source
source = gt;
gt = newGt;
} else {
// x must be bigger than the median. Recurse into the 'lt' array.
gtBoost += gt->size() + eq->size();
// The new lt array will be the old source array, unless
// that was the this pointer (i.e., unless we are on the
// first iteration)
Array<T>* newLt = (source == this) ? extra : const_cast<Array<T>*>(source);
// Now set up the lt array as the new source
source = lt;
lt = newLt;
// Now that we know the median, make a copy of it (since we're about to destroy the array that it
// points into).
T median = *xPtr;
xPtr = NULL;
// Partition the original array (note that this fast clears for us)
partition(median, ltMedian, eqMedian, gtMedian, comparator);
Computes a median partition using the default comparator and a dynamically allocated temporary
working array. If the median is not in the array, it is chosen to be the largest value smaller
than the true median.
void medianPartition(
Array<T>& ltMedian,
Array<T>& eqMedian,
Array<T>& gtMedian) const {
Array<T> temp;
medianPartition(ltMedian, eqMedian, gtMedian, temp, DefaultComparator());
/** Redistributes the elements so that the new order is statistically independent
of the original order. O(n) time.*/
void randomize() {
T temp;
for (int i = size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
int x = iRandom(0, i);
temp = data[i];
data[i] = data[x];
data[x] = temp;
/** Ensures that future append() calls can grow up to size \a n without allocating memory.*/
void reserve(int n) {
debugAssert(n >= size());
const int oldSize = size();
resize(oldSize, false);
/** Number of bytes used by the array object and the memory allocated for it's data pointer. Does *not*
* include the memory of objects pointed to by objects in the data array */
size_t sizeInMemory() const {
return sizeof(Array<T>) + (sizeof(T) * numAllocated);
/** Remove all NULL elements in linear time without affecting order of the other elements. */
void removeNulls() {
int nextNull = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) {
if (notNull(data[i])) {
if (i > nextNull) {
// Move value i down to squeeze out NULLs
data[nextNull] = data[i];
resize(nextNull, false);
/** Array::contains for C-arrays */
template<class T> bool contains(const T* array, int len, const T& e) {
for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (array[i] == e) {
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
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# pragma warning (pop)