2023-11-05 15:26:19 -05:00

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\file G3D/Vector2.h
2D vector class
\maintainer Morgan McGuire, http://graphics.cs.williams.edu
\created 2001-06-02
\edited 2011-11-30
Copyright 2000-2012, Morgan McGuire.
All rights reserved.
#ifndef G3D_Vector2_h
#define G3D_Vector2_h
#include <string>
#include "G3D/platform.h"
#include "G3D/g3dmath.h"
#include "G3D/Table.h"
#include "G3D/HashTrait.h"
#include "G3D/Vector2int16.h"
#include "G3D/Vector2unorm16.h"
#include "G3D/Random.h"
namespace G3D {
class Vector2;
class Vector3;
class Vector4;
class Vector2int32;
class Any;
Do not subclass-- this implementation makes assumptions about the
memory layout.
class Vector2 {
// Hidden operators
bool operator<(const Vector2&) const;
bool operator>(const Vector2&) const;
bool operator<=(const Vector2&) const;
bool operator>=(const Vector2&) const;
float x;
float y;
/** \param any Must either Vector2(#, #) or Vector2 {x = #, y = #}*/
Vector2(const Any& any);
/** Converts the Vector2 to an Any. */
Any toAny() const;
/** Creates the zero vector */
Vector2(class TextInput& t);
Vector2(class BinaryInput& b);
Vector2(float x, float y);
Vector2(float coordinate[2]);
Vector2(double coordinate[2]);
Vector2(const Vector2& other);
Vector2(const Vector2int16& other);
Vector2(const Vector2unorm16& other);
// explicit because of precision loss
explicit Vector2(const Vector2int32& other);
Vector2& operator=(const Any& a);
void serialize(class BinaryOutput& b) const;
void deserialize(class BinaryInput& b);
void serialize(class TextOutput& t) const;
void deserialize(class TextInput& t);
float& operator[](int i);
const float& operator[](int i) const;
// assignment and comparison
Vector2& operator=(const Vector2& other);
bool operator==(const Vector2& other) const;
bool operator!=(const Vector2& other) const;
size_t hashCode() const;
bool fuzzyEq(const Vector2& other) const;
bool fuzzyNe(const Vector2& other) const;
/** Returns true if this vector has finite length */
bool isFinite() const;
/** True if any field is NaN */
bool isNaN() const {
return G3D::isNaN(x) || G3D::isNaN(y);
/** Returns true if this vector has length == 0 */
bool isZero() const;
/** Returns true if this vector has length == 1 */
bool isUnit() const;
// arithmetic operations
Vector2 operator+(const Vector2& v) const;
Vector2 operator-(const Vector2& v) const;
Vector2 operator*(float s) const;
/** Raise each component of this vector to a power */
Vector2 pow(float p) const {
return Vector2(powf(x, p), powf(y, p));
/** Array (pointwise) multiplication */
Vector2 operator*(const Vector2& v) const;
/** Array division */
Vector2 operator/(const Vector2& v) const;
Vector2 operator/(float s) const;
/** Unary minus */
Vector2 operator-() const;
/** x + y */
inline float sum() const {
return x + y;
Linear interpolation
inline Vector2 lerp(const Vector2& v, float alpha) const {
return (*this) + (v - *this) * alpha;
inline Vector2 clamp(const Vector2& low, const Vector2& high) const {
return Vector2(
G3D::clamp(x, low.x, high.x),
G3D::clamp(y, low.y, high.y));
inline Vector2 clamp(float low, float high) const {
return Vector2(
(float)G3D::clamp(x, low, high),
(float)G3D::clamp(y, low, high));
// arithmetic updates
Vector2& operator+=(const Vector2&);
Vector2& operator-=(const Vector2&);
Vector2& operator*=(float);
Vector2& operator/=(float);
Vector2& operator*=(const Vector2&);
Vector2& operator/=(const Vector2&);
// vector operations
/** Magnitude of the vector */
float length() const;
Returns a unit-length version of this vector.
Returns nan if length is almost zero.
Vector2 direction() const;
/** Returns Vector2::zero() is magnitude is almost zero,
otherwise returns unit-length vector. */
Vector2 directionOrZero() const;
Potentially less accurate but faster than direction().
Only works if System::hasSSE is true.
Vector2 fastDirection() const {
return direction();
float squaredLength() const;
float dot(const Vector2& s) const;
/** Componentwise absolute value */
Vector2 abs() const {
return Vector2(fabs(x), fabs(y));
/** Component-wise minimum */
Vector2 min(const Vector2& v) const;
/** Component-wise maximum */
Vector2 max(const Vector2& v) const;
/** Component-wise argmax(abs(), v.abs()).
For the larger magnitude vector, simply use <code>(a.squaredMagnitude() > b.squaredMagnitude) ? a : b</code>.
\sa max
Vector2 maxAbs(const Vector2& v) const {
return Vector2(::fabsf(x) > ::fabsf(v.x) ? x : v.x, ::fabsf(y) > ::fabsf(v.y) ? y : v.y);
/** Component-wise argmin(abs(), v.abs()).
For the smaller magnitude vector, simply use <code>(a.squaredMagnitude() < b.squaredMagnitude) ? a : b</code>.
\sa max
Vector2 minAbs(const Vector2& v) const {
return Vector2(::fabsf(x) < ::fabsf(v.x) ? x : v.x, ::fabsf(y) < ::fabsf(v.y) ? y : v.y);
/** Uniformly distributed random vector on the unit sphere */
static Vector2 random(Random& r = Random::common());
// Special values.
// Intentionally not inlined: see Matrix3::identity() for details.
static const Vector2& zero();
static const Vector2& one();
static const Vector2& unitX();
static const Vector2& unitY();
static const Vector2& inf();
static const Vector2& nan();
/** smallest (most negative) representable vector */
static const Vector2& minFinite();
/** Largest representable vector */
static const Vector2& maxFinite();
std::string toString() const;
// 2-char swizzles
Vector2 xx() const;
Vector2 yx() const;
Vector2 xy() const;
Vector2 yy() const;
// 3-char swizzles
Vector3 xxx() const;
Vector3 yxx() const;
Vector3 xyx() const;
Vector3 yyx() const;
Vector3 xxy() const;
Vector3 yxy() const;
Vector3 xyy() const;
Vector3 yyy() const;
// 4-char swizzles
Vector4 xxxx() const;
Vector4 yxxx() const;
Vector4 xyxx() const;
Vector4 yyxx() const;
Vector4 xxyx() const;
Vector4 yxyx() const;
Vector4 xyyx() const;
Vector4 yyyx() const;
Vector4 xxxy() const;
Vector4 yxxy() const;
Vector4 xyxy() const;
Vector4 yyxy() const;
Vector4 xxyy() const;
Vector4 yxyy() const;
Vector4 xyyy() const;
Vector4 yyyy() const;
inline Vector2 operator*(double s, const Vector2& v) {
return v * (float)s;
inline Vector2 operator*(float s, const Vector2& v) {
return v * s;
inline Vector2 operator*(int s, const Vector2& v) {
return v * (float)s;
inline Vector2::Vector2 () : x(0.0f), y(0.0f) {
inline Vector2::Vector2(float _x, float _y) : x(_x), y(_y) {
inline Vector2::Vector2 (float afCoordinate[2]) {
x = afCoordinate[0];
y = afCoordinate[1];
inline Vector2::Vector2 (double afCoordinate[2]) {
x = (float)afCoordinate[0];
y = (float)afCoordinate[1];
inline Vector2::Vector2 (const Vector2& rkVector) {
x = rkVector.x;
y = rkVector.y;
inline Vector2::Vector2 (const Vector2int16& v) : x(v.x), y(v.y) {
inline Vector2::Vector2 (const Vector2unorm16& v) : x(float(v.x)), y(float(v.y)) {
inline float& Vector2::operator[] (int i) {
return ((float*)this)[i];
inline const float& Vector2::operator[] (int i) const {
return ((float*)this)[i];
inline Vector2& Vector2::operator= (const Vector2& rkVector) {
x = rkVector.x;
y = rkVector.y;
return *this;
inline bool Vector2::operator== (const Vector2& rkVector) const {
return ( x == rkVector.x && y == rkVector.y);
inline bool Vector2::operator!= (const Vector2& rkVector) const {
return ( x != rkVector.x || y != rkVector.y);
inline Vector2 Vector2::operator+ (const Vector2& rkVector) const {
return Vector2(x + rkVector.x, y + rkVector.y);
inline Vector2 Vector2::operator- (const Vector2& rkVector) const {
return Vector2(x - rkVector.x, y - rkVector.y);
inline Vector2 Vector2::operator* (float fScalar) const {
return Vector2(fScalar*x, fScalar*y);
inline Vector2 Vector2::operator- () const {
return Vector2( -x, -y);
inline Vector2& Vector2::operator+= (const Vector2& rkVector) {
x += rkVector.x;
y += rkVector.y;
return *this;
inline Vector2& Vector2::operator-= (const Vector2& rkVector) {
x -= rkVector.x;
y -= rkVector.y;
return *this;
inline Vector2& Vector2::operator*= (float fScalar) {
x *= fScalar;
y *= fScalar;
return *this;
inline Vector2& Vector2::operator*= (const Vector2& rkVector) {
x *= rkVector.x;
y *= rkVector.y;
return *this;
inline Vector2& Vector2::operator/= (const Vector2& rkVector) {
x /= rkVector.x;
y /= rkVector.y;
return *this;
inline Vector2 Vector2::operator* (const Vector2& rkVector) const {
return Vector2(x * rkVector.x, y * rkVector.y);
inline Vector2 Vector2::operator/ (const Vector2& rkVector) const {
return Vector2(x / rkVector.x, y / rkVector.y);
inline float Vector2::squaredLength () const {
return x*x + y*y;
inline float Vector2::length () const {
return sqrtf(x*x + y*y);
inline Vector2 Vector2::direction () const {
float lenSquared = x * x + y * y;
if (lenSquared != 1.0f) {
return *this / sqrtf(lenSquared);
} else {
return *this;
inline Vector2 Vector2::directionOrZero() const {
float mag = length();
if (mag < 0.0000001f) {
return Vector2::zero();
} else if (mag < 1.00001f && mag > 0.99999f) {
return *this;
} else {
return *this * (1.0f / mag);
inline float Vector2::dot (const Vector2& rkVector) const {
return x*rkVector.x + y*rkVector.y;
inline Vector2 Vector2::min(const Vector2 &v) const {
return Vector2(G3D::min(v.x, x), G3D::min(v.y, y));
inline Vector2 Vector2::max(const Vector2 &v) const {
return Vector2(G3D::max(v.x, x), G3D::max(v.y, y));
inline bool Vector2::fuzzyEq(const Vector2& other) const {
return G3D::fuzzyEq((*this - other).squaredLength(), 0);
inline bool Vector2::fuzzyNe(const Vector2& other) const {
return G3D::fuzzyNe((*this - other).squaredLength(), 0);
inline bool Vector2::isFinite() const {
return G3D::isFinite(x) && G3D::isFinite(y);
inline bool Vector2::isZero() const {
return G3D::fuzzyEq(fabsf(x) + fabsf(y), 0.0f);
inline bool Vector2::isUnit() const {
return G3D::fuzzyEq(squaredLength(), 1.0f);
typedef Vector2 Point2;
void serialize(const Vector2& v, class BinaryOutput& b);
void deserialize(Vector2& v, class BinaryInput& b);
} // namespace G3D
template <>
struct HashTrait<G3D::Vector2> {
static size_t hashCode(const G3D::Vector2& key) {
return key.hashCode();
// Intentionally outside namespace to avoid operator overloading confusion
inline G3D::Vector2 operator*(double s, const G3D::Vector2& v) {
return v * (float)s;
inline G3D::Vector2 operator*(int s, const G3D::Vector2& v) {
return v * (float)s;