2023-11-05 15:26:19 -05:00

338 lines
13 KiB

/* soapStub.h
Generated by gSOAP 2.8.49 for gsoap.stub
gSOAP XML Web services tools
Copyright (C) 2000-2017, Robert van Engelen, Genivia Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The soapcpp2 tool and its generated software are released under the GPL.
This program is released under the GPL with the additional exemption that
compiling, linking, and/or using OpenSSL is allowed.
A commercial use license is available from Genivia Inc.,
#ifndef soapStub_H
#define soapStub_H
#include "stdsoap2.h"
#if GSOAP_VERSION != 20849
* *
* Types with Custom Serializers *
* *
* *
* Classes, Structs and Unions *
* *
struct ns1__executeCommandResponse; /* gsoap.stub:1 */
struct ns1__executeCommand; /* gsoap.stub:1 */
/* gsoap.stub:1 */
#ifndef SOAP_TYPE_ns1__executeCommandResponse
#define SOAP_TYPE_ns1__executeCommandResponse (9)
/* complex XSD type 'ns1:executeCommandResponse': */
struct SOAP_CMAC ns1__executeCommandResponse {
/** Optional element 'result' of XSD type 'xsd:string' */
char **result;
/** Return unique type id SOAP_TYPE_ns1__executeCommandResponse */
int soap_type() const { return SOAP_TYPE_ns1__executeCommandResponse; }
/** Constructor with member initializations */
ns1__executeCommandResponse() : result()
{ }
/** Friend allocator */
friend SOAP_FMAC1 ns1__executeCommandResponse * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_instantiate_ns1__executeCommandResponse(struct soap*, int, const char*, const char*, size_t*);
/* gsoap.stub:1 */
#ifndef SOAP_TYPE_ns1__executeCommand
#define SOAP_TYPE_ns1__executeCommand (10)
/* complex XSD type 'ns1:executeCommand': */
struct SOAP_CMAC ns1__executeCommand {
/** Optional element 'command' of XSD type 'xsd:string' */
char *command;
/** Return unique type id SOAP_TYPE_ns1__executeCommand */
int soap_type() const { return SOAP_TYPE_ns1__executeCommand; }
/** Constructor with member initializations */
ns1__executeCommand() : command()
{ }
/** Friend allocator */
friend SOAP_FMAC1 ns1__executeCommand * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_instantiate_ns1__executeCommand(struct soap*, int, const char*, const char*, size_t*);
/* gsoap.stub:2 */
#ifndef SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Header
#define SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Header (11)
/* SOAP_ENV__Header: */
struct SOAP_CMAC SOAP_ENV__Header {
/** Return unique type id SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Header */
int soap_type() const { return SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Header; }
/** Constructor with member initializations */
{ }
/** Friend allocator */
friend SOAP_FMAC1 SOAP_ENV__Header * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_instantiate_SOAP_ENV__Header(struct soap*, int, const char*, const char*, size_t*);
/* gsoap.stub:2 */
#ifndef SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Code
#define SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Code (12)
/* Type SOAP_ENV__Code is a recursive data type, (in)directly referencing itself through its (base or derived class) members */
/* SOAP_ENV__Code: */
struct SOAP_CMAC SOAP_ENV__Code {
/** Optional element 'SOAP-ENV:Value' of XSD type 'xsd:QName' */
char *SOAP_ENV__Value;
/** Optional element 'SOAP-ENV:Subcode' of XSD type 'SOAP-ENV:Code' */
struct SOAP_ENV__Code *SOAP_ENV__Subcode;
/** Return unique type id SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Code */
int soap_type() const { return SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Code; }
/** Constructor with member initializations */
SOAP_ENV__Code() : SOAP_ENV__Value(), SOAP_ENV__Subcode()
{ }
/** Friend allocator */
friend SOAP_FMAC1 SOAP_ENV__Code * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_instantiate_SOAP_ENV__Code(struct soap*, int, const char*, const char*, size_t*);
/* gsoap.stub:2 */
#ifndef SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Detail
#define SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Detail (14)
/* SOAP_ENV__Detail: */
struct SOAP_CMAC SOAP_ENV__Detail {
char *__any;
/** Any type of element 'fault' assigned to fault with its SOAP_TYPE_T assigned to __type */
/** Do not create a cyclic data structure throught this member unless SOAP encoding or SOAP_XML_GRAPH are used for id-ref serialization */
int __type;
void *fault;
/** Return unique type id SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Detail */
int soap_type() const { return SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Detail; }
/** Constructor with member initializations */
SOAP_ENV__Detail() : __any(), __type(), fault()
{ }
/** Friend allocator */
friend SOAP_FMAC1 SOAP_ENV__Detail * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_instantiate_SOAP_ENV__Detail(struct soap*, int, const char*, const char*, size_t*);
/* gsoap.stub:2 */
#ifndef SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Reason
#define SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Reason (17)
/* SOAP_ENV__Reason: */
struct SOAP_CMAC SOAP_ENV__Reason {
/** Optional element 'SOAP-ENV:Text' of XSD type 'xsd:string' */
char *SOAP_ENV__Text;
/** Return unique type id SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Reason */
int soap_type() const { return SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Reason; }
/** Constructor with member initializations */
SOAP_ENV__Reason() : SOAP_ENV__Text()
{ }
/** Friend allocator */
friend SOAP_FMAC1 SOAP_ENV__Reason * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_instantiate_SOAP_ENV__Reason(struct soap*, int, const char*, const char*, size_t*);
/* gsoap.stub:2 */
#ifndef SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Fault
#define SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Fault (18)
/* SOAP_ENV__Fault: */
struct SOAP_CMAC SOAP_ENV__Fault {
/** Optional element 'faultcode' of XSD type 'xsd:QName' */
char *faultcode;
/** Optional element 'faultstring' of XSD type 'xsd:string' */
char *faultstring;
/** Optional element 'faultactor' of XSD type 'xsd:string' */
char *faultactor;
/** Optional element 'detail' of XSD type 'SOAP-ENV:Detail' */
struct SOAP_ENV__Detail *detail;
/** Optional element 'SOAP-ENV:Code' of XSD type 'SOAP-ENV:Code' */
struct SOAP_ENV__Code *SOAP_ENV__Code;
/** Optional element 'SOAP-ENV:Reason' of XSD type 'SOAP-ENV:Reason' */
struct SOAP_ENV__Reason *SOAP_ENV__Reason;
/** Optional element 'SOAP-ENV:Node' of XSD type 'xsd:string' */
char *SOAP_ENV__Node;
/** Optional element 'SOAP-ENV:Role' of XSD type 'xsd:string' */
char *SOAP_ENV__Role;
/** Optional element 'SOAP-ENV:Detail' of XSD type 'SOAP-ENV:Detail' */
struct SOAP_ENV__Detail *SOAP_ENV__Detail;
/** Return unique type id SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Fault */
int soap_type() const { return SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Fault; }
/** Constructor with member initializations */
SOAP_ENV__Fault() : faultcode(), faultstring(), faultactor(), detail(), SOAP_ENV__Code(), SOAP_ENV__Reason(), SOAP_ENV__Node(), SOAP_ENV__Role(), SOAP_ENV__Detail()
{ }
/** Friend allocator */
friend SOAP_FMAC1 SOAP_ENV__Fault * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_instantiate_SOAP_ENV__Fault(struct soap*, int, const char*, const char*, size_t*);
* *
* Typedefs *
* *
/* gsoap.stub:1 */
#ifndef SOAP_TYPE__XML
#define SOAP_TYPE__XML (5)
typedef char *_XML;
/* gsoap.stub:1 */
#ifndef SOAP_TYPE__QName
#define SOAP_TYPE__QName (6)
typedef char *_QName;
* *
* Serializable Types *
* *
/* char has binding name 'byte' for type 'xsd:byte' */
#ifndef SOAP_TYPE_byte
#define SOAP_TYPE_byte (3)
/* int has binding name 'int' for type 'xsd:int' */
#ifndef SOAP_TYPE_int
#define SOAP_TYPE_int (1)
/* struct SOAP_ENV__Fault has binding name 'SOAP_ENV__Fault' for type '' */
#ifndef SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Fault
#define SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Fault (18)
/* struct SOAP_ENV__Reason has binding name 'SOAP_ENV__Reason' for type '' */
#ifndef SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Reason
#define SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Reason (17)
/* struct SOAP_ENV__Detail has binding name 'SOAP_ENV__Detail' for type '' */
#ifndef SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Detail
#define SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Detail (14)
/* struct SOAP_ENV__Code has binding name 'SOAP_ENV__Code' for type '' */
#ifndef SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Code
#define SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Code (12)
/* struct SOAP_ENV__Header has binding name 'SOAP_ENV__Header' for type '' */
#ifndef SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Header
#define SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Header (11)
/* struct ns1__executeCommand has binding name 'ns1__executeCommand' for type 'ns1:executeCommand' */
#ifndef SOAP_TYPE_ns1__executeCommand
#define SOAP_TYPE_ns1__executeCommand (10)
/* struct ns1__executeCommandResponse has binding name 'ns1__executeCommandResponse' for type 'ns1:executeCommandResponse' */
#ifndef SOAP_TYPE_ns1__executeCommandResponse
#define SOAP_TYPE_ns1__executeCommandResponse (9)
/* struct SOAP_ENV__Reason * has binding name 'PointerToSOAP_ENV__Reason' for type '' */
#ifndef SOAP_TYPE_PointerToSOAP_ENV__Reason
#define SOAP_TYPE_PointerToSOAP_ENV__Reason (20)
/* struct SOAP_ENV__Detail * has binding name 'PointerToSOAP_ENV__Detail' for type '' */
#ifndef SOAP_TYPE_PointerToSOAP_ENV__Detail
#define SOAP_TYPE_PointerToSOAP_ENV__Detail (19)
/* struct SOAP_ENV__Code * has binding name 'PointerToSOAP_ENV__Code' for type '' */
#ifndef SOAP_TYPE_PointerToSOAP_ENV__Code
#define SOAP_TYPE_PointerToSOAP_ENV__Code (13)
/* char ** has binding name 'PointerTostring' for type 'xsd:string' */
#ifndef SOAP_TYPE_PointerTostring
#define SOAP_TYPE_PointerTostring (7)
/* _QName has binding name '_QName' for type 'xsd:QName' */
#ifndef SOAP_TYPE__QName
#define SOAP_TYPE__QName (6)
/* _XML has binding name '_XML' for type '' */
#ifndef SOAP_TYPE__XML
#define SOAP_TYPE__XML (5)
/* char * has binding name 'string' for type 'xsd:string' */
#ifndef SOAP_TYPE_string
#define SOAP_TYPE_string (4)
* *
* Externals *
* *
* *
* Server-Side Operations *
* *
/** Web service operation 'ns1__executeCommand' (returns SOAP_OK or error code) */
SOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 ns1__executeCommand(struct soap*, char *command, char **result);
* *
* Server-Side Skeletons to Invoke Service Operations *
* *
extern "C" SOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 soap_serve(struct soap*);
extern "C" SOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 soap_serve_request(struct soap*);
SOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 soap_serve_ns1__executeCommand(struct soap*);
/* End of soapStub.h */