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2023-11-07 05:04:30 -05:00
\file FileSystem.h
\author Morgan McGuire, http://graphics.cs.williams.edu
\author 2002-06-06
\edited 2012-03-26
#ifndef G3D_FileSystem_h
#define G3D_FileSystem_h
#include "G3D/platform.h"
#include "G3D/Array.h"
#include "G3D/Table.h"
#include "G3D/Set.h"
#include "G3D/GMutex.h"
namespace G3D {
OS-independent file system layer that optimizes the performance
of queries by caching and prefetching.
This class uses the following definitions:
<li> "file" = document that can be opened for reading or writing
<li> "directory" = folder containing files and other directories
<li> "node" = file or directory
<li> "path" = string identifying a (see the FSPath class)
<li> "zipfile" = a compressed file storing an archive of files and directories in the zip format
In G3D, Zipfiles are transparently treated as if they were directories, provided:
<li> The zipfile name contains an extension (e.g., map.pk3, files.zip)
<li> There are no nested zipfiles
All FileSystem routines invoke FilePath::expandEnvironmentVariables if the input contains a '$'.
The extension requirement allows G3D to quickly identify whether a path could enter a
zipfile without forcing it to open all parent directories for reading.
\sa FilePath
class FileSystem {
class ListSettings {
/** Defaults to true */
bool files;
/** Defaults to true */
bool directories;
/** Defaults to true on Windows, false on other platforms.*/
bool caseSensitive;
/** Can get recurse into subdirectories? Defaults to true. */
bool recursive;
/** Prefix the full path onto names that are returned. Defaults to true */
bool includeParentPath;
ListSettings() :
# ifdef G3D_WINDOWS
# else
# endif
includeParentPath(true) {}
/** Drive letters. Only used on windows, but defined on all platforms to help
avoid breaking the Windows build when compiling on another platform. */
Array<std::string> m_winDrive;
float m_cacheLifetime;
enum Type {
/** Not yet checked */
class Entry {
/** Name, not including parent path */
std::string name;
Type type;
Entry() : type(UNKNOWN) {}
Entry(const char* n) : name(n), type(UNKNOWN) {}
class Dir {
/** If false, this path did not exist (even inside a zipfile) when last checked, or it is not a directory. */
bool exists;
bool isZipfile;
bool inZipfile;
/** Files and directories */
Array<Entry> nodeArray;
/** When this entry was last updated */
double lastChecked;
bool contains(const std::string& child, bool caseSensitive =
#ifdef G3D_WINDOWS
) const;
/** Compute the contents of nodeArray from this zipfile. */
void computeZipListing(const std::string& zipfile, const std::string& pathInsideZipfile);
Dir() : exists(false), isZipfile(false), inZipfile(false), lastChecked(0) {}
/** Maps path names (without trailing slashes, except for the file system root) to contents.
On Windows, all paths are lowercase */
Table<std::string, Dir> m_cache;
/** Update the cache entry for path if it is not already present.
\param forceUpdate If true, always override the current cache value.*/
Dir& getContents(const std::string& path, bool forceUpdate);
/** Don't allow public construction. */
static FileSystem& instance();
static GMutex mutex;
# ifdef G3D_WINDOWS
/** \copydoc drives */
const Array<std::string>& _drives();
# endif
/** \copydoc inZipfile */
bool _inZipfile(const std::string& path, std::string& zipfile);
/** \copydoc clearCache */
void _clearCache(const std::string& path);
/** \copydoc inZipfile */
bool _inZipfile(const std::string& path) {
std::string ignore;
return inZipfile(path, ignore);
/** \copydoc setCacheLifetime */
void _setCacheLifetime(float t);
/** \copydoc cacheLifetime */
float _cacheLifetime() const {
return m_cacheLifetime;
/** \copydoc createDirectory */
void _createDirectory(const std::string& path);
/** \copydoc exists */
bool _exists(const std::string& f, bool trustCache = true, bool caseSensitive =
#ifdef G3D_WINDOWS
/** \copydoc isDirectory */
bool _isDirectory(const std::string& path);
/** \copydoc isFile */
bool _isFile(const std::string& path) {
return ! isDirectory(path);
/** \copydoc copyFile */
void _copyFile(const std::string& srcPath, const std::string& dstPath);
/** \copydoc resolve */
std::string _resolve(const std::string& path, const std::string& cwd = currentDirectory());
/** \copydoc isNewer */
bool _isNewer(const std::string& src, const std::string& dst);
/** \copydoc currentDirectory */
std::string _currentDirectory();
/** \copydoc size */
int64 _size(const std::string& path);
/** Called from list() */
void listHelper(const std::string& shortSpec, const std::string& parentPath, Array<std::string>& result, const ListSettings& settings);
/** \copydoc list */
void _list(const std::string& spec, Array<std::string>& result, const ListSettings& listSettings = ListSettings());
/** \copydoc isZipfile */
bool _isZipfile(const std::string& path);
/** \copydoc getFiles */
void _getFiles(const std::string& spec, Array<std::string>& result, bool includeParentPath = false) {
ListSettings set;
set.includeParentPath = includeParentPath;
set.directories = false;
set.files = true;
return list(spec, result, set);
/** \copydoc getDirectories */
void _getDirectories(const std::string& spec, Array<std::string>& result, bool includeParentPath = false) {
ListSettings set;
set.includeParentPath = includeParentPath;
set.directories = true;
set.files = false;
return list(spec, result, set);
/** \copydoc fopen */
FILE* _fopen(const char* filename, const char* mode);
/** \copydoc removeFile */
void _removeFile(const std::string& path);
/** Create the common instance. */
static void init();
/** Destroy the common instance. */
static void cleanup();
# ifdef G3D_WINDOWS
/** On Windows, the drive letters that form the file system roots.*/
static const Array<std::string>& drives() {
const Array<std::string>& s = instance()._drives();
return s;
# endif
/** Returns true if some sub-path of \a path is a zipfile.
If the path itself is a zipfile, returns false.
\param zipfile The part of \a path that was the zipfile
static bool inZipfile(const std::string& path, std::string& zipfile) {
bool b = instance()._inZipfile(path, zipfile);
return b;
/** Clears old cache entries so that exists() and list() will reflect recent changes to the file system.
\param path Clear only \a path and its subdirectories ("" means clear the entire cache) */
static void clearCache(const std::string& path = "") {
/** Same as the C standard library fopen, but updates the file cache
to acknowledge the new file on a write operation. */
static FILE* fopen(const char* filename, const char* mode) {
FILE* f = instance()._fopen(filename, mode);
return f;
static void fclose(FILE* f) {
/** Returns true if some sub-path of \a path is a zipfile.
If the path itself is a zipfile, returns false.
static bool inZipfile(const std::string& path) {
bool b = instance()._inZipfile(path);
return b;
\brief Delete this file.
No effect if \a path does not exist.
\param path May contain wildcards. May not be inside a zipfile.
static void removeFile(const std::string& path) {
/** Returns true if \a path is a file that is a zipfile. Note that G3D requires zipfiles to have
some extension, although it is not required to be "zip" */
static bool isZipfile(const std::string& path) {
bool b = instance()._isZipfile(path);
return b;
/** Set the cacheLifetime().
\param t in seconds */
void setCacheLifetime(float t) {
/** A cache is used to optimize repeated calls. A cache entry is considered
valid for this many seconds after it has been checked. */
static float cacheLifetime() {
float f = instance()._cacheLifetime();
return f;
/** Creates the directory named, including any subdirectories
that do not already exist.
The directory must not be inside a zipfile.
Flushes the cache.
static void createDirectory(const std::string& path) {
/** The current working directory (cwd). Only ends in a slash if this is the root of the file system. */
static std::string currentDirectory() {
const std::string& s = instance()._currentDirectory();
return s;
\param srcPath Must name a file.
\param dstPath Must not contain a zipfile.
Flushes the cache.
static void copyFile(const std::string& srcPath, const std::string& dstPath) {
instance()._copyFile(srcPath, dstPath);
/** Returns true if a node named \a f exists.
\param f If \a f contains wildcards, the function returns true if any file
matches those wildcards. Wildcards may only appear in the base or ext, not the
path. Environment variables beginning with dollar signs (e.g., in "$G3DDATA/cubemap"),
with optional parens ("$(G3DDATA)") are
automatically expanded in \a f. Default share names on Windows (e.g., "\\mycomputer\c$")
are correctly distinguished from empty environment variables.
\param trustCache If true, uses the cache for optimizing repeated calls
in the same parent directory.
\param caseSensitive If true, the match must have exactly the same case for the base and extension. If false,
case is ignored. The default on Windows is false and the default on other operating systems is true.
static bool exists(const std::string& f, bool trustCache = true, bool caseSensitive =
#ifdef G3D_WINDOWS
) {
bool e = instance()._exists(f, trustCache, caseSensitive);
return e;
/** Known bug: does not work inside zipfiles */
static bool isDirectory(const std::string& path) {
bool b = instance()._isDirectory(path);
return b;
/** Known bug: does not work inside zipfiles */
static bool isFile(const std::string& path) {
bool b = instance()._isFile(path);
return b;
/** Fully qualifies a filename.
The filename may contain wildcards, in which case the wildcards will be preserved in the returned value.
\param cwd The directory to treat as the "current" directory when resolving a relative path. The default
value is the actual current directory. (G3D::Any::sourceDirectory is a common alternative)
static std::string resolve(const std::string& path, const std::string& cwd = currentDirectory()) {
const std::string& s = instance()._resolve(path, cwd);
return s;
/** Returns true if \a dst does not exist or \a src is newer than \a dst,
according to their time stamps.
Known bug: does not work inside zipfiles.
static bool isNewer(const std::string& src, const std::string& dst) {
bool b = instance()._isNewer(src, dst);
return b;
/** Returns the length of the file in bytes, or -1 if the file could not be opened. */
static int64 size(const std::string& path) {
int64 i = instance()._size(path);
return i;
/** Appends all nodes matching \a spec to the \a result array.
Wildcards can only appear to the right of the last slash in \a spec.
The names will not contain parent paths unless \a includePath == true.
These may be relative to the current directory unless \a spec
is fully qualified (can be done with resolveFilename).
static void list(const std::string& spec, Array<std::string>& result,
const ListSettings& listSettings = ListSettings()) {
instance()._list(spec, result, listSettings);
/** list() files */
static void getFiles(const std::string& spec, Array<std::string>& result, bool includeParentPath = false) {
instance()._getFiles(spec, result, includeParentPath);
/** list() directories */
static void getDirectories(const std::string& spec, Array<std::string>& result, bool includeParentPath = false) {
instance()._getDirectories(spec, result, includeParentPath);
/** Adds \a filename to usedFiles(). This is called automatically by open() and all
G3D routines that open files. */
static void markFileUsed(const std::string& filename);
/** All files that have been marked by markFileUsed(). GApp automatically prints this list to log.txt. It is useful
for finding the dependencies of your program automatically.*/
static const Set<std::string>& usedFiles();
/** \brief Parsing of file system paths.
None of these routines touch the disk--they are purely string manipulation.
In "/a/b/base.ext",
<li> base = "base"
<li> ext = "ext"
<li> parentPath = "/a/b"
<li> baseExt = "base.ext"
class FilePath {
/** Appends file onto dirname, ensuring a / if needed. */
static std::string concat(const std::string& a, const std::string& b);
/** Returns true if \a f specifies a path that parses as root of the filesystem.
On OS X and other Unix-based operating systems, "/" is the only root.
On Windows, drive letters and shares are roots, e.g., "c:\", "\\foo\".
Does not check on Windows to see if the root is actually mounted or a legal
drive letter--this is a purely string based test. */
static bool isRoot(const std::string& f);
/** Removes the trailing slash unless \a f is a filesystem root */
static std::string removeTrailingSlash(const std::string& f);
/** Returns everything to the right of the last '.' */
static std::string ext(const std::string& path);
/** Returns everything to the right of the last slash (or, on Windows, the last ':') */
static std::string baseExt(const std::string& path);
/** Returns everything between the right-most slash and the following '.' */
static std::string base(const std::string& path);
/** Returns everything to the left of the right-most slash */
static std::string parent(const std::string& path);
/** Returns true if '*' or '?' appear in the filename */
static bool containsWildcards(const std::string& p);
/** Convert all slashes to '/' */
static std::string canonicalize(std::string x);
/** \brief Replaces <code>$VAR</code> and <code>$(VAR)</code> patterns with the corresponding environment variable.
Throws std::string if the environment variable is not defined.
static std::string expandEnvironmentVariables(const std::string& path);
Parses a filename into four useful pieces.
root = "c:\\"
path = "a" "b"
base = "d"
ext = "e"
root = "/"
path = "a" "b"
base = "d"
ext = "e"
root = "/"
path = "a"
base = "b"
ext = "e"
static void parse
(const std::string& filename,
std::string& drive,
Array<std::string>& path,
std::string& base,
std::string& ext);
Returns true if \a path matches \a pattern, with standard filesystem wildcards.
static bool matches(const std::string& path, const std::string& pattern, bool caseSensitive = true);
/** Replaces characters that are illegal in a filename with legal equivalents.*/
static std::string makeLegalFilename(const std::string& f, size_t maxLength = 100000);
} // namespace G3D