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2023-11-07 05:04:30 -05:00
\file System.h
\maintainer Morgan McGuire, http://graphics.cs.williams.edu
\cite Rob Wyatt http://www.gamasutra.com/features/wyatts_world/19990709/processor_detection_01.htm
\cite Benjamin Jurke http://www.flipcode.com/cgi-bin/msg.cgi?showThread=COTD-ProcessorDetectionClass&forum=cotd&id=-1
\cite Michael Herf http://www.stereopsis.com/memcpy.html
\created 2003-01-25
\edited 2012-10-02
#ifndef G3D_System_h
#define G3D_System_h
#include "G3D/platform.h"
#include "G3D/g3dmath.h"
#include "G3D/G3DGameUnits.h"
#include "G3D/BinaryFormat.h"
#include "G3D/FileNotFound.h"
#include <string>
#if defined(__aarch64__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
#include <sys/time.h>
#ifdef G3D_OSX
#define Zone OSX_Zone
# include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
namespace G3D {
/** G3D, SDL, and IJG libraries require license documentation
to be distributed with your program. This generates the
string that must appear in your documentation.
<B>Your program can be commercial, closed-source</B> under
any license you want.
@deprecated Use System::license
std::string license();
@brief The order in which the bytes of an integer are stored on a
Intel/AMD chips tend to be G3D_LITTLE_ENDIAN, Mac PPC's and Suns are
G3D_BIG_ENDIAN. However, this is primarily used to specify the byte
order of file formats, which are fixed.
enum G3DEndian {
@brief OS and processor abstraction.
The first time any method is called the processor will be analyzed.
Future calls are then fast.
Timing function overview:
- actual cycle count
- High-resolution time in seconds since program started
- High-resolution time in seconds since Jan 1, 1970
(because it is stored in a double, this may be less
accurate than getTick)
class System {
@param size Size of memory that the system was trying to allocate
@param recoverable If true, the system will attempt to allocate again
if the callback returns true. If false, malloc is going to return
NULL and this invocation is just to notify the application.
@return Return true to force malloc to attempt allocation again if the
error was recoverable.
typedef bool (*OutOfMemoryCallback)(size_t size, bool recoverable);
bool m_initialized;
int m_cpuSpeed;
bool m_hasCPUID;
bool m_hasRDTSC;
bool m_hasMMX;
bool m_hasSSE;
bool m_hasSSE2;
bool m_hasSSE3;
bool m_has3DNOW;
bool m_has3DNOW2;
bool m_hasAMDMMX;
std::string m_cpuVendor;
int m_numCores;
/** this holds the data directory set by the application (currently
GApp) for use by findDataFile */
std::string m_appDataDir;
G3DEndian m_machineEndian;
std::string m_cpuArch;
std::string m_operatingSystem;
# ifdef G3D_WINDOWS
/** Used by getTick() for timing */
LARGE_INTEGER m_counterFrequency;
struct timeval m_start;
std::string m_version;
OutOfMemoryCallback m_outOfMemoryCallback;
#ifdef G3D_OSX
/** In Cycles/Second */
SInt32 m_OSXCPUSpeed;
double m_secondsPerNS;
/** The Real-World time of System::getTick() time 0. Set by initTime */
RealTime m_realWorldGetTickTime0;
uint32 m_highestCPUIDFunction;
/** @brief Used for the singleton instance only. */
/** @brief The singleton instance.
Used instead of a global variable to ensure that the order of
intialization is correct, which is critical because other
globals may allocate memory using System::malloc.
static System& instance();
enum CPUIDFunction {
CPUID_VENDOR_ID = 0x00000000,
CPUID_NUM_CORES = 0x00000004,
/** Helper macro to call cpuid functions and return all values
See http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/intel-64-architecture-processor-topology-enumeration/
or http://www.amd.com/us-en/assets/content_type/white_papers_and_tech_docs/25481.pdf
for description of the arguments.
static void cpuid(CPUIDFunction func, uint32& areg, uint32& breg, uint32& creg, uint32& dreg);
/** Called from init() */
void getStandardProcessorExtensions();
/** Called from init() */
void initTime();
void init();
/** atexit handling code invoked from G3DCleanupHook. */
static void cleanup();
/** Returns the speed of processor 0 in MHz.
Always returns 0 on linux.*/
inline static int cpuSpeedMHz() {
return instance().m_cpuSpeed;
/** Returns the number of logical processor cores (i.e., the
number of execution units for threads) */
inline static int numCores() {
return instance().m_numCores;
inline static bool hasCPUID() {
return instance().m_hasCPUID;
inline static bool hasRDTSC() {
return instance().m_hasRDTSC;
inline static bool hasSSE() {
return instance().m_hasSSE;
inline static bool hasSSE2() {
return instance().m_hasSSE2;
inline static bool hasSSE3() {
return instance().m_hasSSE3;
inline static bool hasMMX() {
return instance().m_hasMMX;
inline static bool has3DNow() {
return instance().m_has3DNOW;
inline static const std::string& cpuVendor() {
return instance().m_cpuVendor;
Returns the endianness of this machine.
inline static G3DEndian machineEndian() {
return instance().m_machineEndian;
/** e.g., "Windows", "GNU/Linux" */
inline static const std::string& operatingSystem() {
return instance().m_operatingSystem;
/** e.g., 80686 */
inline static const std::string& cpuArchitecture() {
return instance().m_cpuArch;
Returns the current date as a string in the form YYYY-MM-DD
static std::string currentDateString();
/** Returns the current 24-hour local time as a string in the form HH:MM:SS */
static std::string currentTimeString();
Uses pooled storage to optimize small allocations (1 byte to 5
kilobytes). Can be 10x to 100x faster than calling \c malloc or
\c new.
The result must be freed with free.
Threadsafe on Win32.
@sa calloc realloc OutOfMemoryCallback free
static void* malloc(size_t bytes);
static void* calloc(size_t n, size_t x);
Version of realloc that works with System::malloc.
static void* realloc(void* block, size_t bytes);
/** Returns a string describing how well System::malloc is using
its internal pooled storage. "heap" memory was slow to
allocate; the other data sizes are comparatively fast.*/
static std::string mallocPerformance();
static void resetMallocPerformanceCounters();
Returns a string describing the current usage of the buffer pools used for
optimizing System::malloc.
static std::string mallocStatus();
Free data allocated with System::malloc.
Threadsafe on Win32.
static void free(void* p);
Guarantees that the start of the array is aligned to the
specified number of bytes.
static void* alignedMalloc(size_t bytes, size_t alignment);
Frees memory allocated with alignedMalloc.
static void alignedFree(void* ptr);
/** An implementation of memcpy that may be up to 2x as fast as the C library
one on some processors. Guaranteed to have the same behavior as memcpy
in all cases. */
static void memcpy(void* dst, const void* src, size_t numBytes);
/** An implementation of memset that may be up to 2x as fast as the C library
one on some processors. Guaranteed to have the same behavior as memset
in all cases. */
static void memset(void* dst, uint8 value, size_t numBytes);
Returns the fully qualified filename for the currently running executable.
This is more reliable than arg[0], which may be intentionally set
to an incorrect value by a calling program, relative to a now
non-current directory, or obfuscated by sym-links.
@cite Linux version written by Nicolai Haehnle <prefect_@gmx.net>, http://www.flipcode.com/cgi-bin/msg.cgi?showThread=COTD-getexename&forum=cotd&id=-1
static std::string currentProgramFilename();
/** Name of this program. Note that you can mutate this string to
set your app name explicitly.*/
static std::string& appName();
/** G3D Version string */
inline static const std::string& version() {
return instance().m_version;
@brief The optimization status of the G3D library (not the program compiled against it)
Either "Debug" or "Release", depending on whether _DEBUG was
defined at compile-time for the library.
static const std::string& build();
Causes the current thread to yield for the specified duration
and consume almost no CPU.
The sleep will be extremely precise; it uses System::time()
to calibrate the exact yeild time.
static void sleep(RealTime t);
Clears the console.
Console programs only.
static void consoleClearScreen();
Returns true if a key is waiting.
Console programs only.
static bool consoleKeyPressed();
Blocks until a key is read (use consoleKeyPressed to determine if
a key is waiting to be read) then returns the character code for
that key.
static int consoleReadKey();
The actual time (measured in seconds since
Jan 1 1970 midnight).
Adjusted for local timezone and daylight savings
time. This is as accurate and fast as getCycleCount().
static RealTime time();
To count the number of cycles a given operation takes:
unsigned long count;
// count now contains the cycle count for the intervening operation.
static void beginCycleCount(uint64& cycleCount);
static void endCycleCount(uint64& cycleCount);
static uint64 getCycleCount();
inline static void setOutOfMemoryCallback(OutOfMemoryCallback c) {
instance().m_outOfMemoryCallback = c;
When System::malloc fails to allocate memory because the system is
out of memory, it invokes this handler (if it is not NULL).
The argument to the callback is the amount of memory that malloc
was trying to allocate when it ran out. If the callback returns
true, System::malloc will attempt to allocate the memory again.
If the callback returns false, then System::malloc will return NULL.
You can use outOfMemoryCallback to free data structures or to
register the failure.
inline static OutOfMemoryCallback outOfMemoryCallback() {
return instance().m_outOfMemoryCallback;
/** Set an environment variable for the current process */
static void setEnv(const std::string& name, const std::string& value);
/** Get an environment variable for the current process. Returns NULL if the variable doesn't exist. */
static const char* getEnv(const std::string& name);
Prints a human-readable description of this machine
to the text output stream. Either argument may be NULL.
static void describeSystem
(class TextOutput& t);
static void describeSystem
(std::string& s);
Tries to locate the resource by looking in related directories.
If found, returns the full path to the resource, otherwise
returns the empty string.
Looks in:
- Literal interpretation of full (i.e., if it contains a fully-qualified name)
- Last directory in which a file was found
- Current directory
- System::appDataDir (which is usually GApp::Settings.dataDir, which defaults to the directory containing the program binary)
- $G3D9DATA directory
- System::appDataDir() + "data/" (note that this may be a zipfile named "data" with no extension)
- System::appDataDir() + "data.zip/"
- ../data-files/ (windows)
- ../../data-files/ (windows)
- ../../../data-files/ (windows)
Plus the following subdirectories of those:
- cubemap
- gui
- font
- icon
- models
- image
- sky
- md2
- md3
- ifs
- 3ds
\param exceptionIfNotFound If true and the file is not found, throws G3D::FileNotFound.
static std::string findDataFile(const std::string& full, bool exceptionIfNotFound = true, bool caseSensitive =
#ifdef G3D_WINDOWS
Sets the path that the application is using as its data directory.
Used by findDataDir as an initial search location. GApp sets this
upon constrution.
static void setAppDataDir(const std::string& path);
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# ifdef _M_IX86
// 32-bit
inline uint64 System::getCycleCount() {
uint32 timehi, timelo;
// Use the assembly instruction rdtsc, which gets the current
// cycle count (since the process started) and puts it in edx:eax.
mov timehi, edx;
mov timelo, eax;
return ((uint64)timehi << 32) + (uint64)timelo;
# else
// 64-bit
inline uint64 System::getCycleCount() {
return now.QuadPart;
# endif
#elif defined(G3D_LINUX)
inline uint64 System::getCycleCount() {
# if defined(__aarch64__)
# if (__ARM_ARCH >= 6) // V6 is the earliest arch that has a standard cyclecount
uint32_t pmccntr;
uint32_t pmuseren;
uint32_t pmcntenset;
// Read the user mode perf monitor counter access permissions.
__asm__ __volatile__("mrc p15, 0, %w0, c9, c14, 0" : "=r"(pmuseren));
if (pmuseren & 1) { // Allows reading perfmon counters for user mode code.
__asm__ __volatile__("mrc p15, 0, %w0, c9, c12, 1" : "=r"(pmcntenset));
if (pmcntenset & 0x80000000ul) { // Is it counting?
__asm__ __volatile__("mrc p15, 0, %w0, c9, c13, 0" : "=r"(pmccntr));
// The counter is set up to count every 64th cycle
return static_cast<uint64>(pmccntr) * 64; // Should optimize to << 6
# endif
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, nullptr);
return static_cast<uint64>(tv.tv_sec) * 1000000 + tv.tv_usec;
# else
uint32 timehi, timelo;
__asm__ __volatile__ (
"rdtsc "
: "=a" (timelo),
"=d" (timehi)
: );
return ((uint64)timehi << 32) + (uint64)timelo;
# endif
#elif defined(G3D_OSX)
inline uint64 System::getCycleCount() {
//Note: To put off extra processing until the end, this does not
//return the actual clock cycle count. It is a bus cycle count.
//When endCycleCount() is called, it converts the two into a difference
//of clock cycles
return (uint64) UnsignedWideToUInt64(UpTime());
//return (uint64) mach_absolute_time();
inline void System::beginCycleCount(uint64& cycleCount) {
cycleCount = getCycleCount();
inline void System::endCycleCount(uint64& cycleCount) {
#ifndef G3D_OSX
cycleCount = getCycleCount() - cycleCount;
AbsoluteTime end = UpTime();
Nanoseconds diffNS =
AbsoluteDeltaToNanoseconds(end, UInt64ToUnsignedWide(cycleCount));
cycleCount =
(uint64) ((double) (instance().m_OSXCPUSpeed) *
(double) UnsignedWideToUInt64(diffNS) * instance().m_secondsPerNS);
} // namespace
#ifdef G3D_OSX
#undef Zone