27 lines
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27 lines
696 B
# Copyright (C) 2016+ AzerothCore <www.azerothcore.org>, released under GNU AGPL v3 license: https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/blob/master/LICENSE-AGPL3
# Dungeon Respawn configuration
# DungeonRespawn.Enable
# Description: Enables the Dungeon Respawn module.
# Default: 0 - Disabled
# 1 - Enabled
DungeonRespawn.Enable = 0
# DungeonRespawn.RespawnHealthPct
# Description: The amount of health in % to respawn with.
# Range: 0.0 - 100.0
# Default: 100.0
DungeonRespawn.RespawnHealthPct = 50.0