#!/usr/bin/env bash CURRENT_PATH="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" source "$CURRENT_PATH/../bash_shared/includes.sh" UPDATES_PATH="$AC_PATH_ROOT/data/sql/updates/" COMMIT_HASH= function import() { db=$1 folder="db_"$db pendingPath="$AC_PATH_ROOT/data/sql/updates/pending_$folder" updPath="$UPDATES_PATH/$folder" archivedPath="$AC_PATH_ROOT/data/sql/archive/$folder/6.x" latestUpd=$(ls -1 $updPath/ | tail -n 1) if [ -z $latestUpd ]; then latestUpd=$(ls -1 $archivedPath/ | tail -n 1) echo "> Last update file for db $db is missing! Using archived file" $latestUpd fi dateToday=$(date +%Y_%m_%d) counter=0 dateLast=$latestUpd tmp=${dateLast#*_*_*_} oldCnt=${tmp%.sql} oldDate=${dateLast%_$tmp} if [ "$oldDate" = "$dateToday" ]; then ((counter=10#$oldCnt+1)) # 10 # is needed to explictly add to a base 10 number fi; for entry in "$pendingPath"/*.sql do if [[ -e $entry ]]; then oldVer=$oldDate"_"$oldCnt cnt=$(printf -v counter "%02d" $counter ; echo $counter) newVer=$dateToday"_"$cnt newFile="$updPath/"$dateToday"_"$cnt".sql" oldFile=$(basename "$entry") prefix=${oldFile%_*.sql} suffix=${oldFile#rev_} rev=${suffix%.sql} isRev=0 if [[ $prefix = "rev" && $rev =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]]; then isRev=1 fi echo "-- DB update $oldVer -> $newVer" > "$newFile"; cat $entry >> "$newFile"; currentHash="$(git log --diff-filter=A "$entry" | grep "^commit " | sed -e 's/commit //')" if [[ "$COMMIT_HASH" != *"$currentHash"* ]] then COMMIT_HASH="$COMMIT_HASH $currentHash" fi rm $entry; oldDate=$dateToday oldCnt=$cnt ((counter+=1)) fi done } import "world" import "characters" import "auth" echo "Done."