# # Copyright (C) 2016+ AzerothCore , released under GNU AGPL v3 license: https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/blob/master/LICENSE-AGPL3 # Copyright (C) 2021+ WarheadCore # # This file is free software; as a special exception the author gives # unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, with or without # modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # set(SCRIPTS_AVAILABLE_OPTIONS none static dynamic minimal-static minimal-dynamic) set(MODULES_AVAILABLE_OPTIONS none static dynamic) set(BUILD_APPS_AVAILABLE_OPTIONS none all auth-only world-only) set(BUILD_TOOLS_AVAILABLE_OPTIONS none all db-only maps-only) set(SCRIPTS "static" CACHE STRING "Build core with scripts") set(MODULES "static" CACHE STRING "Build core with modules") set(APPS_BUILD "all" CACHE STRING "Build list for applications") set(TOOLS_BUILD "none" CACHE STRING "Build list for tools") set_property(CACHE SCRIPTS PROPERTY STRINGS ${SCRIPTS_AVAILABLE_OPTIONS}) set_property(CACHE MODULES PROPERTY STRINGS ${MODULES_AVAILABLE_OPTIONS}) set_property(CACHE APPS_BUILD PROPERTY STRINGS ${BUILD_APPS_AVAILABLE_OPTIONS}) set_property(CACHE TOOLS_BUILD PROPERTY STRINGS ${BUILD_TOOLS_AVAILABLE_OPTIONS}) # Log a error when the value of the SCRIPTS variable isn't a valid option. if(SCRIPTS) list(FIND SCRIPTS_AVAILABLE_OPTIONS "${SCRIPTS}" SCRIPTS_INDEX) if(${SCRIPTS_INDEX} EQUAL -1) message(FATAL_ERROR "The value (${SCRIPTS}) of your SCRIPTS variable is invalid! " "Allowed values are: ${SCRIPTS_AVAILABLE_OPTIONS}. Set static") endif() endif() # Log a error when the value of the MODULES variable isn't a valid option. if(MODULES) list(FIND MODULES_AVAILABLE_OPTIONS "${MODULES}" MODULES_INDEX) if(${MODULES_INDEX} EQUAL -1) message(FATAL_ERROR "The value (${MODULES}) of your MODULES variable is invalid! " "Allowed values are: ${MODULES_AVAILABLE_OPTIONS}. Set static") endif() endif() # Log a fatal error when the value of the APPS_BUILD variable isn't a valid option. if(APPS_BUILD) list(FIND BUILD_APPS_AVAILABLE_OPTIONS "${APPS_BUILD}" BUILD_APPS_INDEX) if(${BUILD_APPS_INDEX} EQUAL -1) message(FATAL_ERROR "The value (${APPS_BUILD}) of your APPS_BUILD variable is invalid! " "Allowed values are: ${BUILD_APPS_AVAILABLE_OPTIONS}. Set default") endif() endif() # Log a fatal error when the value of the TOOLS_BUILD variable isn't a valid option. if(TOOLS_BUILD) list(FIND BUILD_TOOLS_AVAILABLE_OPTIONS "${TOOLS_BUILD}" BUILD_TOOLS_INDEX) if(${BUILD_TOOLS_INDEX} EQUAL -1) message(FATAL_ERROR "The value (${TOOLS_BUILD}) of your TOOLS_BUILD variable is invalid! " "Allowed values are: ${BUILD_TOOLS_AVAILABLE_OPTIONS}. Set default") endif() endif() # Build a list of all script modules when -DSCRIPT="custom" is selected GetScriptModuleList(SCRIPT_MODULE_LIST) foreach(SCRIPT_MODULE ${SCRIPT_MODULE_LIST}) ScriptModuleNameToVariable(${SCRIPT_MODULE} SCRIPT_MODULE_VARIABLE) set(${SCRIPT_MODULE_VARIABLE} "default" CACHE STRING "Build type of the ${SCRIPT_MODULE} module.") set_property(CACHE ${SCRIPT_MODULE_VARIABLE} PROPERTY STRINGS default disabled static dynamic) endforeach() # Build a list of all modules script when -DMODULE="custom" is selected GetModuleSourceList(SCRIPT_MODULE_LIST) foreach(SCRIPT_MODULE ${SCRIPT_MODULE_LIST}) ModuleNameToVariable(${SCRIPT_MODULE} SCRIPT_MODULE_VARIABLE) set(${SCRIPT_MODULE_VARIABLE} "default" CACHE STRING "Build type of the ${SCRIPT_MODULE} module.") set_property(CACHE ${SCRIPT_MODULE_VARIABLE} PROPERTY STRINGS default disabled static dynamic) endforeach() # Build a list of all applications when -DBUILD_APPS="custom" is selected GetApplicationsList(APPLICATIONS_BUILD_LIST) foreach(APPLICATION_BUILD_NAME ${APPLICATIONS_BUILD_LIST}) ApplicationNameToVariable(${APPLICATION_BUILD_NAME} APPLICATION_BUILD_VARIABLE) set(${APPLICATION_BUILD_VARIABLE} "default" CACHE STRING "Enable build the ${APPLICATION_BUILD_NAME} application.") set_property(CACHE ${APPLICATION_BUILD_VARIABLE} PROPERTY STRINGS default enabled disabled) endforeach() # Build a list of all applications when -DBUILD_TOOLS="custom" is selected GetToolsList(TOOLS_BUILD_LIST) foreach(TOOL_BUILD_NAME ${TOOLS_BUILD_LIST}) ToolNameToVariable(${TOOL_BUILD_NAME} TOOL_BUILD_VARIABLE) set(${TOOL_BUILD_VARIABLE} "default" CACHE STRING "Enable build the ${TOOL_BUILD_NAME} tool.") set_property(CACHE ${TOOL_BUILD_VARIABLE} PROPERTY STRINGS default enabled disabled) endforeach() option(BUILD_TESTING "Build unit tests" 0) option(USE_SCRIPTPCH "Use precompiled headers when compiling scripts" 1) option(USE_COREPCH "Use precompiled headers when compiling servers" 1) option(WITH_WARNINGS "Show all warnings during compile" 0) option(WITH_COREDEBUG "Include additional debug-code in core" 0) option(WITH_PERFTOOLS "Enable compilation with gperftools libraries included" 0) option(WITHOUT_GIT "Disable the GIT testing routines" 0) option(ENABLE_VMAP_CHECKS "Enable Checks relative to DisableMgr system on vmap" 1) option(WITH_DYNAMIC_LINKING "Enable dynamic library linking." 0) option(WITH_STRICT_DATABASE_TYPE_CHECKS "Enable strict checking of database field value accessors" 0) option(WITHOUT_METRICS "Disable metrics reporting (i.e. InfluxDB and Grafana)" 0) option(WITH_DETAILED_METRICS "Enable detailed metrics reporting (i.e. time each session takes to update)" 0) CheckApplicationsBuildList() CheckToolsBuildList() IsDynamicLinkingRequired(WITH_DYNAMIC_LINKING_FORCED) IsDynamicLinkingModulesRequired(WITH_DYNAMIC_LINKING_FORCED) if(WITH_DYNAMIC_LINKING AND WITH_DYNAMIC_LINKING_FORCED) set(WITH_DYNAMIC_LINKING_FORCED OFF) endif() if(WITH_DYNAMIC_LINKING OR WITH_DYNAMIC_LINKING_FORCED) set(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ON) else() set(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS OFF) endif() # Source tree in IDE set(WITH_SOURCE_TREE "hierarchical" CACHE STRING "Build the source tree for IDE's.") set_property(CACHE WITH_SOURCE_TREE PROPERTY STRINGS no flat hierarchical) # Config abort option(CONFIG_ABORT_INCORRECT_OPTIONS "Enable abort if core found incorrect option in config files" 0)