inline Type* rawData() {
return (Type*)m_byte;
inline const Color1uint8* pixel1() const {
debugAssertM(m_channels == 1, format("Tried to call GImage::pixel1 on an image with %d channels", m_channels));
return (Color1uint8*)m_byte;
inline Color1uint8* pixel1() {
debugAssertM(m_channels == 1, format("Tried to call GImage::pixel1 on an image with %d channels", m_channels));
return (Color1uint8*)m_byte;
/** Returns a pointer to the upper left pixel
as Color4uint8.
inline const Color4uint8* pixel4() const {
debugAssertM(m_channels == 4, format("Tried to call GImage::pixel4 on an image with %d channels", m_channels));
return (Color4uint8*)m_byte;
inline Color4uint8* pixel4() {
debugAssert(m_channels == 4);
return (Color4uint8*)m_byte;
/** Returns a pointer to the upper left pixel
as Color3uint8.
inline const Color3uint8* pixel3() const {
debugAssertM(m_channels == 3, format("Tried to call GImage::pixel3 on an image with %d channels", m_channels));
return (Color3uint8*)m_byte;
inline Color3uint8* pixel3() {
debugAssert(m_channels == 3);
return (Color3uint8*)m_byte;
/** Returns the pixel at (x, y), where (0,0) is the upper left. */
inline const Color1uint8& pixel1(int x, int y) const {
debugAssert(x >= 0 && x < m_width);
debugAssert(y >= 0 && y < m_height);
return pixel1()[x + y * m_width];
/** Returns the pixel at (x, y), where (0,0) is the upper left. */
inline Color1uint8& pixel1(int x, int y) {
debugAssert(x >= 0 && x < m_width);
debugAssert(y >= 0 && y < m_height);
return pixel1()[x + y * m_width];
/** Returns the pixel at (x, y), where (0,0) is the upper left. */
inline const Color3uint8& pixel3(int x, int y) const {
debugAssert(x >= 0 && x < m_width);
debugAssert(y >= 0 && y < m_height);
return pixel3()[x + y * m_width];
inline Color3uint8& pixel3(int x, int y) {
debugAssert(x >= 0 && x < m_width);
debugAssert(y >= 0 && y < m_height);
return pixel3()[x + y * m_width];
/** Returns the pixel at (x, y), where (0,0) is the upper left. */
inline const Color4uint8& pixel4(int x, int y) const {
debugAssert(x >= 0 && x < m_width);
debugAssert(y >= 0 && y < m_height);
return pixel4()[x + y * m_width];
inline Color4uint8& pixel4(int x, int y) {
debugAssert(x >= 0 && x < m_width);
debugAssert(y >= 0 && y < m_height);
return pixel4()[x + y * m_width];
inline uint8* byte() {
return m_byte;
void encodeBMP(
BinaryOutput& out) const;
The TGA file will be either 24- or 32-bit depending
on the number of channels.
void encodeTGA(
BinaryOutput& out) const;
Converts this image into a JPEG
void encodeJPEG(
BinaryOutput& out) const;
Converts this image into a JPEG
void encodePNG(
BinaryOutput& out) const;
void encodePPM(
BinaryOutput& out) const;
void encodePPMASCII(
BinaryOutput& out) const;
void decodeTGA(
BinaryInput& input);
void decodeBMP(
BinaryInput& input);
void decodeJPEG(
BinaryInput& input);
void decodePCX(
BinaryInput& input);
void decodeICO(
BinaryInput& input);
void decodePNG(
BinaryInput& input);
void decodePPM(
BinaryInput& input);
void decodePPMASCII(
BinaryInput& input);
Given [maybe] a filename, memory buffer, and [maybe] a format,
returns the most likely format of this file.
static Format resolveFormat(
const std::string& filename,
const uint8* data,
int dataLen,
Format maybeFormat);
void _copy(
const GImage& other);
/** Predicts the image file format of \a filename */
static Format resolveFormat(const std::string& filename);
void flipHorizontal();
void flipVertical();
void rotate90CW(int numTimes = 1);
Create an empty image of the given size.
\sa load()
int width = 0,
int height = 0,
int channels = 3,
const MemoryManager::Ref& m = MemoryManager::create());
Load an encoded image from disk and decode it.
Throws GImage::Error if something goes wrong.
const std::string& filename,
Format format = AUTODETECT,
const MemoryManager::Ref& m = MemoryManager::create());
Decodes an image stored in a buffer.
const unsigned char*data,
int length,
Format format = AUTODETECT,
const MemoryManager::Ref& m = MemoryManager::create());
const GImage& other,
const MemoryManager::Ref& m = MemoryManager::create());
GImage& operator=(const GImage& other);
Returns a new GImage that has 4 channels. RGB is
taken from this GImage and the alpha from the red
channel of the supplied image. The new GImage is passed
as a reference parameter for speed.
void insertRedAsAlpha(const GImage& alpha, GImage& output) const;
Returns a new GImage with 3 channels, removing
the alpha channel if there is one. The new GImage
is passed as a reference parameter for speed.
void stripAlpha(GImage& output) const;
Loads an image from disk (clearing the old one first),
using the existing memory manager.
void load(
const std::string& filename,
Format format = AUTODETECT);
Frees memory and resets to a 0x0 image.
void clear();
Deallocates the pixels.
virtual ~GImage();
Resizes the internal buffer to (\a width x \a height) with the
number of \a channels specified.
\param zero If true, all data is set to 0 (black).
void resize(int width, int height, int channels, bool zero = true);
Copies src sub-image data into dest at a certain offset.
The dest variable must already contain an image that is large
enough to contain the src sub-image at the specified offset.
Returns true on success and false if the src sub-image cannot
completely fit within dest at the specified offset. Both
src and dest must have the same number of channels.
static bool pasteSubImage(
GImage& dest,
const GImage& src,
int destX,
int destY,
int srcX,
int srcY,
int srcWidth,
int srcHeight);
creates dest from src sub-image data.
Returns true on success and false if the src sub-image
is not within src.
static bool copySubImage(GImage & dest, const GImage & src,
int srcX, int srcY, int srcWidth, int srcHeight);
void convertToRGBA();
void convertToRGB();
/** Averages color channels if they exist */
void convertToL8();
Returns true if format is supported. Format
should be an extension string (e.g. "BMP").
static bool supportedFormat(
const std::string& format);
Converts a string to an enum, returns UNKNOWN if not recognized.
static Format stringToFormat(
const std::string& format);
Encode and save to disk.
void save(
const std::string& filename,
Format format = AUTODETECT) const;
The caller must delete the returned buffer.
TODO: provide a memory manager
void encode(
Format format,
uint8*& outData,
int& outLength) const;
Does not commit the BinaryOutput when done.
void encode(
Format format,
BinaryOutput& out) const;
Decodes the buffer into this image.
@param format Must be the correct format.
void decode(
BinaryInput& input,
Format format);
/** Returns the size of this object in bytes */
int sizeInMemory() const;
/** Ok for in == out */
static void R8G8B8_to_Y8U8V8(int width, int height, const uint8* in, uint8* out);
/** Ok for in == out */
static void Y8U8V8_to_R8G8B8(int width, int height, const uint8* in, uint8* out);
@param in RGB buffer of numPixels * 3 bytes
@param out Buffer of numPixels * 4 bytes
@param numPixels Number of RGB pixels to convert
static void RGBtoRGBA(
const uint8* in,
uint8* out,
int numPixels);
static void RGBtoARGB(
const uint8* in,
uint8* out,
int numPixels);
static void LtoRGB
(const uint8* in,
uint8* out,
int numPixels);
static void LtoRGBA
(const uint8* in,
uint8* out,
int numPixels);
/** Safe for in == out */
static void RGBtoBGR(
const uint8* in,
uint8* out,
int numPixels);
Win32 32-bit HDC format.
static void RGBtoBGRA(
const uint8* in,
uint8* out,
int numPixels);
static void RGBAtoRGB(
const uint8* in,
uint8* out,
int numPixels);
Uses the red channel of the second image as an alpha channel.
static void RGBxRGBtoRGBA(
const uint8* colorRGB,
const uint8* alphaRGB,
uint8* out,
int numPixels);
Flips the image along the vertical axis.
Safe for in == out.
static void flipRGBVertical(
const uint8* in,
uint8* out,
int width,
int height);
static void flipRGBAVertical(
const uint8* in,
uint8* out,
int width,
int height);
Given a tangent space bump map, computes a new image where the
RGB channels are a tangent space normal map and the alpha channel
is the original bump map. Assumes the input image is tileable.
In the resulting image, x = red = tangent, y = green = binormal, and z = blue = normal.
Particularly useful as part of the idiom:
GImage normal;
computeNormalMap(GImage(filename), normal);
return Texture::fromGImage(filename, normal);
static void computeNormalMap(
const class GImage& bump,
class GImage& normal,
const BumpMapPreprocess& preprocess = BumpMapPreprocess());
static void computeNormalMap
(int width,
int height,
int channels,
const uint8* src,
GImage& normal,
const BumpMapPreprocess& preprocess = BumpMapPreprocess());
Bayer demosaicing using the filter proposed in
Henrique S. Malvar, Li-wei He, and Ross Cutler
The filter wraps at the image boundaries.
Assumes in != out.
static void BAYER_G8B8_R8G8_to_R8G8B8_MHC(int w, int h, const uint8* in, uint8* _out);
static void BAYER_G8R8_B8G8_to_R8G8B8_MHC(int w, int h, const uint8* in, uint8* _out);
static void BAYER_R8G8_G8B8_to_R8G8B8_MHC(int w, int h, const uint8* in, uint8* _out);
static void BAYER_B8G8_G8R8_to_R8G8B8_MHC(int w, int h, const uint8* in, uint8* _out);
/** Fast conversion; the output has 1/2 the size of the input in each direction. Assumes in != out.
See G3D::BAYER_G8B8_R8G8_to_R8G8B8_MHC for a much better result. */
static void BAYER_G8B8_R8G8_to_Quarter_R8G8B8
(int inWidth,
int inHeight,
const uint8* in,
uint8* out);
/** Attempt to undo fast conversion of G3D::BAYER_G8B8_R8G8_to_Quarter_R8G8B8;
the green channel will lose data. Assumes in != out
The input should have size 3 * inWidth * inHeight. The output should have size
2 * inWidth * 2 * inHeight.
static void Quarter_R8G8B8_to_BAYER_G8B8_R8G8
(int inWidth,
int inHeight,
const uint8* in,
uint8* out);
/** Overwrites every pixel with one of the two colors in a checkerboard pattern.
The fields used from the two colors depend on the current number of channels in @a im.
static void makeCheckerboard
(GImage& im,
int checkerSize = 1,
const Color4uint8& color1 = Color4uint8(255,255,255,255),
const Color4uint8& color2 = Color4uint8(0,0,0,255));