function registerHooks() { acore_event_registerHooks "$@"; } function runHooks() { acore_event_runHooks "$@"; } source "$AC_PATH_CONF/dist/" # include dist to avoid missing conf variables # first check if it's defined in env, otherwise use the default USER_CONF_PATH=${USER_CONF_PATH:-"$AC_PATH_CONF/"} if [ -f "$USER_CONF_PATH" ]; then source "$USER_CONF_PATH" # should overwrite previous else echo "NOTICE: file <$USER_CONF_PATH> not found, we use default configuration only." fi # # Load modules # for entry in "$AC_PATH_MODULES/"*/ do if [ -e "$entry" ]; then source "$entry" fi done ACORE_VERSION=$("$AC_PATH_DEPS/jsonpath/" -f "$AC_PATH_ROOT/acore.json" -b '$.version')