$v) { if (array_key_exists($k, $array1)) { $array1[$k] = $v; unset($array2[$k]); } } $in_file1 = fopen($upload1,"r"); $line = trim(fgets($in_file1)); while (!feof($in_file1)) { if (substr($line,0,1) != '#' && substr($line,0,1) != '') { $array = array(); while (substr($line,0,1) != '#' && substr($line,0,1) != '') { list($key, $val) = explode("=",$line); $key = trim($key); $val = trim($val); $array[$key] = $val; $line = trim(fgets($in_file1)); } foreach($array as $k => $v) { if (array_key_exists($k, $array1)) fwrite($out_file, $k."=".$array1[$k].$eol); else continue; } unset($array); if (!feof($in_file1)) fwrite($out_file, $line.$eol); } else fwrite($out_file, $line.$eol); $line = trim(fgets($in_file1)); } if ($custom_found) { fwrite($out_file, $eol); fwrite($out_file, "###############################################################################".$eol); fwrite($out_file, "# Custom".$eol); $line = trim(fgets($in_file2)); while (!feof($in_file2)) { fwrite($out_file, $line.$eol); $line = trim(fgets($in_file2)); } } $first = true; foreach($array2 as $k => $v) { if ($first) { fwrite($out_file, $eol); fwrite($out_file, "###############################################################################".$eol); fwrite($out_file, "# The Following values were removed from the config.".$eol); $first = false; } fwrite($out_file, "# ".$k."=".$v.$eol); } if (strpos($upload1, "worldserver") !== false) { file_put_contents($newconfig, str_replace("]=","]",file_get_contents($newconfig))); } else if (strpos($upload1, "authserver") !== false) { file_put_contents($newconfig, str_replace("]=","]",file_get_contents($newconfig))); } unset($array1); unset($array2); fclose($in_file1); fclose($in_file2); fclose($out_file); unlink($upload1); unlink($upload2); echo "Process done"; echo "
Click here to retrieve your merged conf"; } } else { echo "An error has occurred"; } ?>