function inst_configureOS() { echo "Platform: $OSTYPE" case "$OSTYPE" in solaris*) echo "Solaris is not supported yet" ;; darwin*) source "$AC_PATH_INSTALLER/includes/os_configs/" ;; linux*) # If $OSDISTRO is set, use this value (from if [ ! -z "$OSDISTRO" ]; then DISTRO=$OSDISTRO # If available, use LSB to identify distribution elif command -v lsb_release >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then DISTRO=$(lsb_release -is) # Otherwise, use release info file else DISTRO=$(ls -d /etc/[A-Za-z]*[_-][rv]e[lr]* | grep -v "lsb" | cut -d'/' -f3 | cut -d'-' -f1 | cut -d'_' -f1) fi case $DISTRO in # add here distro that are debian or ubuntu based # TODO: find a better way, maybe checking the existance # of a package manager "neon" | "ubuntu" | "Ubuntu") DISTRO="ubuntu" ;; "debian" | "Debian") DISTRO="debian" ;; *) echo "Distro: $DISTRO, is not supported. If your distribution is based on debian or ubuntu, please set the 'OSDISTRO' environment variable to one of these distro (you can use file)" ;; esac DISTRO=${DISTRO,,} echo "Distro: $DISTRO" # TODO: implement different configurations by distro source "$AC_PATH_INSTALLER/includes/os_configs/$" ;; bsd*) echo "BSD is not supported yet" ;; msys*) source "$AC_PATH_INSTALLER/includes/os_configs/" ;; *) echo "This platform is not supported" ;; esac } function inst_updateRepo() { cd "$AC_PATH_ROOT" if [ ! -z $INSTALLER_PULL_FROM ]; then git pull "$ORIGIN_REMOTE" "$INSTALLER_PULL_FROM" else git pull "$ORIGIN_REMOTE" $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) fi } function inst_resetRepo() { cd "$AC_PATH_ROOT" git reset --hard $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) git clean -f } function inst_compile() { comp_configure comp_build } function inst_cleanCompile() { comp_clean inst_compile } function inst_allInOne() { inst_configureOS inst_compile dbasm_import true true true } function inst_getVersionBranch() { local res="master" local v="not-defined" local MODULE_MAJOR=0 local MODULE_MINOR=0 local MODULE_PATCH=0 local MODULE_SPECIAL=0; local ACV_MAJOR=0 local ACV_MINOR=0 local ACV_PATCH=0 local ACV_SPECIAL=0; local curldata=$(curl -f --silent -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' "$1" || echo "{}") local parsed=$(echo "$curldata" | "$AC_PATH_DEPS/jsonpath/" -b '$.compatibility.*.[version,branch]') semverParseInto "$ACORE_VERSION" ACV_MAJOR ACV_MINOR ACV_PATCH ACV_SPECIAL if [[ ! -z "$parsed" ]]; then readarray -t vers < <(echo "$parsed") local idx res="none" # since we've the pair version,branch alternated in not associative and one-dimensional # array, we've to simulate the association with length/2 trick for idx in `seq 0 $((${#vers[*]}/2-1))`; do semverParseInto "${vers[idx*2]}" MODULE_MAJOR MODULE_MINOR MODULE_PATCH MODULE_SPECIAL if [[ $MODULE_MAJOR -eq $ACV_MAJOR && $MODULE_MINOR -le $ACV_MINOR ]]; then res="${vers[idx*2+1]}" v="${vers[idx*2]}" fi done fi echo "$v" "$res" } function inst_module_search { local res="$1" local idx=0; if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Type what to search or leave blank for full list" read -p "Insert name: " res fi local search="+$res" echo "Searching $res..." echo ""; readarray -t MODS < <(curl --silent "${search}+fork%3Atrue+topic%3Acore-module+sort%3Astars&type=" \ | "$AC_PATH_DEPS/jsonpath/" -b '$.items.*.name') while (( ${#MODS[@]} > idx )); do mod="${MODS[idx++]}" read v b < <(inst_getVersionBranch "$mod/master/acore-module.json") if [[ "$b" != "none" ]]; then echo "-> $mod (tested with AC version: $v)" else echo "-> $mod (no revision available for AC v$AC_VERSION, it could not work!)" fi done echo ""; echo ""; } function inst_module_install { local res if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Type the name of the module to install" read -p "Insert name: " res else res="$1" fi read v b < <(inst_getVersionBranch "$res/master/acore-module.json") if [[ "$b" != "none" ]]; then Joiner:add_repo "$res" "$res" "$b" && echo "Done, please re-run compiling and db assembly. Read instruction on module repository for more information" else echo "Cannot install $res module: it doesn't exists or no version compatible with AC v$ACORE_VERSION are available" fi echo ""; echo ""; } function inst_module_update { local res; local _tmp; local branch; local p; if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Type the name of the module to update" read -p "Insert name: " res else res="$1" fi _tmp=$PWD if [ -d "$J_PATH_MODULES/$res/" ]; then read v b < <(inst_getVersionBranch "$res/master/acore-module.json") cd "$J_PATH_MODULES/$res/" # use current branch if something wrong with json if [[ "$v" == "none" || "$v" == "not-defined" ]]; then b=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD` fi Joiner:upd_repo "$res" "$res" "$b" && echo "Done, please re-run compiling and db assembly" || echo "Cannot update" cd $_tmp else echo "Cannot update! Path doesn't exist" fi; echo ""; echo ""; } function inst_module_remove { if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Type the name of the module to remove" read -p "Insert name: " res else res="$1" fi Joiner:remove "$res" && echo "Done, please re-run compiling" || echo "Cannot remove" echo ""; echo ""; } function inst_simple_restarter { echo "Running $1 ..." bash "$AC_PATH_APPS/startup-scripts/simple-restarter" "$AC_BINPATH_FULL" "$1" echo #disown -a #jobs -l } function inst_download_client_data { # change the following version when needed local VERSION=v16 echo "#######################" echo "Client data downloader" echo "#######################" # first check if it's defined in env, otherwise use the default local path="${DATAPATH:-$AC_BINPATH_FULL}" local zipPath="${DATAPATH_ZIP:-"$path/"}" dataVersionFile="$path/data-version" [ -f "$dataVersionFile" ] && source "$dataVersionFile" # create the path if doesn't exists mkdir -p "$path" if [ "$VERSION" == "$INSTALLED_VERSION" ]; then echo "Data $VERSION already installed. If you want to force the download remove the following file: $dataVersionFile" return fi echo "Downloading client data in: $zipPath ..." curl -L$VERSION/ > "$zipPath" \ && echo "unzip downloaded file in $path..." && unzip -q -o "$zipPath" -d "$path/" \ && echo "Remove downloaded file" && rm "$zipPath" \ && echo "INSTALLED_VERSION=$VERSION" > "$dataVersionFile" }