## Type(Scope/Subscope): Commit ultra short explanation
## |---- Write below the examples with a maximum of 50 characters ----|
## Example 1: fix(DB/SAI): Missing spell to NPC Hogger
## Example 2: fix(CORE/Raid): Phase 2 of Ragnaros
## Example 3: feat(CORE/Commands): New GM command to do something

## Explain why this change is being made, what does it fix etc...
## |---- Write below the examples with a maximum of 72 characters per lines ----|
## Example: Hogger (id: 492) was not charging player when being engaged.

## Provide links to any issue, commit, pull request or other resource
## Example 1: Closes AzerothCore issue #23
## Example 2: Ported from other project's commit (link)
## Example 3: References taken from wowpedia / wowhead / wowwiki / https://wowgaming.altervista.org/aowow/

## If there are more authors they can be mentioned like this
## Co-authored-by: name <name@example.com>

## =======================================================
##                     EXTRA INFOS
## =======================================================
## "Type" can be:
##    feat     (new feature)
##    fix      (bug fix)
##    refactor (refactoring production code)
##    style    (formatting, missing semi colons, etc; no code change)
##    docs     (changes to documentation)
##    test     (adding or refactoring tests; no production code change)
##    chore    (updating bash scripts, git files etc; no production code change)
## --------------------
## Remember to
##    Capitalize the subject line
##    Use the imperative mood in the subject line
##    Do not end the subject line with a period
##    Separate subject from body with a blank line
##    Use the body to explain what and why rather than how
##    Can use multiple lines with "-" for bullet points in body
## --------------------
## More info here https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0-beta.2/
## =======================================================
## "Scope" can be:
##    CORE     (core related, c++)
##    DB       (database related, sql)
## =======================================================
## "Subscope" is optional and depends on the nature of the commit.
## =======================================================