# MY_NEW_MODULE ## Description This module allows to do this and this. ## How to use ingame Do this and that. ![my_new_module screenshot](/screenshots/my_module.png?raw=true "my_new_module screenshot") [![Youtube Link](https://i.imgur.com/Jhrdgv6.png)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6UEX47mPeE) ## Requirements My_new_module requires: - AzerothCore v4.0.0+ ## Installation ``` 1) Simply `git clone` the module under the `modules` directory of your AzerothCore source or copy paste it manually. 2) Import the SQL manually to the right Database (auth, world or characters) or with the `db_assembler.sh` (if `include.sh` provided). 3) Re-run cmake and launch a clean build of AzerothCore. ``` ## Edit the module's configuration (optional) If you need to change the module configuration, go to your server configuration directory (where your `worldserver` or `worldserver.exe` is), copy `my_module.conf.dist` to `my_module.conf` and edit that new file. ## Credits * [Me](https://github.com/YOUR_GITHUB_NAME) (author of the module): Check out my soundcloud - Join my discord * AzerothCore: [repository](https://github.com/azerothcore) - [website](http://azerothcore.org/) - [discord chat community](https://discord.gg/PaqQRkd)