## AUTO-DETECT ## Handle line endings automatically for files detected as ## text and leave all files detected as binary untouched. ## This will handle all files NOT defined below. * text=auto eol=lf # Text *.conf *.conf.dist *.txt *.md *.cmake # Bash *.sh text # Lua if lua module? *.lua # SQL *.sql # C++ *.c text *.cc text *.cxx text *.cpp text *.c++ text *.hpp text *.h text *.h++ text *.hh text ## For documentation # Documents *.doc diff=astextplain *.DOC diff=astextplain *.docx diff=astextplain *.DOCX diff=astextplain *.dot diff=astextplain *.DOT diff=astextplain *.pdf diff=astextplain *.PDF diff=astextplain *.rtf diff=astextplain *.RTF diff=astextplain # Graphics *.png binary *.jpg binary *.jpeg binary *.gif binary *.tif binary *.tiff binary *.ico binary # SVG treated as an asset (binary) by default. If you want to treat it as text, # comment-out the following line and uncomment the line after. *.svg binary #*.svg text *.eps binary