## We suggest that you always use the latest version of our master branch. Do **NOT** download the source code from the release, always use latest master version by following [the official guide](https://www.azerothcore.org/wiki/Installation). ## Upgrade instructions For server administrators: instructions about how to upgrade existing servers are available [here](http://www.azerothcore.org/wiki/Upgrade-from-pre-3.0.0-to-latest-master). ## Thanks Thanks to all people that have contributed to this release! @Kitzunu @Knindzagxg @Helias @LukasVolgger @Winfidonarleyan @Viste @locus313 @Si1ker @wizzymore @BarbzYHOOL @peti446 @Nefertumm @IntelligentQuantum @Voxstrasza @Shard-MW @aradep @Yehonal @GMKyle @Selyria @grimgravy @brussens @r0m1ntik @sanctum32 @pangolp @vhiperdev @Ercules76 @FALL1N1 @Rochet2 @aleigood @P-Kito @imxari @Kaev @ArashGorge @mik1893 @masterking32 @AsunaFrostwyrm @meerd @Zoidwaffle @Hacaw @55Honey @ChromieCraftServer @merdlin @iThorgrim-Hub @JamesGent @mpfans @pklloveyou @steenburgh @FrancescoBorzi and all the other developers, testers, supporters and custom modules/tools developers! ## Top dev-contributors of 3.0.0 https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/graphs/contributors?from=2019-02-17&to=2021-01-25 ## Changelog ``` chore(Core/PathGenerator.h): Kill Malformed whitespace fix(DB/Creature): King Magni Bronzebeard combat script fix(DB/Graveyard): Add Horde graveyards in Darkshore fix(DB/Creature): faction of ravenoak feat(CI): deprecate gcc 7 fix(gcc): type warning [1/2] fix(Core/Spell): Paralytic Poison fix(CI): temp restore ci-install.sh fix(Core): Activate creatures and objects during opening cinematics fix(DB/Quest): improve quest poi for some quests fix(DB/spell_area): remove spell 57940 on area 480 chore(CI): Improve error message of check_pending_sql feat(Core/Config): allow initial (free) amount of Guild Bank tabs fix(DB/Waypoint): Hezrul Bloodmark feat(DB/locales): Import deDE locales (Part 15) feat(DB/locales): Import deDE locales (Part 14) fix(Core/QuestTracker): do not store quest if quest_id is null fix(DB/Creature): Gyromasts Revenge fix(DB/locale): Spanish translation quests in elwynn forest fix(DB/locale): Spanish translation for Death Knight quests refactor(Core/cs_reload): Improve page_text(_locale) output feat(Core/Opcodes): Implement CMSG_CHANNEL_MODERATE fix(Core/Creature): Implement INHABIT_ROOT feat(DB/Translations): import translation text from @mpfans feat(DB/locales): import locales from TC fix(Core/SpellMgr): Essence of Wintergrasp only applies if config is enabled feat(Core/Warden): optimization + PQR detection feat(DB/game_tele): Hidden Places fix(DB/creature): Remove WotLK recipe drops from Vanilla NPC Sorrow Wing airmanskyhomie fix(Scripts/boss_freya): adds apply SPELL_CONSERVATOR_GRIP 6s after spawn fix(Core/Spell): Killing Spree range fix(Core/SpellMgr): Death Plague stacks feat(Core/Player): implement GetFreeInventorySpace() fix(DB/Quest): Taken by the Scourge feat(Core/Conf): allow to change the cost of the guild bank tabs feat(DB/game_tele): Improve GM Teleports fix(Docker): binary update on rebuild fix(DB/Creature): Ethereal Priest Power-Shield Spam fix(CI): disable macos-11.0 chore(2021_01_14_01.sql): int not string feat(DB/locales): Import deDE locales (Part 13) fix(Core/CreatureAI): revert NPC repositioning and path system (temporarily) fix(Scripts/DB/Creature): Set PvP flag for some creatures fix(DB/Quest): Shadow Vault Decree fix(DB/Creature): Civilian Recruit Valiance Keep chore(IssueTemplate/BugReport): Fix typo fix(DB/loot_template): Fill in comment fields feat(DB/locales): Import deDE locales (Part 12) refactor(Core): fix some warnings from VS fix(Core/The Oculus) Drakos dragon keepers chore(ReadME): Add codefactor fix(Build/Cmake): CMake now uses the Windows env vars refactor(db_assembler): Allow connecting to non default mysql ports chore(Core/SpellAuraEffects): Comment out empty if fix(DB/Creature): Fix Borean Tundra Footmans chore(core): Remove malformed whitespace chore(core): remove malformed whitespaces fix(Core/Opcodes): Implement CMSG_GROUP_SWAP_SUB_GROUP fix(DB/gossip_menu_option): Give me a bomber! feat(CI/Ubuntu): use acore.sh to install deps chore(CI/codestyle): fix build fix(DB/Script): Quest Re-Cursive feat(CI/Codestyle): added codestyle check fix(DB/Graveyard): add ghostZone for zone 3479 fix(Core/Spell): [Potion] Elixir of Minor Fortitude effect disappear fix(Core/Spell): Earthliving weapon proc fix(Core/Crash): safe calculation in GetMeleeAttackPoint fix(scripts/instance): Force correct gossip/text updates fix(CI/MacOS) workaround for configure os failing fix(Core/ArenaTeam): Arena team queue protections fix(DB/Update): fix missing delete fix(DB/SmartAI): Demolitionist Legoso weird behavior fix(DB/Creature): Laris Geardawdle (9616) missing text fix(DB/Creature): Guvan (npc 17482) incorrect NPC flags (can't train priests past lvl 6) fix(DB/Creature): position of guid 17952 fix(DB/Creature): Ranger Lilatha walk speed correction fix(DB/Quest): "Botanist Taerix" and "Urgent Delivery!" fix(Core/Creature): Implement CREATURE_FLAG_EXTRA_GHOST_VISIBILITY feat(Core/CreatureAI): improve npc position during the combat fix(DB/Creature): Shadowglen Webwood Spiders Population fix(DB/smart_scripts): Add abilities to Arcanist Torseldori and Bloodmage fix(DB/Visual): The Sun Gate fix(DB/creature): Add female models to Chosen Zealots chore(MySQL): Deprecate 5.6 fix(DB/Creature): Engineer "Spark" and Geezle fix(DB/Quest): Galaen's Fate fix(DB/gameobject): adjust spawntimesecs of multiple GOs fix(Core/Quest): They're Alive! Maybe... fix(DB/Quest) add missing quest to brewfest npc's feat(DB/translations): import quest_template, quest_request_items and quest_offer_reward from TC fix(CI): Only run macos build if ubuntu build is successful refactor(Core/sWorld): improve singleton management fix(DB/quest): Thalorien Dawnseeker - Quest texts fix(DB/Creature): add/fix spawns in Ghostlands & Eversong Woods fix(DB/Loot): drop chances for white items in starter zone chore(Core/Conf): Change default of RecordUpdateTimeDiffInterval fix(DB/acore_string): Adjust characters for pinfo fix(dashboard): check if acore user already exists fix(Core/GO): failed attempt fix(DB/gameobject): Quest 'Soaked Pages' GO respawn time fix(DB/acore_string): Remove weird spaces in npc info fix(DB/creature_template): Add mechanic_immune_mask for Hyjal bosses fix(DB/smart_scripts): Script "Crowleg" Dan chore(Core/SpellMgr): Indentation fix(DB/game_event_gameobject): Brewfest gameobject in Winter Veil fix(scripts/Felmyst): Adjust beam target fix(Core/Object): Fix small error in Position::IsWithinBox fix(scripts/Ulduar): Kologarn - Focused Eyebeam fix(scripts/Ulduar): Expedition Base Camp fix(CI): update procedure/function check fix(Core/Guild): Implement gender in guild refactor(scripts/BlackrockMountain): Remove commented NPC scripts fix(DB/broadcast_text_locale): Guard gossip for hunter class [esES/esMX] fix(DB/Spell): Clearcast proc chore(config): Improve dist files fix(apps/scripts): Add quotes for directory paths containing empty spaces refactor(Core): Remove player title defines fix(Core/Spell): Clicking lock portal cost mana feat(CI/MacOS): use acore.sh to install deps fix(Bash/simple-restarter): always show the correct command name Core/Utils: Create std::optional helper class fix(README): catalogue link docs: add sponsor link refactor(Core): removed unused ace includes docs(PR-template): normalized captions #3867 docs(README.md): normalized captions #3863 feat(Core): Another way to get talent points fix(scripts/CullingOfStratholme): Remove "Corrupting Blight" at Infinite Corruptor's death fix(scripts/Oculus): Reset Mage-Lord Urom's position at death fix(DB/creature): Improve starting NPCs fix(DB/npc_vendor): Argent Tournament fix(DB/Quest): Make 6962 not repeatable fix(DB/item_template_locale): Item Description deDE refactor(Core): apply clang-tidy modernize-raw-string-literal feat(CI/macOS): add macos-11.0 Big Sur to CI build fix(CI/macOS): remove old openssl removal fix(DB/quest_poi_points): Fix The Battered Hilt Questline fix(DB/smart_scripts): Quest "Enlistment Day" feat(Bash/restarter): add restarter to the available bin/ collection fix(Bash/installer): client data version refactor(Core/Social): Cleanup fix(DB/spell_custom_attr): Debuffs incorrectly applied as buffs feat(DB/locales): Import deDE locales (Part 11) fix(DB/Quest): Text for quest "When the Cows Come Home" fix(DB/waypoint_data): Great Hexer Ohodo pathing fix(Core/conf): Battleground kill XP rate description feat(DB/locales): Import deDE locales (Part 10) fix(DB/creature_template): Improve The Nexus refactor(Core): apply clang-tidy modernize-pass-by-value fix(Core): a typo introduced in the Rest & Inn Improvements chore(ReadMe): Add Discussions to important links refactor(Core): apply clang-tidy modernize-deprecated-headers feat(Core/Config): Arena points - Games required fix(DB/item_template_locale): Twisted Reflection item description feat(DB/locales): Import deDE locales (Part 09) fix(DB/creature_template_addon): Add 'Shadowform' aura to Saronite Animus fix(DB/access_requirement): Add missing quest_failed_text #3804 fix(Core/Game): Rest & Inn Improvements fix(DB/smart_scripts): Ulduar- Iron Mender casting Fuse Metal out of combat #3802 fix(DB/creature): Ulduar 25 Antechamber trash pack #3800 fix(DB/creature_loot_template): Quest item drop chance - 'Guardian of the Monument' #3796 fix(DB/creature_template): Improve damage fix(DB/creature_template): Improve Ulduar fix(DB/creature_template): Improve Utgarde Keep fix(DB/creature_template): Improve The Oculus fix(DB/creature_template): Improve Utgarde Pinnacle chore(Core): forgot to add copyright in new files + small correction refactor(Core): apply clang-tidy modernize-use-bool-literals fix(CMake): Deprecation warning #3814 refactor(Core): apply clang-tidy modernize-use-default-member-init refactor(Core): apply clang-tidy modernize-use-equals-default refactor(Core): apply clang-tidy modernize-loop-convert refactor(Core): apply clang-tidy modernize-use-emplace fix(DB/creature_template): Improve Onyxia Lair fix(DB/creature_template): Improve Vault of Archavon refactor(Core/PetAI): remove useless code refactor(Core): apply clang-tidy modernize-use-noexcept refactor(Core): apply clang-tidy modernize-redundant-void-arg refactor(Core): apply clang-tidy modernize-use-nullptr refactor(Core): apply clang-tidy modernize-use-nodiscard refactor(Core): apply clang-tidy modernize-use-override refactor(Core/sLog): improve singleton management fix(DB/Raid): improved Eye of Eternity fix(DB/creature_template): Improved Obsidian Sanctum fix(DB/creature_formations): Elite patrolling positions fix(DB/creature): Respawn time secs fix(Scripts/Ulduar): Yogg-Saron's portals fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improve - Stitched Giant fix(DB/creature): Improve - The Battle For The Ebon Hold feat(DB/locales): Import deDE locales (Part 08) fix(Core/Social): cleanup + fix crash in friend system fix(DB/creature_template): Adjust levels for Snobold Vassal and Saronite Animus fix(DB/smart_scripts): Open door on Sneed's death feat(DB/locales): Import deDE locales (Part 07) fix(DB/Instance): Fix equip issue and text errors fix(bin/scripts): Allow script work with git bash feat(DB/locales): Import deDE locales (Part 06) feat(DB/locales): Import deDE locales (Part 05) feat(DB/locales): Import deDE locales (Part 04) fix(Core/Pathfinding): Improve - Point movement fix(Deps/Acelite): add missing Windows dependency fix(DB/creature_template): Remove skull level on dungeon bosses feat(DB/locales): Import deDE locales (Part 03) feat(DB/locales): Import deDE locales (Part 02) feat(CMake): show version when running cmake feat(DB/locales): Import deDE locales (Part 01) feat(Core/Script): Hooks for custom arena teams/types test(Formulas.h): GetGrayLevel, GetColorCode, GetZeroDifference chore(CMake/Tests): use conventional CMake flag to enable tests fix(DB/Quest): Import "In Service of the Lich King" audio correct fix(ci): update semicolon check #3799 fix(Scripts/ObsidianSanctum): Code revamp [1/2] fix(DB/gossip): remove cataclysm gossip/gossip flag from Anduin Wrynn fix(Scripts/ICC): Intro Event Timers and Text fix(Scripts/VOA): code-style improvements + bandwidth consumptio fix(Scripts/DB): Mimiron Computer NPC text fix(scripts/Ulduar): Assembly of Iron - interrupt immune effect fix(scripts/Commands): Avoid get gm phase when summoning fix(ci): update semicolon check fix(DB/creature): Starting zones fix(DB/creature): Delete duplicate Big Roy feat(CI): Add check for semicolon at end of pending sql update file #3749 Revert "fix(Core/Player): Improve rested removal" fix(DB/creature): Ulduar 25 extra trash packs fix(DB/conditions): Fix quest Kibler's Exotic Pets feat(Core/Config): Added pet experience rate fix(DB/spell_proc_event): The Black Heart fix(DB/conditions): Frenzyheart Champion & Hand of the Oracles refactor(Core): remove ACE types feat(Core/Misc): remove ACE Auto_Ptr fix(DB): failure due to missing semicolumn fix(DB/scripts): Freya - Sun beam refactor(DB/player_factionchange_titles): Add comment section fix(Scripts): Ignis the Furnace Master - Iron construct buff stacks #3731 fix(CI): make labeler work with UnitTests refactor(Core/SpellMgr): simplify dbc data corrections fix(DB/locales): Restore deleted quest locales feat(ci): Add apps directory to bash label refactor(Apps/Defines): Codefactor warning fix(Core/Player): Improve rested removal fix(Core/bin): Add quotes to pwd in docker build scripts fix(Core/SpellMgr): Thorns should not miss feat(DB/locales): Import deDE quest locales refactor(Tools): restyle tools with astyle fix(DB/creature_loot_template): Emblem of Triumph #3689 feat(Core/Config): configurable BG Respawn Timers refactor(Core/Common): restyle tools with astyle fix(DB/creature): Maker's Overlook fix(DB/gameobject): Dalaran Forge Spell Focus range fix(DB/creature): Rabid Brown Bear Position fix(DB/quest_poi_points): Seeds of the Blacksouled Keepers Quest POI fix(DB/quest_poi_points): The Fallen Sisters Quest POI fix(DB/creature) Frosthorn Ram Position fix(Core/Command): additem - doesn't work when name contains apostrophe fix(Core/Condition): Implement CONDITION_QUESTSTATE fix(Core/Conditions): Implement CONDITION_DAILY_QUEST_DONE feat(Core/MapUpdate): switch from ACE_Method_Request to PCQ fix(Core/Item): Meta gems sometimes ignore added sockets feat(Core/Spells): Functions will return cast result fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Classic Rares II fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Hinterlands II fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Hilsbrad Foothills fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Silverpine Forest fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Alterac Mountains fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Arathi Highlands fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Dun Morogh fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Wetlands fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Badlands fix(Labeler): revert CORE changes(#3683) fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Searing Gorge fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Strangethorn Vale II fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Elwynn Forest feat(Core/Config): Improve config chore(Labeler): Workaround for CORE label chore(Deps/Acelite): Update to 6.5.10 fix(Docker): fix log files not being generated in Docker setups feat(DB/locales) Import deDE quest locales from TrinityCore fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Blasted Lands fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Westfall fix(DB/quest_poi): A Portabale Power Source feat(MMAPS/mapbuilder): restore ability to work with custom MapIDs >= 1000 fix(DB/gameobject): The Codex of Blood fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Duskwood fix(DB/creature_template) flags_extra for brewfest barker bunny's fix(Core/Logs): Fix arguments in function call fix(DB/gameobject_loot): Gordok Tribute fix(DB/smart_scripts) Rachelle Gothena Position fix(DB/creature/gameobject): Brother against brother fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved redrige mountains fix: broken link fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved swamp of sorrows fix(DB/creature_template): Void Zone from Lady Blaumeux fix(Core/Unit): ranged auto-attack sound issue if a player attacks target not in LOS fix(DB/spelldifficulty_dbc): Fix Disrupting shout [10/25] fix(DB/creature_template): Fix Twilight Fissure fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved loch modan fix(DB/Zone):improved Burning Steppes fix(DB/creature) Coilskar-Assasin Position fix(DB/waypoint_data): Ulduar Colossus path fix fix(DB/creature) Light's Hope Muradin/Saurfang Wrong Models fix(Core/CS): Fixed learn command using null session when send over SOAP feat(CI): check if pending sql has procedure or function fix(Script/ICC): Spirit Alarm and Deathbound Ward fix(DB/creature_template): Ulduar - Overload fix(Scripts/Ulduar): Supercharge stack issue fix fix(Core/Ulduar): Stone Nova stacks [25 mode] fix(Scripts/Ulduar): Boss XT-002 enrage sound fix(DB/Creature): Shandy Glossgleam fix(DB/Quest): The Black Box fix(CI): do not run core_build on forks fix(Scripts/Ulduar): Hodir flash freeze safe spots fix(DB/Dungeon/Quest): Entry into Karazhan fix(DB/Quest): Rifle the Bodies fix(DB/Zones):improved Tirisfal Glades fix(DB/Creature):improved Defender of Timbermaw fix(DB/smart_scripts): Gordok Ogre-Mage fix(Spell): Expose weakness fix(DB/Zones): improved missing & skipped some NPCs fix(DB/creature_template): Adjust Anub'arak minions level fix(DB/creature_template): Nerubian Burrower's immunity fix(DB/Zone):improved Hinterlands fix(DB/Zone): improved Strangethorn Vale fix(DB/creature_loot_template): Pattern: Fur Lining - Arcane Resist fix(DB/Zone): improved Western Plaguelands fix(DB/Zone):improved Eastern Plaguelands fix(DB/SAI): Speaker Mar'grom fix(Core): fixed crash happening when clearing old mail feat(Core/Unit): don't allow additions threat in evade mode and implement AURA_INTERRUPT_FLAG_LEAVE_COMBAT fix(DB/Loot): Naxxramas 25 refactor(Core/Mail): avoid big mail loading/saving time, only load 50 mails at a time fix(CI): add workaround for configure os (macos-10.15) fix: update labeler.yml fix(Actions): Labeler fix(Action): Labeler fix(DB/Creature): remove mobs from brewfest camp chore(CI): fix Trailing spaces fix(Core/Util): EventMap::RepeatEvent when eventId is retrieved by ExecuteEvent() call fix(Scripts/Ulduar): cast electrical charge only if player dies feat(Actions): Automatically add labels on PRs fix(DB/Spell): make 38318 positive chore(DB/VerifiedBuild): Creatures 3.1.x(#3409) fix(Core/Unit): Eating anim refactor(Core/Game): restyle game lib with astyle fix(DB/Event): Brewfest - Synthebrew Goggles and Ram Racing Reins refactor(Core/Scripts): restyle scripts lib with astyle fix(Core/Creature): dead creatures spawn position on respawn fix(DB/Creature): npc positions fix(Core/Boss): Toravon Script Mechanics fix(DB): Resupplying the Excavation refactor(Tools): restyle tools with astyle feat(Core/Movement): added orientation input for Point movement fix(Core/Misc): fixed NOPCH build fix(Core/Script) npc Tom Hegger target player for aggro text fix(Issue/Config): correct links fix(DB): ICC Intro Event - Saurfang/Muradin MODELID fix(DB/Dungeon): Dire Maul West fix(DB/Dungeon): improved Upper Blackrock fix(DB/Dungeon): improved Dire Maul East fix(Core/Spells): prevent client crash on use spell Neural Needle + ESC chore(Core/Player): remove useless SendQuestComplete fix(DB/Quest): Post-partum Aggression fix(DB/Dungeon): improved Dire Maul North fix(DB/Waypoint): npc guid 1021 path feat(Docker): add timezone settings to dockerfile fix(Core/PacketsIO): Send correct messages about server first achievements depending on faction. feat(Core/Events): update holiday code and remove misleading log (event date is the one from game_event) feat(InstanceScripts): new scriptable function DoAction() feat(CI/macOS): improve caching level chore(DB/VerifiedBuild): Items 3.1.x fix(DB/Creature): faction of several creatures docs: Move README.md to .github folder chore(DB/VerifiedBuild): Gameobjects 3.1.x feat(CI): add support for GCC chore(DB/VerifiedBuild): Quests 3.1.x fix(DB/Event): Brewfest starttime refactor(Travis): Remove unused travis files fix(DB/Creature): Remove Noblegarden item from Redridge Mongrel chore(DB/VerifiedBuild): Creatures 3.2.0 fix(Core/AuraScript): Soul Feast should apply on some Valithria mobs fix(DB/Quest): gluttonous lurkers: improve the current SmartAI chore(DB/VerifiedBuild): Quests 3.2.0 fix(Core/Misc): all GCC warnings chore(DB/VerifiedBuild): Creatures 3.2.2 fix(DB/Quest): gameobject loot and related responsible spell script chore(Core/Scripting): cleanup unused code fix(Scripts/Ulduar): Hodir Door chore(DB/VerifiedBuild): Items 3.2.0 fix(CI): do not run import-pending-sql on forks fix(DB/Creature): Prince Sandoval is not attackable docs(Readme): Minor improvements refactor(Core/Common): restyle common lib with astyle feat(Core/Time): remove inherited ACE Time chore(Core/Shared): restyle shared lib with astyle chore(Core/Worldserver): restyle worldserver lib with astyle feat(Deps/MySQL): add support MariaDB 10.5 chore(Core/Authserver): restyle authserver library with astyle fix(DB/SAI): remove links pointing to non-existing ID chore(DB/VerifiedBuild): Items 3.2.2 refactor(Core/Misc): remove the ternary operator when used improperly fix(DB/Creature): Remove wrong Steam Burst docs(issue_template): add template for feature requests fix(Scripts/Wintergrasp): fix disabled always false chore(DB/VerifiedBuild): Creatures 3.3.0 fix(Core/Spline): -Wcast-function-type warning fix(Core/player): do not show zone at first login docs(SECURITY): Move SECURITY.md to .github folder refactor(Core): replace ACE atomic types with standard C++ fix(DB/spell_custom_attr): Remove spell that doesn't exist fix(Scripts/AzjolNerub): Amanitar not casting “Mini” and mushroom not cleansing the player on death refactor(Core/Tools): remove ACE from tools chore(DB/VerifiedBuild): Items 3.3.0 fix(Scripts/ICC): visual of the Blood Council Bosses chore(DB/VerifiedBuild): Gameobject 3.3.0 Revert "feat(pull_request_template): Introduce the new github way" refactor(Scripts/Stratholme): fix warnings and made code more readable chore(DB/VerifiedBuild):] Quests 3.3.0 fix(DB/pool_template): improve spawn quantity of herbs in northrend refactor(Core/ICC): Move hardcoded spells to enum chore(DB/VerifiedBuild): Creatures 3.3.5 fix(Scripts/ICC): Don't show Heroic Attempts on Normal difficulty chore(DB/VerifiedBuild): Items 3.3.5 fix(Core/Tools): fix GCC warnings in extractors chore(DB/VerifiedBuild): Quests 3.3.5 fix(Core/Misc): GCC warnings feat(code_of_conduct): add code of conduct to the project fix(DB/Dungeon): improved Lower Blackrock Spire refactor(lfg): refactor code and style fix(Core/Script): Anomalus fix(CI/macos): reduce cache size chore(DB/Zone): enable allowMount in Emerald Dream fix(CORE/Dungeon): Mage-Lord Urom now cats empowered arcane explosion when he teleports to the center chore(CI): solve chore: add ./apps/joiner/ to .gitignore fix(Core/Spells): Implement SPELL_ATTR7_INTERRUPT_ONLY_NONPLAYER. feat(pull_request_template): Introduce the new github way feat(CI/Linux): use compression in ccache chore(deps): update gsoap to version 2.8.105 feat(Core/Script): Playing music from GameObjects and added holiday zones music script [Dungeon] Scholomance fix(Docker): fix Priority class denied docs(issue_template): add links to issue create window fix(Core/Quest): Death Comes From On High Core/Scripts: fix Nightfall proc chance and reduce it for victims with level above 60. fix(CORE/Commands): Renamed .character deleted old to .character deleted purge feat(contributing) Add guidelines for new contributors feat(DB/SmartAI): [Raid] Ulduar fix(DB/Creature): Atal'ai Priest unattackable feat(CI): actions/cache@v2 chore(CI/Docker): skip Scripts for shorter build times fix(CI/macOS): ccache issue fix(CORE/Raid): Muradin/Saurfang not de-spawning after finishing movement fix(CORE/Raid): Lich King “Pain and Suffering” snapping and “Shadow Trap” not targeting tanks refactor(Core): NULL -> nullptr docs(README): fix url fix(Core/SpellEffects): Make Shadowmeld drop combat fix (Core/Quest) Correct link quest and fix command lookup quest for multilanguage dbc Core/DB fix Icecrown Citadel Raid - Saurfang Intro Roleplay feat(DB/SAI): [Azeroth] Classic Rares - Part I feat(DB/Creature): [Zone] Thousand Needles feat(DB/SAI): [Azeroth] Missed & Skipped Creatures [Zone] Isle of Quel'Danas [Zone] Tanaris fix(DB/Creature): Eversong Woods chore(CI): change bot's commit message format fix(DB/Creature): Ungoro Crater fix(DB/Creature): Silithus fix(DB/Creature): Yulda the Stormspeaker Allow mages to refresh Living Bomb fix(DB/Creature): Stratholme refactor(Core): remove ace_autoptr, cleanup fix(DB/SAI): improve Feralas NPCs fix(Core/Gossip): Remove hard-coded texts from the: The forge of souls C++ fix(DB/SmartScriptMgr): Move CWZ valid check fix(build): remove warning fix(quest): improve quest force of neltharaku refactor(creature-loot): improve chance % of Bohan NPC fix(Core/DBCStores): prevent crash worldserver fix(DB/GO): improve gameobject instances respawn timesecs fix(Core/SpellAuras): Show auras to client limit fix(Scripts/UtgardePinnacle): Svala Sorrowgrave's loot disappearing too quickly feat(CI): add Windows to the CI fix(Core/Spells): Winter's Chill now stacks from multiple sources feat(CI): add macOS to our CI fix(Core/Command): Can comment closed tickets feat(Core/Command): Reenable .teleport name on offline player feat(Core/Config): CONFIG_INTERVAL_SAVE feat(Core/SendListInventory): Add multivendor function fix(CI): Made test run in relative path fix(CI/Core/ArenaSpectator): clang warnings + prevent new warnings refactor(CORE/Instance): Move Pandemonius script from SAI to Core script feat(Core/Commands): Character check bag && work fix(Scripts/DB): Add Prison to spawn Yor, move Yor AI from SAI feat(CI): add Ubuntu 18.04 to the CI test: add code coverage report fix(Core/Unit): melee attack through LoS fix(#2147): enrage and some false-negative spells fix(deps): update gsoap to fix vulnerability issue test: fix some cmake params test: fix unit test linking problem in ubuntu 18.04 chore(unit-object-accessor): add findConnectedPlayer to object accessor Create rev_1592783105272652900.sql refactor(Core/SpellInfo): Positive/Negative spells from SpellFamilyName into DB feat(CI/Docker): build all containers in CI feature(testing-automation): unit tests with Google Framework fix(DB/Creature): Desolace fix(Core/ObjectMgr): solve Global Storage issue fix(DB/SAI): improve Mulgore zone feat(Docker): update to Ubuntu 20.04 + more improvements fix(DB): improvements to Magister's Terrace fix(Core/Spell): rogue's poisons logic check refactor(Scripts/SAI): move Gryphoneer Windbellow to SAI fix(DB/Creature): Opening the Dark Portal fix(DB/GameTables): correct links to data from gt* DB tables fix(DB/Creature): Escape from Durnholde chore: Removed unwanted submodule feat(bash): support for derivated distro + refactor conf chore(worldserver.conf): Update GM.StartLevel to core default feature(World/Config): Implement MaxWhoListReturns fix(DB/item_template): Savange and Hateful Gladiator's range fix(Core/playercreateinfo_item): Alter amount of allowed items fix(Core/Script): Remove hardcoded Loch Modan texts fix(Core/Creature): Lady Katrana hardcoded text Core/Misc: update g3dlite lib feat(SUPPORT): Show contributors how to get help fix(Core/MailHandler): Prevent client crash while receiving a malformed mail fix(Core/Vendors): Load npc_vendor items in the right order fix(DB/Creature): The Botanica fix(DB/Creature): The Mechanar fix(DB/Creature): The Arcatraz fix(DB/Creature): Dustwallow Marsh feat(Core/DBC): rework load DBC fix(DB/Creature): Barrens fix(DB/Creature): Durotar Fix db_assembler on macOS fix(Core/SmartScripts): Disallow Gob to use Combat with Zone fix(DB/Gameobject): Maraudon portal clickable fix(DB/Sai): Remove Gameobject from being in combat with zone fix(DB/Creature): Captain Greenskin formation fix(DB/Spell): Savory Deviate Delight auras should not stack doc(readme): Fixed catalogue link fix(DB/Creature): Vereth the Cunning stand state fix(Core/Player): Display random properties in inspect refactor(Core/World): Make the file a bit more pretty fix(DB/Creature): Stonetalon Mountains fix(DB/Creature): Ashenvale feat(Core/Config): rework configs load system fix(DB/Creature): Azshara refactore(core/config): Move BG Report AFK To Conf fix(DB/Creature): Darkshore wiki(Security): Fix link wiki(Security): Add a security policy chore(CMake)!: Drop support for MariaDB 10.1 feat(Core/Loot): Increase the max loot possible by 2 fix(DB/Creature): Auchenai Crypts fix(DB/Creature): Underbog fix(DB/Creature): Steamvault fix(DB/Creature): Light's Hope Chapel dialogue script fix(DB/Creature): Slave Pens fix(Core/SpellScript): Script item Egg Nog fix(DB/Creature): Shadow Labyrinth fix(DB/Fix): Sethekk Halls fix(DB/Creature): Mana Tombs fix(DB/Creature): Felwood fix(DB/Creature): Winterspring refactor(issue_template): Move it to Githubs "new" place feat(Core/Config): Enable/Disable Debug BG/Arena fix(DB/Creature): Remove loot from totems fix(Core/Spell): Implement SPELL_ATTR0_CU_DONT_BREAK_STEALTH refactor(Core/BG): improvements to the queue system fix(Core/BG): fix BG_QUEUE_INVITATION_TYPE_NO_BALANCE fix(DB/Creature): Dragonmaw Bonewarder fix(DB/Creature): Outland Rares fix(Core): C++ 11 rule of 3 compiant constructors fix(Core/Battleground): fix queue issue fix(DB/SmartScripts): Swamp of Sorrows fix(DB/Locale): Add several entries for frFR fix(Core/WorldSocket): All control paths will return a value fix(DB/Creature): Desolace fix(DB/Quest): Mastery of the Crystals fix(DB/Creature): Blackfathom Deeps fix(DB/Creature): Shattered Halls fix(DB/Creature); Blood Furnace fix(DB/Creature): Hellfire Ramparts fix(DB/Creature): Sunken Temple fix(DB/Creature): Zul'farrak [Dungeon] Maraudon fix(DB/Creature): Uldaman fix(DB/Creature): Razorfen Downs fix(Core/BG): do not start new BGs if there are BGs with free slots fix(DB/Creature): Scarlet Monastery fix(DB/Creature): Gnomeregan fix(DB/Creature): Razorfen Kraul fix(DB/Creature): The Stockade feat(CI): update clang-7 to clang-9, add clang-10 build fix(Core/MailHandler): Security check fix(Core/Spell): Allow to cast and aura all spells feat(CI): upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04 fix(Core/Clang): make it work with clang 10 fix(DB/Quest): A Dire Situation fix(build): eluna feat(CI): refine cache usage in gh-actions fix(DB/Creature): Shadowfang Keep fix(CMake/FindMySQL): Allow MySQL 8.0 in Windows fix(DB/Creature): Wailing Caverns fix(Core/Query): Update GroupMgr query to support MySQL 8.0 fix(Core/Script): Felmyst fix(Core): solve issue with MariaDB fix(DB/Creature): Deadmines refactor(Core/Command): tele to teleport fix(Core/Script): Trial of the Crusader fix(Core/ChatHandler): Prevent messages > 255 characters fix(Core/Mysql): my_bool type conflict fix(Docker): Mysql Password fix(DB/Creature): Ragefire Chasm feat(Core/Docker): Enable SOAP for external usage feat(Docker): Container healthchecks fix(Docker): Persistent volumes for ac-database fix(Core/Pet): Risen Ghoul random name & pet detail fix(DB/Quest): Take No Chances feat(Core/Battleground): Config to allow/disallow ability to Share Quest & Ready Check fix(DB/ImportSQL): Missed import SQL f2892764cd fix(Core/Query): Escape MySQL 8.0 Keyword fix(DB/Quest): The Deathstalkers refactor(DB/acore_string): Rename locale columns fix(DB/Quest): Repurposed Technology fix(DB/Gameobject): Reagent Pouch fix(DB/Quest): Skybreaker Questchain fix(Core/Command): additem checks fix(DB/Locale): Locale fix for quest 919 fix(DB/Gameobject): Dalaran Forges refactor(Core/Query): escape some MySQL 8.0 keywords fix(bash): joiner tool has been moved fix(DB/Quest): Secrets of the Flamebinders quest chain feat(DB/Account): Delete account_muted when deleting an account fix(Core/Script): Grand Magus Telestra talk fix(Core/Command): cheat explore fix(DB/Quest): Deprecated quests fix quotes on 74e0f00 fix(Core/Conditions): Add CONDITION_SOURCE_TYPE_QUEST_AVAILABLE style(Core/Achievement): Improve error msg for achievement_reward fix(DB/Quest): Image of Commander Ameer Quests Start/End chore(DB): fix syntax in sql update fix(DB/Creature): Julianne Death Sound fix(DB/Creature): Dreadsaber & Shardhorn Rhino positioning fix(DB/Creature_text): ToC Lich King fix(DB/Creature): Bloodmaul Skirmisher Spawn Point fix(Core/Account): GM Level 1 will not be hostile to players fix(CI): core_build on coverity_scan is not needed feat(Core/Conf): Move BG rewards to config fix(DB/lang): TBC Heroic Dungeon Keys German Description fix(DB/lang): Totem Item Description fix(DB/Creature): Naxxramas Cultistl feat(Core/conf): Move arena charters cost to config fix(DB/Quest) Deprecated quests fix(DB/Quest): Brothers in Death event feat(DB): Import german quest_request_items texts from GTDB (Part 4/4) feat(Core/commands): Display reason for muting player feat(CORE/command): .account onlinelist orders accounts by IP fix(DB/reputation): Kurenai and Mag'har reputation amount rewarded fix(DB/Creature): Stinky aura fix(DB/Quest): Shoot 'Em Down fix(DB/Item): Chest of Spoils loot feat(Core/Config): Configurable buy/sell rates fix(DB/Item): Tome of Tranquilizing Shot Deprecated fix(DB/SAI): Grizzly Hills transport Fix(DB/Dungeon): The Nexus fix(DB/Quest): More locations to complete Patching Up fix(Core/DB/Events): Game Event on Calendar fix(DB/NPC): Eridan Bluewindl now award Flute of the Ancients chore(CI): update import_pending_sql.yml fix(Core/Raid): Eyes activate when endboss dead in Naxxramas fix(CI): sql import fix(DB/Spell): Clam drops fix(CI):updated token for import_pending_sql feat(CORE/command): .kick will now display the kick reason fix(DB/Creature): Ragefire Shaman will now cast heal fix(core/packet): prevent client crash from malformed packet/message fix(DB/item): Missing loot for Heart-Shaped Box (#792) feat(CI): migrate from Travis to GitHub Actions feat(Core/AI): CU_SAI - Custom Target Options fix(DB/Quest): Old Whitebark's Pendant Fix reward text for Quest: Shaodw's Edge fix:(DB/Item) Mechanical Greench / Wand of Holiday Cheer feat(Core/AI): CU_SAI - set creature in combat outside of dungeon feat(Core/AI): CU_SAI - Custom Event Options feat(Core/SAI): new Actions + Polar Coords System Offset Relocating fix(Core/Mail): Mailhandler cleanup fix(DB/Quest): Teron Gorefiend chaining fix(DB): The Green Hills of Stranglethorn German quest texts fix(Core/Creature): Use proper name for wander distance fix(CORE/locale): achievement_reward_locale should now work fix(DB): Fix quest minor text errors fix error loot altac valley feat(DB/lang): import German quest_request_items Texts from GTDB (Part 3/4) fix(DB/Gossip): Corrupted Cat gossip #2762 fix(DB/creature): Add waypoint for Morin Cloudstalker fix(core): "Silenced - You can only chat with GMs" spell style(DB): battelground_template entries now commented by type (arena or bg) fix(Core/Hook): OnFirstLogin can now make persistent changes fix(app/db_assembler): Allow recursion with bash feat(Core/Config): make stop time for creatures with WP movement configurable #2715 fix(DB/creature_formations): Thal'trak Proudtusk pathing fix(DB/creature_formations): Moon Priestess Amara pathing feat(DB/Creature): Add missing Little Adeline NPC #2747 fix(Calendar/Packets): add additional validation when creating events fix(DB/reputation): Sporeggar repeatable quest reputation rate Fix(Core/Packets/AntiDOS): Remove from default some repetitive movement packets fix(DB): Marsh Lurker spawn position chore(Core/AH): Restore little comment fix(Core/Pet): Pet chase range check for melee ranged spells fix(DB): error on default MySQL install feat(DB/lang): Import german quest_request_items texts from GTDB (Part 2/4) Revert "Fix(Core/Gameobjects): non-consumable goobers no longer despawn on use" feat(Core/Packet): Implement AntiDOS protection from Trinity fix(Core/Gossip): fix titles in quest reward being able to show in gossip fix(DB/creature): Remove duplicates Cenarion Stormcrow Fix(Core/Gameobjects): non-consumable goobers no longer despawn on use fix(Core/Spell): Melee ranged spells fix(DB/creature_template): PvP flagged creatures in Talon Den Core/Misc: Remove dependency on undefined behaviour Fix(Core/Packet): Calendar events exploits fix(DB/Gameobject): Secret Safe loot fix(GameObject/Quest): GameObject quest / gossip window fix(Core/SAI): SMARTCAST_COMBAT_MOVE fix(DB/Quest): Shaman quest "Earth Sapta" feat(DB/lang): Import german quest_offer_reward texts from GTDB (Part 1/4) fix: Zul'Aman raid improvements fix(apps): Script for default git commit template returns output fix(core/packet): check malformed guild packet to prevent client crash fix: TC link and fix spacing chore(README): Add linkedin link fix(DB/quests): Added german locale for "Ashenvale Hunt" fix(Core/Dungeon): Halls of stone doors fix(DB/Creature): Argent Guard Thaelrid Morph command update fix(Core/Pet): only show pet details for hunter pets and demons feat(Core/Hook): A few new hooks fix(Core): build with ENABLE_EXTRA_LOGS feat(Core/Hook): New GlobalScript hook fix(Core/Crash): remove unneeded hook OnPlayerChat fix(Core/commands): Realign columns for command ".pdump" refactor(HandleAuctionListOwnerItems): prevent crash feat(Core/Config): Parameter to set all creatures with WP movement active fix(Core/Packet): fix crash happening when someone sends small packets that is processed directly to WorldSocket Core/Misc: Remove redundant null pointer checks before delete refactor(Core/Spells): Improved logic and DX Spell::EffectSummonPet feat(Core/Spell): Header include optimization for files: SpellAura.h SpellAuraEffects.h fix(Core/Misc): fix some exploits fix(DB/gossip): Fix several gossip options for NPCs in Un'Goro Crater fix(Core/CreatureGroups): Fix "MoveSplineInitArgs::Validate" errors fix(DB/npc_trainer): remove some wrong spells from trainer tables fix(Core/CreatureAI): Skip creatures in evade mode for DoZoneInCombat fix(Core/Unit): Fix Guardian Pets clearing combat state fix(Core/Eluna): Fix issues with spell procs with Eluna fix(DB/SAI): Duskwing fix(DB/SAI): Quest "Anatoly Will Talk" fix(DB): sql import feat(DB): Test accounts using various GM levels fix(Core/TempSummon): Fix crash concerning PlayerScript hook docs(REPO): removed unused submodule fix(DB/SAI): Grizzly Bear feat(Core/Hook): New PlayerScript hooks fix(Core): potential crashes/bugs reported by static analysis #2 Fix (Core/DB): Remove hardcoded text from Malygos fix(Core/Hook): Make OnPlayerLeaveMap actually trigger fix(DB/SAI): Innocuous Scarab fix(DB/SAI): Devilsaurs fix(Core/Player): Fix removal of quest items refactor(CORE/scripts): Clearer error when script unassigned or alrea… fix(DB/creature): Imperial Eagle fix(Core/DK): Don't allow starter dk to queue bg fix(Core): Fixed a few crashes/bugs that were found via static code analysis fix(Core): Improve logging msg when missing .conf file fix(Core) : Enable randomProperties or suffix up to 5 fix(CORE): Missing override on various functions fix(Core/Battleground): must fix IC scoreboard feat(Core/Battlegrounds) Reworked enhanced bg system for modules fix(Core/Player): Only save player's glyphs when needed fix(Core/CreatureScript): Fix dk quest 12701 #2557 fix(core): Improve output for 2 small errors feat(Core/Hook): New PlayerScript hook "OnPetInitStatsForLevel" fix(Core/Battlegrounds): Fix compile error refactor(Core/BG/AB): code cleanup fix(DB/SAI): Loramus Thalipedes quests/gossip refactor(Core/BG/AV): code cleanup fix(DB): Various database cleanups Fix(Core/Battleground): Fixed Nagrand Arena door position chore(github): Clean up pull_request_template.md feat(DB/Worldstates): added worldstates entry 20004 in characters DB fix(DB/creature): Great Wavethrasher position fix(DB/SAI): Kanati Greycloud fix(DB/SAI): Snufflenose Gopher fix(Core/Tools): fix build fix(Core/Battlegrounds) Rewrite RandomBG and enabling bg/arenas weights chore(Core/Soap): Renamed TCSoap to ACSoap fix(Core/Spell): Glyph of Eternal Water fix(Core/CreatureScript): Grand Warlock Nethekurse fix(DB/SAI): Wastewalker Captive fix(Core/Intance): Fixed group spawn UBRS Rend fix(Core/Spell) Add an intervene trigger condition to avoid stealth removal feat(Core/Misc): remove and replace ACE_Singleton feat(Core/CommandScript): New GM command "player learn" fix(Core/ItemHandler): crash buy back item fix(DB/Locales): Various names & title fixes in locales fix(Core/Guild): Crash during money deposit / withdrawal fix(DB/SAI): Citizen of New Avalon fix(DB/GameEvent): Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganca Event NPC's & Gameobject fix(Core/Raid): Save correct data to DB after killing Ragnaros (issue #2464) fix(DB/SAI): Fix SAI error during quest "The Seer's Relic" fix(Core/BG) Moved AddObject AV doors after their spawn, closes #2453 feat(docs): Revamp the README fix(DB/SAI): Enraged Feral Scar feat(Core/ItemHandler): Optional item recovery fix(DB/SAI): Re-added Snowblind Follower interaction for quest 14090 fix(Core/GameObjectScript): Environmental damage of burning game objects fix(Core): Rand shuffle seed (RandomBattlegroundSystem,ICC-Marrowgar & Deathwhisper) fix(Core/SpellScript): Remove hard-coded texts from the "Pit of Saron" c++ script fix(DB): Command reload acore_string fix(CI): Enable Travis modules check fix(Core/Misc): few improvements to ut8 handling refactor(Core): rename namespaces and macros to acore fix(DB/SAI): Freed Crusader fix(DB/GameObject): Quest event "The Bones of Nozronn"; quest sparkle for GO type "GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_SPELL_FOCUS" fix(Core/CreatureScript): Fix Ragnaros magma blast fix(DB/waypoint_data): Wyrmrest Guardian fix(DB/Quest): "Hot and Cold" quest item fix(Core): Missing updates for creatures; disable Travis modules check fix(docker): garbled cjk characters in docker fix(Core/Raid):Putricide mutated abomination being energized by players feat(Core/Misc): replace ACE based typedefs feat(DB/characters): added comments to worldstates fix(DB/game_event): use another default minimum date to avoid import errors feat(DB/Translations) Imported german translations from GTDB fix(Core/PetAI): aggro and movement of Warlock's IMP fix(Core/Deps): fix build for Windows fix(Core/GridNotifiers): Fix crash fix(Core): uint32 assignment, prevent crash, closes #2433 feat(Core/Misc): replace all prefix preprocessor defines from CompilerDefs with AC_ feat(Core/Shared): added new library - shared feat(Core/PacketIO): restrict CMSG_EMOTE/CMSG_STANDSTATECHANGE to only allow emotes/stand states that client can send by itself fix(Core): prevent movement exploit feat(Deps/Jemalloc): update Jemalloc to 5.2.1 fix(Core/GridNotifiers): increased visibility for large creatures, part 2 fix(Core/MovementHandler): fix crash at null guid in mover fix(Core/Gossip): Enable gossip translations from database(#2427) feat(Core/DBLayer): move DatabaseWorkerPool into it's own translation unit fix(Core/Quest): The Lich, Ras Frostwhisper feat(Core/Debugging): improve crash reports feat(Core/GameEvent): Allow unspecified end_time for game events feat(Core/Opcode): simple opcode filter to log non-existing opcode fix(Core/Dungeon): Elder Nadox hardcore texts + Ahn'kahar Spell Flinger spells. fix(Core/Crash): Improved Utf8toWStr() function to prevent crashes fix(Core/Spell): Eye of Gruul healing discount spell fix(Core/Spell): Glyph of Shadow Word: Death fix(DB/SAI): Garm area fix(DB/SAI): Quest "Canyon Chase" (Horde/Alliance) fix(DB/creature_template): Make Sunreaver Dragonhawk not attackable in Argent Tournament Grounds feat(Docker): Enable warnings during build fix(Core/AuthSocket): Added check for AuthFlooder fix(DB/SAI): Waypoint pause errors fix(Core/Item): Random item properties generation fix(DB/waypoint_scripts): Chilltusk fix(DB/gossip_menu_option): Quest "The Exorcism of Colonel Jules" fix(DB/SAI): Garm's Bane fix(DB/creature_loot_template): Fix Baron Rivendale loot, close #2349 feat(DB/points_of_interest): Improved points_of_interest table, close #1193 fix(Core/Commands): debug send opcode fix(DB/Core): Quest "The Great Hunter's Challenge"; add new condition CONDITION_QUEST_OBJECTIVE_PROGRESS fix(DB/Quest): Fix quest Hotter than Hell requirement of Fel Reaver corpse feat(DB/game_tele): Added Emerald Dream teleports fix(DB/SAI): Fulgorge feat(Core/Tools): mmaps working with mapID >= 1000 feat(Core/SpellMgr): Worldserver option for ICC buff fix(DB/SAI): Quest event "The Reckoning" feat(CI): add docker to travis build fix(DB/SAI): Fel Reaver fix(DB/SAI): Sen'Jin Fetish fix(DB/SAI): Battle beneath the Dark Portal, part 2 fix(DB/gossip_menu_option): Gossip Dalaran NPCs feat(docker): allow script-less build fix(Core/spell_item): Fix a few items with spell effects feat(cmake/macro): Allow scripts to lower prioritize other scripts fix(Core/Battleground): Improving the Anti-Spam BG Queue Announcer fix(Core/Chat): Channel exploit feat(Core/CreatureAddon): increased visibility for large creatures fix(DB/SAI): Wind Trader Marid fix(DB/gameobject): Tallonkai's Dresser fix(Core/Chat): Prevent Horde / Alliance chat via custom emotes feat(Core/Config): Add parameter to load all grids of all non-instanced maps on server start fix(DB/SAI): Ruul the Darkener fix(DB/SAI): Quest "What Is Going On?" fix(DB/SAI): Venomspite quests / area feat(Core): Added ABORT() macro to prevent the usage of ASSERT(false) as a quick hack to crash the core misusing assert fix(Core/Hunter): Stable Master, exotics pets management, tame validations. fix(CMake): Use cmake-generator-expressions for escaping quotes feat(Cmake): set policy CMP005 to NEW feat(Cmake): set minimal support version 3.8 and added interface libs for world and auth fix(Core/CreatureScript): Quest "Kindness" fix(DB/SAI): Sarathstra feat(Cmake/Build): Use interface targets for inheriting flags and definitions fix(DB/Quest): Lumber Hack fix(Core/Dungeon): Small corrections to Boss Novos encounter and some npcs wrong behavior fix(DB/Quest): "The Hunter's Path" fix(DB/gameobject_template): Quest "Thwarting Kolkar Aggression" fix(DB/SAI): Bath'rah the Windwatcher fix(Core/CreatureScript): Ormorok log errors fix(Core/GameObjectScript): Load ICC Scourge Teleport gossip from DB fix(DB/Creature): Gimorak's Den fix(Core/Worldsession): add option to prevent logout when AFK in a sanctuary zone fix(Core/Spell): "Taming the Beast" hunter quests, part 2 fix(DB/SAI): Quest "Territorial Trespass" fix(DB/creature): Add random movement to critters in "Pit of Saron" fix(Core): Build error concerning debug log message fix(Core/Spell): "Taming the Beast" hunter quests fix(DB/Core): "Sons of Hodir" quests / areas feat(Core/Player): Additional option for worldserver config parameter "InstantFlightPaths" chore(Core/Player): Fix all apply item mods for scale chore(PRTemplate): Update style pull_request_template.md fix(SQL): rework dir for sql update feat(Core): enable C++17 fix (Core/Vehicle): delay position update in Vehicles, this may be deleted chore(Core/AI): Convert the hardcoded variadic RAND functions into one C++11 variadic template version. fix(DB/SAI): Thrym fix(Core/CreatureScript): Sindragosa - Ice Tomb and Frost Imbued Blade buff fix(Core/Dungeon): Scourgelord Tyrannus died mid-air. Body got stuck mid-air and can't be looted fix(DB/creature): Thrall position (Orgrimmar) refactor(Core/Misc): Rewrite name handling functions that use raw buffers refactor(ItemTemplate): add missing enums + other minor improvements fix(DB/creature): Random movement "Stoic Mammoth" & "Roaming Jormungar" fix(bash): update the data files version feat(CI/Travis): use Ubuntu 18.04 + update min clang version fix(DB/SAI): Quest "Keeping Pace" (Zamek's Distraction) chore(authserver): improve startup console logs fix(db-assembler): error 'cant find any matching row in the user table' fix(DB/SAI): Stoneskin Gargoyle (Naxxramas) feat(Core/BG): rewrite invite in bg fix: revert unwanted Spell changes chore(CI): disable staging branch fix(Core/Dungeon): Remove Goblin Rocket Pack from inventory in ICC Gunship Battle Creature type flags fix(DB/SAI): The Drakkensryd fix(Core/Deps): fix build fix(Core/Deps): Update recastnavigation to last version feat(Core/Deps): Added fmt lib fix(Core/Boss Script): Obsidian Sanctum Bugs Fixed (Cant enter instance while boss in combat , fix HardMode problem with damage drakes before starting boss) fix(Core): Fix build - C3848 compile error fix(DB/creature): Thorim position (Temple of Storms) fix(Core/SpellInfo): Magmadar's Enrage dispel fix fix(DB/creature): Random movement for "Icemaw Bear" and "Ravenous Jormungar" fix(Core/Commands): Support morph uint32 ids fix(Scripts/Karazhan): Cleanup in opera event fix(DB/SAI): Mirage Raceway - goblin / gnome racing fix(Core/Instance): Fix instance resetting exploit feat(Core/CFBG): Added support module mod-cfbg Updated client data downloader url with vmaps 4.3 feat(core/AI): implement DoCastSelf helper fix(DB/Core): Throwing spells for Instructor Razuvious and Drakkari Battle Riders chore(README.md): add Discord badge chore: improved pull_request_template.md fix(DB/SAI): Revamp Crystalweb Cavern fix(Core/Raid/Boss Script): Naxxramas boss loatheb kill event fix (Core/Dungeon/Boss Script): Remove Goblin Rocket Pack from inventory. fix(Core/DB/Quest): Let Them Eat Crow fix(DB/Waypoint): Saedelin Whitedawn waypoint fix(DB/Creature): Enslaved Netherwing Drake flying animation fix(Core/SAI): fix parameters for action type "SMART_ACTION_UPDATE_TEMPLATE" fix(Core/Achievements): Skill achievements fix(Core/Quest): Scratches Fix client game crash with invite player to invalid name for Channel. fix(DB/Quest): Ending their world fix(Core/Dungeon/Boss Script): Halls of Stone - Brann Respawn - Naxxaramus Noth Teleport phase Bug - Ulduar StormcCaller Brundir inFly Die Bug fix(DB/gameobject): Band-aid fix for Malygos platform fix(DB/CreatureScript): The Lurker Below fix(Core/Spell): Flame Breath (Catapult) fix(DB/CreatureScript): Deathblow to the Legion chore(PR template): automatically add instructions for testing DB/SAI: actually execute Technician Zhanaa's script on quest turn-in fix Emalon Loot fix(Core/Boss): Boss Urom fix(Core/Battleground): Warsong flags can be picked up while mounted fix(DB/Core): Dragonflayer Strategist spell "Hurl Dagger" fix(Core/Boss Scripts): Update boss_hodir.cpp - Fix ice shards cast speed in 10 man fix(DB/SAI): Overthane Balargarde fix(DB/Gameobject): Pumpkin wrong placement refactor(Naxxramas): code cleaning fix(Core/CreatureScript): fix Skadi / Grauf text error fix(DB/SAI): fix a few issues for Jotunheim fix(DB/SAI): fix movement / SAI errors fix(Core): Online status of accounts fix(DB/Creature): Razorscale Harpoon Fire State fix(DB/Creature): High Overlord Saurfang fix(DB/Quests): For Great Honor & Concerted Efforts fix(DB/gameobject): Faction+flags ID 184632 fix(DB/creature_text): "Scarlet Medic" / "Scarlet Infantryman" feat(Core/Pool): improve pool manager fix(DB/Creature): Fixing reports related to DB, SAI, Text fix(DB/Creature): Flatland Prowler SAI feat(Core): GUID recycler fix(DB/SAI): quest "When All Else Fails" fix(DB/Creature): Kargath Grunt equipment fix(DB/Creature): Warsong Marksman's corpses fix(DB/Quest): Fix Fire At Will! [CFBG module part 3] Core/BG: Rework functions, delete ASSERT's. fix(DB/Creature): Ribbon Pole Dance NPC's fix(Core/Wintergrasp): Leaving Wintergrasp with the minimap button fix(Core/Wintergrasp): Spam msg's fix(DB/Spell): Argent Dawn trinkets fix(DB/SAI): Mini Diablo, Panda Cub, Sleepy Willy fix(DB/Creatures): Living & Mature lasher fix(DB/Creature/Event): Arena Vendors & Creatures fix(DB/Creature): Ulathek aggro text feat(Core/SAI): improve SAI logging for missing creature text fix(DB/SAI): Zergling vs Grunty Fix(Core/DB): Naxxramas overhaul Let's make it clear. fix(Core/Spell): Haunted Memento fix(Core/Creature): Mature Netherwing Drake fix(DB/Core): "Battle for the Undercity" buffs feat(Core/Player): Added new functions for `BGData` feat(Core/Hooks): Added new BG hooks fix(Core/Spell): Holy Priest Tier 5 Greater Heal Refund proc chore(core): fix indentation fix(DB/SAI): Orbaz Bloodbane - Ominous Cloud fix(DB/Creature): Quintis Jonespyre gossip menu Sartharion Boundary fix(Core/npc_professions): Swordsmith specialization fix(DB/SAI): Death Knight Adept mass spawn fix(DB/Creature): Venture Co. Strip Miners now move/attack/cast fix(DB/npc_vendor): Empty vendors honor/arena S6 horde side fix(DB): King Krush fix(DB/Creature): FixCreature Sporebat+Greater Sporebat+Young Sporebat+Sporewing fix(Core/Spell): Target "TARGET_DEST_CHANNEL_TARGET" fix(DB/SAI): Chicken Escapee fix(Core/Spells): Spell ID Shadow Ward (Warlock) fix(Core/BG): prevent potential crash in BG fix(DB/SAI): Thalgran fix(DB/SAI): Serfex the Reaver fix(DB/Quest): Tormented By the Past fix(Core): check quest conditions on item equip fix(DB/Core): Play "Lament of the Highborne" as music instead of sound fix(DB): Dismiss Frenzyheart companion fix(DB/Spell): Judgement of wisdom/light procs fix(DB/Quest): Horn Fragment fix(Core/Quest): Memories of Stormhoof feat(Core/Player): PartyLevelReq invite settings fix(DB/SAI): Various fixes for Mogor (Ring of Blood) feat(Core/Eluna): PLAYER_EVENT_ON_SPELL_CAST fix(DB/Creature): Hide various dungeon creature triggers fix(DB/Gameobject): Empty Cauldron fix(DB/Core): Fix some issues concerning "Thorim's Charm of Earth" (Mending Fences) fix(Core/Spell): Big Blizzard Bear fix(DB/Quest): The Key of Warlord Zol'Maz fix(DB/SAI): Ring of Blood creature despawn fix(DB/Quest): "Defeat the Gearmaster" / "The Gearmaster" fix(DB/Core): Mother Smolderweb fix(SQL): solve critical issue #1921 fix(DB/Creatures/Objects): Revamp Wintergarde mine to include more mobs and mineral nodes fix(DB/Creature): Hide creature trigger on Shirrak the Dead Watcher fix(DB/SAI): Wastewalker Slave&Wastewalker Worker fix(Core): Bag/Fishing pole equip refactor(Docker): fix codacy warnings fix(DB/SAI): Quest "Jack Likes His Drink" fix(Core/Spells): Shaman Reincarnation fix(DB/Gameobject): Spire Spider Egg Trap fix(DB/SAI): Fix some db errrors fix(DB/Quest): Dark Iron Legacy Core/Spells: Fix wintergrasp spells yards Improved check fix(DB/Quest): Going Bearback SAI fix(DB/SAI): Defias Taskmaster on loot fix(Core/Raid): Vault of Archavon stomp fix(DB/Gossip): Stormpike Quartermaster fix(CORE): Low-level quests blue "!" instead of yellow w/ tracker fix(DB/Quest): The Assassination of Harold Lane fix(DB/SAI): Watchman Doomgrip / Warbringer Construct fix(Core/Raid): Reworked Archimonde fight fix(Core/Waypoint): Drakkari Gutripper fix(DB/Waypoints): Guardian Lasher & Winter Revenant feat(Core/Icons): New look fix(Core/Combat): Casters combat fix(DB/SAI): Fizzcrank Bomber fix(DB/Quest): A Spirit Ally QuestId 9847 fix(DB/SAI): Overseer Deathgaze fix(DB/Core): Emotes / reaction during quest "The Taste Test" fix(DB/Creature); Kelgruk Bloodaxe fix(DB/Fishing): Fix db errors fix(DB/Gameobject): Missing in DB (Giving conflicts on quest) fix(DB): Defendo-tank 66D - fix target of "say" action fix(Core/SAI) Add missing parameters for SMART_ACTION_MOVE_TO_POS fix(DB) TC Alignment - Characters arena stats fix(DB/Creature): Deadmines Pathing for 23 creatures fix(Core/Dungeon) Blackrock Depths - Ambassador Flamelash fix(DB/Quest): Healthy Dragon Scale fix(DB/Creature): Delete creature, wrong spawn feat(Core/Commands): Arena command feat: Add creation_date column to characters table fix(DB/Quest): Returning the Favor fix(DB/Creature): Delete some creatures in Dragonblight fix(DB/SAI): Bleeding Hollow Riding Worg despawn fix(DB/SAI): Void Spawner - Quest - Warp Rifts fix(Core): Auth/World conf.dist corrections fix(DB): Raised Mud Despawn (quest "An Embarassing Incident") fix(Core/Dungeon) BRD - The seven minibosses re-order fix(DB/SAI): Blackrock Depths creatures fix(DB): Sturdy Vine Despawn (quest "Some Make Lemonade, Some Make Liquor") feat(Core/Commands): Deserter command (BG/Instance) fix(Core): increase visibility distance of large game objects fix(DB/Quest): Gaining Acceptance fix(DB/SAI): Skorn fix(DB/SAI): Darkspear Spear Thrower fix(DB/SAI): Alterac Valley mobs movement fix(CORE/Quest): Death's Challenge gossip menu fix(DB/SAI): Teldrassil missing SAI fix(DB/SAI): Bloodmyst Isle missing SAI fix(DB/Creature): NPC Ethereum guardian fix(DB/SAI): phasing after reward for "Return To Angrathar" fix(Core/Raid): Ulduar - Kologarn fix(DB/Creature): Dalaran creatures speech fix(CORE/Commands): .Pinfo - Show guild informations fix(sql): Eversong Woods missing SAI fix(DB/SAI): Trident of Naz'jan to SAI fix(Core/Spells): Change to the way the spell effect SPELL_EFFECT_JUMP work. fix(DB/Quests): Blood Elfs starting zone quests for classes fix(CORE/Battleground): Captain Galvangar position fix(DB/Creature): Coilskar defender fix(DB/SAI): fix mini-event for quest "All Hail Roanauk!" fix(CORE): Increase C'Thun Dark Glare spell timer feat(Core/Quest): Quest item reward fix(CORE/Spells): Druid forms fix(CORE/Spells): Shadowmourne spell effect fix(CORE/Raid): Obsidian Sancturn - Tenebron fix(CORE/Raid): Molten Core - Ragnaros hammer orientation fix(DB/SAI): Head of Nefarian (A&H) fix(Core): implement "SCRIPT_COMMAND_MOVEMENT" (35) to fix Defias Thug waypoint errors Fix(DB/Core): UBRS - General Drakissath fix(Core/DB): Hardcoded text - Eastern Kingdoms Fix(DB/Core): Dragonmaw Peon AI Fix(DB/Gameobject): Neferian head spawntime updated to 2 hours fix(DB/SAI): battle beneath the dark portal Fix(DB/SAI): Creature text for "Battle for the Undercity" feat(Cmake/MYSQL): Correct support MariaDB for windows changes to loot from Trinitycore DB/Creature: Grom'tor, Son of Oronok fix(DB): Training the Beast quest reward text feat(core): Increased limit of realms fix(DB/SAI): Shadowlord Deathwail chore(git): Add a commit template & introduce new guidelines Fix(Core/Spells): Fix parry aura spells Fix(DB/SAI): Desolace AI for centaurs fix(Docker): allow to use modules fix(CI): fix paths for dry-run check DB/Quest: Head of Nefarian (A) fix(Core/Battlegrounds): log errors about creatures not found feat(CI): Travis check modules Fix(Core/BG): Queue Announcer FIX Core/ICC: Lady Deathwhisper feat(Core/Commands): Quest Add Fix(DB/Misc): Borean Tundra SAI Fix(DB/Quest/Gameobject): Despawn time for The Lord of Blackrock Fall From Grace fix(Core/Eluna): fix compiler warning concerning Eluna feat(Core/Library): Rename shared library to common fix(Cmake/Eluna): Add Eluna files in game lib Fix(DB/Creature): Spirit of Olum and Spirit of Udalo Fix(DB/SAI): Rough Stone & Dragonmaw Bonewarder fix(Core): fix a few issues with "Battle for the Undercity" feat(Cmake): Add new hook AFTER_LOAD_CMAKE_MODULES DB: Shattered sun marksman SAI feat(Cmake): Rewrite build and use inherited dependencies Fix(Core/Player: On first login cinematics DB/Core: Heroes of old Blizzlike and Fix fix(Core/Commands): Learn spell for GM lvl 3 chore(Docker): add comments to explain the building steps Fix(DB/Quest): Data Rescue Fix(Core/Scripts): NPC Iruk gossip from DB Feat(Core/Item): Proper way to add item signature fix(DB/SAI): despawn Jenny when quest "Load'er Up!" is complete fix(DB): Fezzix "jumping" through the air fix(DB/Core): quest chain leading to "Battle for the Undercity" feat(Core): Changing max pass size Fix(DB/Quest): Blueleaf Tubers Core/Misc: Replace ACE_UINT* to uint* fix(CI): prevent failing Travis runs feat(DB): Keeping database names consistent troughout the system Refactor(Core/Misc): Remove remaining COMPILER_HAS_CPP11_SUPPORT related macros Fix(DB/Quest): Assassin's Contract & Baron's Demise Refactor(Core/Gossip): Replacing old macros with new Rewrite(Core/BanManager): Rewrite Ban system Fix(DB/Quest): Heroes of Old Feat: Add Codacy badge Fix(Core/Quest): Correct add locale in quest Fix(Core/DB/Ulduar): Assembly of Iron Fix(DB/NPC): Librarian Garren Fix(DB/Quest): Ogre Head On A Stick Fix(Core/Player): fix periodic eating and drinking emotes refactor(DB/world): graveyard_zone Fix(DB): Fixing several Npc issues DB restructuring - world - achievement_reward fix(DB/Quest): WANTED: Boss Grog'ak Skill perfect item template Switch to C++14 to solve compilation issues Feat:Update README.md Fix(Core/Common): Added header in file DBCStore.h Fix(Core/Ticket System): Ticket comment visual output bug feat(Core/Chat): Add config option to allow use LFG anywhere not only in city fix(DB): Fjord Hawk, Fjord Turkey fix(DB/Core): play event after quest "Hero of the Mag'har"; extend SAI to play music fix(DB): a few improvements to the giant wandering outdoor creatures fix(DB): zeppelin master - remove gossip option "Where is the zeppelin now?" Fix(Core): GM command not working while GM mode is on feat(CI): improve Travis build time Fix(Scripts/Instances/Oculus): improvements fix(DB): Malmortis creature text fix(Core/WorldSession): change how to storing data in account_tutorial Fix(Scripts/Spells): Check range to fire totem when casting Fire Nova. fix(Core/Player): close all character tickets when delete fix(Core/Commands): fix reload creature_template and creature movment fix(Modules): solve breaking change fix(core): prevent unsupported-by-client passwords feat(core): allow to debug KickPlayer() feat(cpp): enable C++17 support fix(Docker/macOS): solve disconnection issues feat(core): allow to disable auto-kick for idle players Fix(Core/Ulduar): Multiple fixes to Flame Leviathan feat(Core/Movement): Implement move time skipped handler Eluna: load the configuration file using the new method. fix(Docker): no need to duplicate *.dist files feat(modules): Allow modules to extend Battlegrounds fix(DB/creature): correct phaseMask of NPC Ravenous jormungar fix(Core/DB/Quest): Battle for the Undercity Core/ChatHandler: Update Addon message read fix (#811) fix(DB): Pit of Saron intro feat(CI): add commit hashes to the automatic SQL import chore(readme): fix stackoverflow default view feat(Commands): Added cheat commands feat(docker): add cache for faster rebuild fix(DB/Item): Hateful Gladiator's Longbow No Range feat(CI): dynamically calculate thread count for build process Core/Skills: Add FishingBaseSkillLevel dynamic change method fix(DB/Quest): Morrowgrain to darnassus style(cpp): DBC AchievementCriteriaTypes indentation fix(CI): break on errors in CI scripts Core/Eluna: Hotfix call sEluna->OnGameEventStart method arg register feat(CI): improve Travis configuration Core/Hooks: Adds hooks for start and stop game events Core/Hooks: Add new Player hooks chore(docs): use new wiki fix(CI): Travis triggers the AC bot only once fix(DB): sql update chain for all DBs DB: Fixing some issues ```