55 lines
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55 lines
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import * as semver from "https://deno.land/x/semver/mod.ts";
// specify the needed paths here
const CHANGELOG_PATH = "doc/changelog";
const ACORE_JSON = "./acore.json";
// read the acore.json file to work with the versioning
const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
const data = await Deno.readFile(ACORE_JSON);
const acoreInfo = JSON.parse(decoder.decode(data));
let changelogText = await Deno.readTextFile(CHANGELOG_MASTER_FILE);
const currentVersion = acoreInfo.version;
const res=Deno.run({ cmd: [ "git", "rev-parse",
stdout: 'piped',
stderr: 'piped',
stdin: 'null' });
await res.status();
const gitVersion = new TextDecoder().decode(await res.output());
for await (const dirEntry of Deno.readDir(CHANGELOG_PENDING_PATH)) {
if (!dirEntry.isFile || !dirEntry.name.endsWith(".md")) {
// Upgrade the prerelease version number (e.g. 1.0.0-dev.1 -> 1.0.0-dev.2)
acoreInfo.version = semver.inc(acoreInfo.version, "prerelease", {
includePrerelease: true,
// read the pending file found and add it at the beginning of the changelog text
const data = await Deno.readTextFile(
changelogText = `## ${acoreInfo.version} | Commit: [${gitVersion}](https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/commit/${gitVersion}\n\n${data}\n${changelogText}`;
// remove the pending file
await Deno.remove(`${CHANGELOG_PENDING_PATH}/${dirEntry.name}`);
// write to acore.json and master.md only if new version is available
if (currentVersion != acoreInfo.version) {
console.log(`Changelog version upgraded from ${currentVersion} to ${acoreInfo.version}`)
Deno.writeTextFile(CHANGELOG_MASTER_FILE, changelogText);
Deno.writeTextFile(ACORE_JSON, JSON.stringify(acoreInfo, null, 2)+"\n");
} else {
console.log("No changelogs to add")