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@file Image3uint8.h
@maintainer Morgan McGuire, http://graphics.cs.williams.edu
@created 2007-01-31
@edited 2007-01-31
#ifndef G3D_IMAGE3UINT8_H
#define G3D_IMAGE3UINT8_H
#include "G3D/platform.h"
#include "G3D/Map2D.h"
#include "G3D/Color3uint8.h"
#include "G3D/Color3.h"
#include "G3D/GImage.h"
namespace G3D {
typedef ReferenceCountedPointer<class Image3uint8> Image3uint8Ref;
Compact storage for RGB 8-bit per channel images.
See also G3D::Image3, G3D::GImage
class Image3uint8 : public Map2D<Color3uint8, Color3> {
typedef Image3uint8 Type;
typedef Image3uint8Ref Ref;
Image3uint8(int w, int h, WrapMode wrap);
void copyGImage(const class GImage& im);
void copyArray(const Color1* src, int w, int h);
void copyArray(const Color3* src, int w, int h);
void copyArray(const Color4* src, int w, int h);
void copyArray(const Color1uint8* src, int w, int h);
void copyArray(const Color3uint8* src, int w, int h);
void copyArray(const Color4uint8* src, int w, int h);
const class ImageFormat* format() const;
/** Creates an all-zero width x height image. */
static Ref createEmpty(int width, int height, WrapMode wrap = WrapMode::ERROR);
/** Creates a 0 x 0 image. */
static Ref createEmpty(WrapMode wrap = WrapMode::ERROR);
static Ref fromFile(const std::string& filename, WrapMode wrap = WrapMode::ERROR, GImage::Format fmt = GImage::AUTODETECT);
static Ref fromGImage(const class GImage& im, WrapMode wrap = WrapMode::ERROR);
static Ref fromArray(const class Color1uint8* ptr, int width, int height, WrapMode wrap = WrapMode::ERROR);
static Ref fromArray(const class Color3uint8* ptr, int width, int height, WrapMode wrap = WrapMode::ERROR);
static Ref fromArray(const class Color4uint8* ptr, int width, int height, WrapMode wrap = WrapMode::ERROR);
static Ref fromArray(const class Color1* ptr, int width, int height, WrapMode wrap = WrapMode::ERROR);
static Ref fromArray(const class Color3* ptr, int width, int height, WrapMode wrap = WrapMode::ERROR);
static Ref fromArray(const class Color4* ptr, int width, int height, WrapMode wrap = WrapMode::ERROR);
static Ref fromImage3(const ReferenceCountedPointer<class Image3>& im);
static Ref fromImage1uint8(const ReferenceCountedPointer<class Image1uint8>& im);
/** Loads from any of the file formats supported by G3D::GImage. If there is an alpha channel on the input,
it is stripped. */
void load(const std::string& filename, GImage::Format fmt = GImage::AUTODETECT);
/** Saves in any of the formats supported by G3D::GImage. */
void save(const std::string& filename, GImage::Format fmt = GImage::AUTODETECT);
/** Extracts color channel 0 <= c <= 2 and returns it as a new monochrome image. */
ReferenceCountedPointer<class Image1uint8> getChannel(int c) const;
} // G3D