2023-11-07 05:04:30 -05:00

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@file Table.h
Templated hash table class.
@maintainer Morgan McGuire, http://graphics.cs.williams.edu
@created 2001-04-22
@edited 2013-01-22
Copyright 2000-2013, Morgan McGuire.
All rights reserved.
#ifndef G3D_Table_h
#define G3D_Table_h
#include <cstddef>
#include <string>
#include "G3D/platform.h"
#include "G3D/Array.h"
#include "G3D/debug.h"
#include "G3D/System.h"
#include "G3D/g3dmath.h"
#include "G3D/EqualsTrait.h"
#include "G3D/HashTrait.h"
#include "G3D/MemoryManager.h"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# pragma warning (push)
// Debug name too long warning
# pragma warning (disable : 4786)
namespace G3D {
An unordered data structure mapping keys to values.
There are two ways of definining custom hash functions (G3D provides built-in ones for most classes):
class Foo {
std::string name;
int index;
static size_t hashCode(const Foo& key) {
return HashTrait<std::string>::hashCode(key.name) + key.index;
template<> struct HashTrait<class Foo> {
static size_t hashCode(const Foo& key) { return HashTrait<std::string>::hashCode(key.name) + key.index; }
// Use Foo::hashCode
Table<Foo, std::string, Foo> fooTable1;
// Use HashTrait<Foo>
Table<Foo, std::string> fooTable2;
Key must be a pointer, an int, a std::string or provide overloads for:
template<> struct HashTrait<class Key> {
static size_t hashCode(const Key& key) { return reinterpret_cast<size_t>( ... ); }
and one of
template<> struct EqualsTrait<class Key>{
static bool equals(const Key& a, const Key& b) { return ... ; }
bool operator==(const Key&, const Key&);
G3D pre-defines HashTrait specializations for common types (like <CODE>int</CODE> and <CODE>std::string</CODE>).
If you use a Table with a different type you must write those functions yourself. For example,
an enum would use:
template<> struct HashTrait<MyEnum> {
static size_t hashCode(const MyEnum& key) const { return reinterpret_cast<size_t>( key ); }
And rely on the default enum operator==.
Periodically check that debugGetLoad() is low (> 0.1). When it gets near
1.0 your hash function is badly designed and maps too many inputs to
the same output.
template<class Key, class Value, class HashFunc = HashTrait<Key>, class EqualsFunc = EqualsTrait<Key> >
class Table {
The pairs returned by iterator.
class Entry {
Key key;
Value value;
Entry() {}
Entry(const Key& k) : key(k) {}
Entry(const Key& k, const Value& v) : key(k), value(v) {}
bool operator==(const Entry &peer) const { return (key == peer.key && value == peer.value); }
bool operator!=(const Entry &peer) const { return !operator==(peer); }
typedef Table<Key, Value, HashFunc, EqualsFunc> ThisType;
Linked list nodes used internally by HashTable.
class Node {
Entry entry;
size_t hashCode;
Node* next;
// Private to require use of the allocator
Node(const Key& k, const Value& v, size_t h, Node* n)
: entry(k, v), hashCode(h), next(n) {
debugAssert((next == NULL) || isValidHeapPointer(next));
Node(const Key& k, size_t h, Node* n)
: entry(k), hashCode(h), next(n) {
debugAssert((next == NULL) || isValidHeapPointer(next));
static Node* create(const Key& k, const Value& v, size_t h, Node* n, MemoryManager::Ref& mm) {
Node* node = (Node*)mm->alloc(sizeof(Node));
return new (node) Node(k, v, h, n);
static Node* create(const Key& k, size_t hashCode, Node* n, MemoryManager::Ref& mm) {
Node* node = (Node*)mm->alloc(sizeof(Node));
return new (node) Node(k, hashCode, n);
static void destroy(Node* n, MemoryManager::Ref& mm) {
Clones a whole chain;
Node* clone(MemoryManager::Ref& mm) {
return create(this->entry.key, this->entry.value, hashCode, (next == NULL) ? NULL : next->clone(mm), mm);
void checkIntegrity() const {
# ifdef G3D_DEBUG
debugAssert(m_bucket == NULL || isValidHeapPointer(m_bucket));
for (size_t b = 0; b < m_numBuckets; ++b) {
Node* node = m_bucket[b];
debugAssert(node == NULL || isValidHeapPointer(node));
while (node != NULL) {
debugAssert(node == NULL || isValidHeapPointer(node));
node = node->next;
# endif
/** Number of elements in the table.*/
size_t m_size;
Array of Node*.
We don't use Array<Node*> because Table is lower-level than Array.
Some elements may be NULL.
Node** m_bucket;
Length of the m_bucket array.
size_t m_numBuckets;
MemoryManager::Ref m_memoryManager;
void* alloc(size_t s) const {
return m_memoryManager->alloc(s);
void free(void* p) const {
return m_memoryManager->free(p);
Re-hashes for a larger m_bucket size.
void resize(size_t newSize) {
// Hang onto the old m_bucket array
Node** oldBucket = m_bucket;
// Allocate a new m_bucket array with the new size
m_bucket = (Node**)alloc(sizeof(Node*) * newSize);
alwaysAssertM(m_bucket != NULL, "MemoryManager::alloc returned NULL. Out of memory.");
// Set all pointers to NULL
System::memset(m_bucket, 0, newSize * sizeof(Node*));
// Move each node to its new hash location
for (size_t b = 0; b < m_numBuckets; ++b) {
Node* node = oldBucket[b];
// There is a linked list of nodes at this m_bucket
while (node != NULL) {
// Hang onto the old next pointer
Node* nextNode = node->next;
// Insert at the head of the list for m_bucket[i]
size_t i = node->hashCode % newSize;
node->next = m_bucket[i];
m_bucket[i] = node;
// Move on to the next node
node = nextNode;
// Drop the old pointer for cleanliness when debugging
oldBucket[b] = NULL;
// Delete the old storage
this->m_numBuckets = newSize;
void copyFrom(const ThisType& h) {
if (&h == this) {
debugAssert(m_bucket == NULL);
m_size = h.m_size;
m_numBuckets = h.m_numBuckets;
m_bucket = (Node**)alloc(sizeof(Node*) * m_numBuckets);
// No need to NULL elements since we're about to overwrite them
for (size_t b = 0; b < m_numBuckets; ++b) {
if (h.m_bucket[b] != NULL) {
m_bucket[b] = h.m_bucket[b]->clone(m_memoryManager);
} else {
m_bucket[b] = NULL;
Frees the heap structures for the nodes.
void freeMemory() {
for (size_t b = 0; b < m_numBuckets; ++b) {
Node* node = m_bucket[b];
while (node != NULL) {
Node* next = node->next;
Node::destroy(node, m_memoryManager);
node = next;
m_bucket[b] = NULL;
m_bucket = NULL;
m_numBuckets = 0;
m_size = 0;
Creates an empty hash table using the default MemoryManager.
Table() : m_bucket(NULL) {
m_memoryManager = MemoryManager::create();
m_numBuckets = 0;
m_size = 0;
m_bucket = NULL;
/** Changes the internal memory manager to m */
void clearAndSetMemoryManager(const MemoryManager::Ref& m) {
debugAssert(m_bucket == NULL);
m_memoryManager = m;
Recommends that the table resize to anticipate at least this number of elements.
void setSizeHint(size_t n) {
size_t s = n * 3;
if (s > m_numBuckets) {
Destroys all of the memory allocated by the table, but does <B>not</B>
call delete on keys or values if they are pointers. If you want to
deallocate things that the table points at, use getKeys() and Array::deleteAll()
to delete them.
virtual ~Table() {
/** Uses the default memory manager */
Table(const ThisType& h) {
m_memoryManager = MemoryManager::create();
m_numBuckets = 0;
m_size = 0;
m_bucket = NULL;
Table& operator=(const ThisType& h) {
// No need to copy if the argument is this
if (this != &h) {
// Free the existing nodes
return *this;
Returns the length of the deepest m_bucket.
size_t debugGetDeepestBucketSize() const {
size_t deepest = 0;
for (size_t b = 0; b < m_numBuckets; ++b) {
size_t count = 0;
Node* node = m_bucket[b];
while (node != NULL) {
node = node->next;
if (count > deepest) {
deepest = count;
return deepest;
Returns the average size of non-empty buckets.
float debugGetAverageBucketSize() const {
uint64 num = 0;
for (size_t b = 0; b < m_numBuckets; ++b) {
Node* node = m_bucket[b];
if (node != NULL) {
return (float)((double)size() / num);
A small load (close to zero) means the hash table is acting very
efficiently most of the time. A large load (close to 1) means
the hash table is acting poorly-- all operations will be very slow.
A large load will result from a bad hash function that maps too
many keys to the same code.
double debugGetLoad() const {
return (double)size() / m_numBuckets;
Returns the number of buckets.
size_t debugGetNumBuckets() const {
return m_numBuckets;
C++ STL style iterator variable. See begin().
class Iterator {
friend class Table<Key, Value, HashFunc, EqualsFunc>;
Bucket index.
size_t index;
Linked list node.
Node* node;
size_t m_numBuckets;
Node** m_bucket;
bool isDone;
Creates the end iterator.
Iterator() : index(0), node(NULL), m_bucket(NULL) {
isDone = true;
Iterator(size_t numBuckets, Node** m_bucket) :
m_bucket(m_bucket) {
if (m_numBuckets == 0) {
// Empty table
isDone = true;
# ifdef G3D_DEBUG
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_numBuckets; ++i) {
debugAssert((m_bucket[i] == NULL) || isValidHeapPointer(m_bucket[i]));
# endif
index = 0;
node = m_bucket[index];
debugAssert((node == NULL) || isValidHeapPointer(node));
isDone = false;
debugAssert((node == NULL) || isValidHeapPointer(node));
If node is NULL, then finds the next element by searching through the bucket array.
Sets isDone if no more nodes are available.
void findNext() {
while (node == NULL) {
if (index >= m_numBuckets) {
m_bucket = NULL;
index = 0;
isDone = true;
} else {
node = m_bucket[index];
debugAssert((node == NULL) || isValidHeapPointer(node));
inline bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
bool operator==(const Iterator& other) const {
if (other.isDone || isDone) {
// Common case; check against isDone.
return (isDone == other.isDone);
} else {
return (node == other.node) && (index == other.index);
Pre increment.
Iterator& operator++() {
debugAssert(! isDone);
debugAssert(node != NULL);
debugAssert((node->next == NULL) || isValidHeapPointer(node->next));
node = node->next;
debugAssert(isDone || isValidHeapPointer(node));
return *this;
Post increment (slower than preincrement).
Iterator operator++(int) {
Iterator old = *this;
return old;
const Entry& operator*() const {
return node->entry;
const Value& value() const {
return node->entry.value;
const Key& key() const {
return node->entry.key;
Entry* operator->() const {
return &(node->entry);
operator Entry*() const {
return &(node->entry);
bool isValid() const {
return ! isDone;
/** @deprecated Use isValid */
bool hasMore() const {
return ! isDone;
C++ STL style iterator method. Returns the first Entry, which
contains a key and value. Use preincrement (++entry) to get to
the next element. Do not modify the table while iterating.
Iterator begin() const {
return Iterator(m_numBuckets, m_bucket);
C++ STL style iterator method. Returns one after the last iterator
const Iterator end() const {
return Iterator();
Removes all elements. Guaranteed to free all memory associated with
the table.
void clear() {
m_numBuckets = 0;
m_size = 0;
m_bucket = NULL;
Returns the number of keys.
size_t size() const {
return m_size;
If you insert a pointer into the key or value of a table, you are
responsible for deallocating the object eventually. Inserting
key into a table is O(1), but may cause a potentially slow rehashing.
void set(const Key& key, const Value& value) {
getCreateEntry(key).value = value;
/** Helper for remove() and getRemove() */
bool remove(const Key& key, Key& removedKey, Value& removedValue, bool updateRemoved) {
if (m_numBuckets == 0) {
return false;
const size_t code = HashFunc::hashCode(key);
const size_t b = code % m_numBuckets;
// Go to the m_bucket
Node* n = m_bucket[b];
if (n == NULL) {
return false;
Node* previous = NULL;
// Try to find the node
do {
if ((code == n->hashCode) && EqualsFunc::equals(n->entry.key, key)) {
// This is the node; remove it
// Replace the previous's next pointer
if (previous == NULL) {
m_bucket[b] = n->next;
} else {
previous->next = n->next;
if (updateRemoved) {
removedKey = n->entry.key;
removedValue = n->entry.value;
// Delete the node
Node::destroy(n, m_memoryManager);
return true;
previous = n;
n = n->next;
} while (n != NULL);
return false;
/** If @a member is present, sets @a removed to the element
being removed and returns true. Otherwise returns false
and does not write to @a removed. */
bool getRemove(const Key& key, Key& removedKey, Value& removedValue) {
return remove(key, removedKey, removedValue, true);
Removes an element from the table if it is present.
@return true if the element was found and removed, otherwise false
bool remove(const Key& key) {
Key x;
Value v;
return remove(key, x, v, false);
Entry* getEntryPointer(const Key& key) const {
if (m_numBuckets == 0) {
return NULL;
size_t code = HashFunc::hashCode(key);
size_t b = code % m_numBuckets;
Node* node = m_bucket[b];
while (node != NULL) {
if ((node->hashCode == code) && EqualsFunc::equals(node->entry.key, key)) {
return &(node->entry);
node = node->next;
return NULL;
/** If a value that is EqualsFunc to @a member is present, returns a pointer to the
version stored in the data structure, otherwise returns NULL.
const Key* getKeyPointer(const Key& key) const {
const Entry* e = getEntryPointer(key);
if (e == NULL) {
return NULL;
} else {
return &(e->key);
Returns the value associated with key.
@deprecated Use get(key, val) or getPointer(key)
Value& get(const Key& key) const {
Entry* e = getEntryPointer(key);
debugAssertM(e != NULL, "Key not found");
return e->value;
/** Returns a pointer to the element if it exists, or NULL if it does not.
Note that if your value type <i>is</i> a pointer, the return value is
a pointer to a pointer. Do not remove the element while holding this
It is easy to accidentally mis-use this method. Consider making
a Table<Value*> and using get(key, val) instead, which makes you manage
the memory for the values yourself and is less likely to result in
pointer errors.
Value* getPointer(const Key& key) const {
if (m_numBuckets == 0) {
return NULL;
size_t code = HashFunc::hashCode(key);
size_t b = code % m_numBuckets;
Node* node = m_bucket[b];
while (node != NULL) {
if ((node->hashCode == code) && EqualsFunc::equals(node->entry.key, key)) {
// found key
return &(node->entry.value);
node = node->next;
// Failed to find key
return NULL;
If the key is present in the table, val is set to the associated value and returns true.
If the key is not present, returns false.
bool get(const Key& key, Value& val) const {
Value* v = getPointer(key);
if (v != NULL) {
val = *v;
return true;
} else {
return false;
/** Called by getCreate() and set()
\param created Set to true if the entry was created by this method.
Entry& getCreateEntry(const Key& key, bool& created) {
created = false;
if (m_numBuckets == 0) {
size_t code = HashFunc::hashCode(key);
size_t b = code % m_numBuckets;
// Go to the m_bucket
Node* n = m_bucket[b];
// No m_bucket, so this must be the first
if (n == NULL) {
m_bucket[b] = Node::create(key, code, NULL, m_memoryManager);
created = true;
return m_bucket[b]->entry;
size_t bucketLength = 1;
// Sometimes a bad hash code will cause all elements
// to collide. Detect this case and don't rehash when
// it occurs; nothing good will come from the rehashing.
bool allSameCode = true;
// Try to find the node
do {
allSameCode = allSameCode && (code == n->hashCode);
if ((code == n->hashCode) && EqualsFunc::equals(n->entry.key, key)) {
// This is the a pre-existing node
return n->entry;
n = n->next;
} while (n != NULL);
// Allow the load factor to rise as the table gets huge
const int bucketsPerElement =
(m_size > 50000) ? 3 :
((m_size > 10000) ? 5 :
((m_size > 5000) ? 10 : 15));
const size_t maxBucketLength = 3;
// (Don't bother changing the size of the table if all entries
// have the same hashcode--they'll still collide)
if ((bucketLength > maxBucketLength) &&
! allSameCode &&
(m_numBuckets < m_size * bucketsPerElement)) {
// This m_bucket was really large; rehash if all elements
// don't have the same hashcode the number of buckets is
// reasonable.
// Back off the scale factor as the number of buckets gets
// large
float f = 3.0f;
if (m_numBuckets > 1000000) {
f = 1.5f;
} else if (m_numBuckets > 100000) {
f = 2.0f;
int newSize = iMax((int)(m_numBuckets * f) + 1, (int)(m_size * f));
// Not found; insert at the head.
b = code % m_numBuckets;
m_bucket[b] = Node::create(key, code, m_bucket[b], m_memoryManager);
created = true;
return m_bucket[b]->entry;
Entry& getCreateEntry(const Key& key) {
bool ignore;
return getCreateEntry(key, ignore);
/** Returns the current value that key maps to, creating it if necessary.*/
Value& getCreate(const Key& key) {
return getCreateEntry(key).value;
/** \param created True if the element was created. */
Value& getCreate(const Key& key, bool& created) {
return getCreateEntry(key, created).value;
Returns true if key is in the table.
bool containsKey(const Key& key) const {
if (m_numBuckets == 0) {
return false;
size_t code = HashFunc::hashCode(key);
size_t b = code % m_numBuckets;
Node* node = m_bucket[b];
while (node != NULL) {
if ((node->hashCode == code) && EqualsFunc::equals(node->entry.key, key)) {
return true;
node = node->next;
return false;
Short syntax for get.
inline Value& operator[](const Key &key) const {
return get(key);
Returns an array of all of the keys in the table.
You can iterate over the keys to get the values.
Array<Key> getKeys() const {
Array<Key> keyArray;
return keyArray;
void getKeys(Array<Key>& keyArray) const {
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_numBuckets; ++i) {
Node* node = m_bucket[i];
while (node != NULL) {
node = node->next;
/** Will contain duplicate values if they exist in the table. This array is parallel to the one returned by getKeys() if the table has not been modified. */
void getValues(Array<Value>& valueArray) const {
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_numBuckets; ++i) {
Node* node = m_bucket[i];
while (node != NULL) {
node = node->next;
Calls delete on all of the keys and then clears the table.
void deleteKeys() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_numBuckets; ++i) {
Node* node = m_bucket[i];
while (node != NULL) {
delete node->entry.key;
node->entry.key = NULL;
node = node->next;
Calls delete on all of the values. This is unsafe--
do not call unless you know that each value appears
at most once.
Does not clear the table, so you are left with a table
of NULL pointers.
void deleteValues() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_numBuckets; ++i) {
Node* node = m_bucket[i];
while (node != NULL) {
delete node->entry.value;
node->entry.value = NULL;
node = node->next;
template<class H, class E>
bool operator==(const Table<Key, Value, H, E>& other) const {
if (size() != other.size()) {
return false;
for (Iterator it = begin(); it.hasMore(); ++it) {
const Value* v = other.getPointer(it->key);
if ((v == NULL) || (*v != it->value)) {
// Either the key did not exist or the value was not the same
return false;
// this and other have the same number of keys, so we don't
// have to check for extra keys in other.
return true;
template<class H, class E>
bool operator!=(const Table<Key, Value, H, E>& other) const {
return ! (*this == other);
void debugPrintStatus() {
debugPrintf("Deepest bucket size = %d\n", (int)debugGetDeepestBucketSize());
debugPrintf("Average bucket size = %g\n", debugGetAverageBucketSize());
debugPrintf("Load factor = %g\n", debugGetLoad());
} // namespace
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# pragma warning (pop)