BeastMaster NPC
Important notes
You have to use at least AzerothCore commit 3f0739f.
This module allows each class (even Warlocks and Death Knights) to use hunter pets by adding a special NPC. This NPC provides the following options:
- teach the necessary hunter skills
- provide different pets (even exotic) which can be customized in the config file
- food for the pets
- stables (only for hunters)
The module can be configured to be restricted to hunters only. In this mode it can serve as a source for rare pets specified in the config file.
How to use ingame
As GM:
- add NPC permanently:
.npc add 601026
- add NPC temporarily:
.npc add temp 601026
Due to the uniquiness of the module you will get this message on the worldconsole, but nothing is broken. It is due to the npc not exactly having a gossip menu in the database, the script handles the gossip menu.
Please add the adjustment to the conf to have that error message not show up:
# Creatures.CustomIDs
# Description: The list of custom creatures with gossip dialogues hardcoded in core,
# divided by "," without spaces.
# It is implied that you do not use for these NPC dialogs data from "gossip_menu" table.
# Server will skip these IDs during the definitions validation process.
# Example: Creatures.CustomIDs = "190010,55005,999991,25462,98888,601026" - Npcs for Transmog, Guild-zone, 1v1-arena modules
# Skip Dk Module, Racial Trait Swap Modules
# Default: ""
Creatures.CustomIDs = "190010,55005,999991,25462,98888,601026"
Clone Git repository:
cd <ACdir>
git clone modules/mod-npc-beastmaster
Import SQL automatically:
cd <ACdir>
bash apps/db_assembler/
choose 8)
Import SQL manually:
cd <ACdir>
bash apps/db_assembler/
choose 4)
cd <ACdir>
mysql -P <DBport> -u <DPuser> --password=<DBpassword> world <env/dist/sql/world_custom.sql
Edit module configuration (optional)
If you need to change the module configuration, go to your server configuration folder (where your worldserver
or worldserver.exe
is), copy npc_beastmaster.conf.dist
to npc_beastmaster.conf
and edit that new file.
(If using Docker, place the npc_beastmaster.conf
file into your azerothcore-wotlk\docker\worldserver\etc
- Stoabrogga: further development
- Talamortis: further development
- BarbzYHOOL: support
- StygianTheBest: original author (this module is based on v2017.09.03)
AzerothCore: repository - website - discord chat community
This code and content is released under the GNU AGPL v3.