2023-11-07 05:04:30 -05:00

1031 lines
30 KiB

\file FileSystem.cpp
\author Morgan McGuire,
\author 2002-06-06
\edited 2010-10-10
#include "G3D/FileSystem.h"
#include "G3D/System.h"
#include "G3D/stringutils.h"
#include "G3D/fileutils.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#if _HAVE_ZIP /* G3DFIX: Use ZIP-library only if defined */
#include "zip.h"
#include "G3D/g3dfnmatch.h"
#include "G3D/BinaryInput.h"
#include "G3D/BinaryOutput.h"
#ifdef G3D_WINDOWS
// Needed for _getcwd
# include <direct.h>
// Needed for _findfirst
# include <io.h>
# ifdef __MINGW32__
# define stat stat
# else
# define stat _stat
# endif
# include <dirent.h>
# include <fnmatch.h>
# include <unistd.h>
# define _getcwd getcwd
# define _stat stat
# define stricmp strcasecmp
# define strnicmp strncasecmp
namespace G3D {
static FileSystem* common = NULL;
GMutex FileSystem::mutex;
FileSystem& FileSystem::instance() {
return *common;
void FileSystem::init() {
if (common == NULL) {
common = new FileSystem();
void FileSystem::cleanup() {
if (common != NULL) {
delete common;
common = NULL;
FileSystem::FileSystem() : m_cacheLifetime(10) {}
bool FileSystem::Dir::contains(const std::string& f, bool caseSensitive) const {
for (int i = 0; i < nodeArray.size(); ++i) {
if (caseSensitive) {
if (f == nodeArray[i].name) {
return true;
} else if (stricmp(f.c_str(), nodeArray[i].name.c_str()) == 0) {
return true;
return false;
void FileSystem::Dir::computeZipListing(const std::string& zipfile, const std::string& _pathInsideZipfile) {
#if _HAVE_ZIP /* G3DFIX: Use ZIP-library only if defined */
const std::string& pathInsideZipfile = FilePath::canonicalize(_pathInsideZipfile);
struct zip* z = zip_open( FilePath::removeTrailingSlash(zipfile).c_str(), ZIP_CHECKCONS, NULL );
int count = zip_get_num_files( z );
Set<std::string> alreadyAdded;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
struct zip_stat info;
zip_stat_init( &info ); // TODO: Docs unclear if zip_stat_init is required.
zip_stat_index( z, i, ZIP_FL_NOCASE, &info );
// Fully-qualified name of a file inside zipfile
std::string name = FilePath::canonicalize(;
if (beginsWith(name, pathInsideZipfile)) {
// We found something inside the directory we were looking for,
// so the directory itself must exist
exists = true;
// For building the cached directory listing, extract only elements that do not contain
// additional subdirectories.
size_t start = pathInsideZipfile.size();
if ((name.length() > start) && isSlash(name[start])) {
size_t end = findSlash(name, start);
if (end == std::string::npos) {
// There are no more slashes; add this name
name = name.substr(start);
if (alreadyAdded.insert(name)) {
Entry& e =; = name;
e.type = FILE_TYPE;
} else {
// There are more slashes, indicating that this is a directory
name = name.substr(start, end);
if (alreadyAdded.insert(name)) {
Entry& e =; = FilePath::removeTrailingSlash(name);
e.type = DIR_TYPE;
z = NULL;
FileSystem::Dir& FileSystem::getContents(const std::string& path, bool forceUpdate) {
const std::string& key =
# if defined(G3D_WINDOWS)
# else
# endif
RealTime now = System::time();
Dir& dir = m_cache.getCreate(key);
if ((now > dir.lastChecked + cacheLifetime()) || forceUpdate) {
dir = Dir();
// Out of date: update
dir.lastChecked = now;
# ifdef G3D_WINDOWS
// On windows, we have to use GetFileAttributes ( instead of
// stat in order to work with network shares
const DWORD st = GetFileAttributesA(key.c_str());
const bool exists = (st != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES);
const bool isDirectory = (st & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0;
# else
struct _stat st;
const bool exists = _stat(key.c_str(), &st) != -1;
const bool isDirectory = (st.st_mode & S_IFDIR) != 0;
# endif
// Does this path exist on the real filesystem?
if (exists && isDirectory) {
// Is this path actually a directory?
if (isDirectory) {
dir.exists = true;
// Update contents
# ifdef G3D_WINDOWS
const std::string& filespec = FilePath::concat(key, "*");
struct _finddata_t fileinfo;
intptr_t handle = _findfirst(filespec.c_str(), &fileinfo);
debugAssert(handle != -1);
int result = 0;
do {
if ((strcmp(, ".") != 0) && (strcmp(, "..") != 0)) {
Entry& e =; =;
if ((fileinfo.attrib & _A_SUBDIR) != 0) {
e.type = DIR_TYPE;
} else {
e.type = FILE_TYPE;
result = _findnext(handle, &fileinfo);
} while (result == 0);
# else
DIR* listing = opendir(key.c_str());
debugAssertM(listing, "opendir failed on '" + key + "'");
struct dirent* entry = readdir(listing);
while (entry != NULL) {
if ((strcmp(entry->d_name, "..") != 0) && (strcmp(entry->d_name, ".") != 0)) {
Entry& e =; = entry->d_name;
// Not all POSIX systems support this field
switch (entry->d_type) {
case DT_DIR:
e.type = DIR_TYPE;
case DT_REG:
e.type = FILE_TYPE;
e.type = UNKNOWN;
# endif
entry = readdir(listing);
listing = NULL;
entry = NULL;
# endif
} else {
std::string zip;
if (exists && isZipfile(path)) {
// This is a zipfile; get its root
dir.isZipfile = true;
dir.computeZipListing(path, "");
} else if (inZipfile(path, zip)) {
// There is a zipfile somewhere in the path. Does
// the rest of the path exist inside the zipfile?
dir.inZipfile = true;
dir.computeZipListing(zip, path.substr(zip.length() + 1));
return dir;
bool FileSystem::_inZipfile(const std::string& _path, std::string& z) {
const std::string& path = FilePath::expandEnvironmentVariables(_path);
// Reject trivial cases before parsing
// Look at all sub-paths containing periods.
// For each, ask if it is a zipfile.
size_t current = 0;
current = path.find('.', current);
while (current != std::string::npos) {
// xxxxx/
current = path.find('.', current);
// Look forward for the next slash
size_t s = findSlash(path, current);
if (s == std::string::npos) {
// No more slashes
return false;
z = path.substr(0, s);
if (_isZipfile(z)) {
return true;
current = s + 1;
z = "";
return false;
bool FileSystem::_isZipfile(const std::string& _filename) {
const std::string& filename = FilePath::canonicalize(FilePath::expandEnvironmentVariables(_filename));
FILE* f = fopen(FilePath::removeTrailingSlash(filename).c_str(), "r");
if (f == NULL) {
return false;
uint8 header[4];
(void)fread(header, 4, 1, f);
const uint8 zipHeader[4] = {0x50, 0x4b, 0x03, 0x04};
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
if (header[i] != zipHeader[i]) {
return false;
return true;
FILE* FileSystem::_fopen(const char* _filename, const char* mode) {
const std::string& filename = FilePath::canonicalize(FilePath::expandEnvironmentVariables(_filename));
for (const char* m = mode; *m != '\0'; ++m) {
if (*m == 'w') {
// Purge the cache entry for the parent of this directory
return ::fopen(filename.c_str(), mode);
void FileSystem::_clearCache(const std::string& _path) {
const std::string& path = FilePath::expandEnvironmentVariables(_path);
if ((path == "") || FilePath::isRoot(path)) {
} else {
Array<std::string> keys;
const std::string& prefix =
# ifdef G3D_WINDOWS
# else
# endif
const std::string& prefixSlash = prefix + "/";
for (int k = 0; k < keys.size(); ++k) {
const std::string& key = keys[k];
if ((key == prefix) || beginsWith(key, prefixSlash)) {
void FileSystem::_setCacheLifetime(float t) {
m_cacheLifetime = t;
void FileSystem::_createDirectory(const std::string& _dir) {
const std::string& dir = FilePath::expandEnvironmentVariables(_dir);
if (dir == "") {
std::string d = _resolve(dir);
// Add a trailing / if there isn't one.
switch (d[d.size() - 1]) {
case '/':
case '\\':
d += "/";
// If it already exists, do nothing
if (_exists(FilePath::removeTrailingSlash(d))) {
// Parse the name apart
std::string root, base, ext;
Array<std::string> path;
std::string lead;
FilePath::parse(d, root, path, base, ext);
debugAssert(base == "");
debugAssert(ext == "");
// Begin with an extra period so "c:\" becomes "c:\.\" after
// appending a path and "c:" becomes "c:.\", not root: "c:\"
std::string p = root + ".";
// Create any intermediate that doesn't exist
for (int i = 0; i < path.size(); ++i) {
p += "/" + path[i];
if (! _exists(p)) {
// Windows only requires one argument to mkdir,
// where as unix also requires the permissions.
# ifndef G3D_WINDOWS
mkdir(p.c_str(), 0777);
# else
# endif
void FileSystem::_copyFile(const std::string& _source, const std::string& _dest) {
const std::string& source = FilePath::expandEnvironmentVariables(_source);
const std::string& dest = FilePath::expandEnvironmentVariables(_dest);
# ifdef G3D_WINDOWS
// TODO: handle case where srcPath is in a zipfile
CopyFileA(source.c_str(), dest.c_str(), FALSE);
# else
// Read it all in, then dump it out
BinaryInput in(source, G3D_LITTLE_ENDIAN);
BinaryOutput out(dest, G3D_LITTLE_ENDIAN);
out.writeBytes(in.getCArray(), in.size());
# endif
bool FileSystem::_exists(const std::string& _f, bool trustCache, bool caseSensitive) {
const std::string& f = FilePath::expandEnvironmentVariables(_f);
if (FilePath::isRoot(f)) {
# ifdef G3D_WINDOWS
const std::string& winname = toLower(f.substr(0, 1)) + ":\\";
return _drives().contains(winname);
# else
return true;
# endif
const std::string& path = FilePath::removeTrailingSlash(f);
const std::string& parentPath = FilePath::parent(path);
const bool forceUpdate = ! trustCache;
const Dir& entry = getContents(parentPath, forceUpdate);
if (FilePath::containsWildcards(f)) {
if (! entry.exists) {
// The directory didn't exist, so neither do its contents
return false;
const std::string& pattern = FilePath::baseExt(path);
// See if any element of entry matches the wild card
for (int i = 0; i < entry.nodeArray.size(); ++i) {
if (FilePath::matches(entry.nodeArray[i].name, pattern, caseSensitive)) {
return true;
// Could not find a match
return false;
} else {
return entry.exists && entry.contains(FilePath::baseExt(path), caseSensitive);
bool FileSystem::_isDirectory(const std::string& _filename) {
const std::string& filename = FilePath::expandEnvironmentVariables(_filename);
// TODO: work with zipfiles and cache
struct _stat st;
const bool exists = _stat(FilePath::removeTrailingSlash(filename).c_str(), &st) != -1;
return exists && ((st.st_mode & S_IFDIR) != 0);
void FileSystem::_removeFile(const std::string& path) {
alwaysAssertM(! inZipfile(path), "Cannot invoke removeFile() on files inside zipfiles.");
Array<std::string> files;
getFiles(path, files, true);
for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i) {
const std::string& filename = files[i];
int retval = ::remove(filename.c_str());
// Remove from cache
std::string FileSystem::_resolve(const std::string& _filename, const std::string& _cwd) {
const std::string& filename = FilePath::expandEnvironmentVariables(_filename);
const std::string& cwd = FilePath::expandEnvironmentVariables(_cwd);
if (filename.size() >= 1) {
if (isSlash(filename[0])) {
// Already resolved
return filename;
} else {
#ifdef G3D_WINDOWS
if ((filename.size() >= 2) && (filename[1] == ':')) {
// There is a drive spec on the front.
if ((filename.size() >= 3) && isSlash(filename[2])) {
// Already fully qualified
return filename;
} else {
// The drive spec is relative to the
// working directory on that drive.
debugAssertM(false, "Files of the form d:path are"
" not supported (use a fully qualified"
" name).");
return filename;
// Prepend the working directory.
return FilePath::concat(cwd, filename);
std::string FileSystem::_currentDirectory() {
static const int N = 2048;
char buffer[N];
(void)_getcwd(buffer, N);
return std::string(buffer);
static Set<std::string> _filesUsed;
void FileSystem::markFileUsed(const std::string& filename) {
const Set<std::string>& FileSystem::usedFiles() {
return _filesUsed;
bool FileSystem::_isNewer(const std::string& _src, const std::string& _dst) {
const std::string& src = FilePath::expandEnvironmentVariables(_src);
const std::string& dst = FilePath::expandEnvironmentVariables(_dst);
// TODO: work with cache and zipfiles
struct _stat sts;
bool sexists = _stat(src.c_str(), &sts) != -1;
struct _stat dts;
bool dexists = _stat(dst.c_str(), &dts) != -1;
return sexists && ((! dexists) || (sts.st_mtime > dts.st_mtime));
int64 FileSystem::_size(const std::string& _filename) {
const std::string& filename = FilePath::canonicalize(FilePath::expandEnvironmentVariables(_filename));
struct stat st;
int result = stat(filename.c_str(), &st);
if (result == -1) {
#if _HAVE_ZIP /* G3DFIX: Use ZIP-library only if defined */
std::string zip, contents;
if (zipfileExists(filename, zip, contents)) {
int64 requiredMem;
struct zip *z = zip_open( zip.c_str(), ZIP_CHECKCONS, NULL );
debugAssertM(z != NULL, zip + ": zip open failed.");
struct zip_stat info;
zip_stat_init( &info ); // Docs unclear if zip_stat_init is required.
int success = zip_stat( z, contents.c_str(), ZIP_FL_NOCASE, &info );
(void) success;
debugAssertM(success == 0, zip + ": " + contents + ": zip stat failed.");
requiredMem = info.size;
return requiredMem;
} else {
return -1;
#if _HAVE_ZIP /* G3DFIX: Use ZIP-library only if defined */
return st.st_size;
void FileSystem::listHelper
(const std::string& shortSpec,
const std::string& parentPath,
Array<std::string>& result,
const ListSettings& settings) {
Dir& dir = getContents(parentPath, false);
if (! dir.exists) {
for (int i = 0; i < dir.nodeArray.size(); ++i) {
Entry& entry = dir.nodeArray[i];
// See if it matches the spec
if (FilePath::matches(, shortSpec, settings.caseSensitive)) {
if ((entry.type == UNKNOWN) &&
(! (settings.files && settings.directories) ||
settings.recursive)) {
// Update the type: it is unknown and we'll need to branch onit below
entry.type = isDirectory(FilePath::concat(parentPath, ? DIR_TYPE : FILE_TYPE;
if ((settings.files && settings.directories) ||
(settings.files && (entry.type == FILE_TYPE)) ||
(settings.directories && (entry.type == DIR_TYPE))) {
if (settings.includeParentPath) {
} else {
} // match
if (settings.recursive) {
if (entry.type == UNKNOWN) {
entry.type = isDirectory(FilePath::concat(parentPath, ? DIR_TYPE : FILE_TYPE;
if (entry.type == DIR_TYPE) {
listHelper(shortSpec, FilePath::concat(parentPath,, result, settings);
} // for
void FileSystem::_list(const std::string& _spec, Array<std::string>& result, const ListSettings& settings) {
const std::string& spec = FilePath::expandEnvironmentVariables(_spec);
const std::string& shortSpec = FilePath::baseExt(spec);
const std::string& parentPath = FilePath::parent(spec);
listHelper(shortSpec, parentPath, result, settings);
#ifdef G3D_WINDOWS
const Array<std::string>& FileSystem::_drives() {
if (m_winDrive.length() == 0) {
// See
static const size_t bufSize = 5000;
char bufData[bufSize];
GetLogicalDriveStringsA(bufSize, bufData);
// Drive list is a series of NULL-terminated strings, itself terminated with a NULL.
for (size_t i = 0; bufData[i] != '\0'; ++i) {
const char* thisString = bufData + i;
i += strlen(thisString);
return m_winDrive;
bool FilePath::isRoot(const std::string& f) {
# ifdef G3D_WINDOWS
if (f.length() < 2) {
return false;
if (f[1] == ':') {
if (f.length() == 2) {
// e.g., "x:"
return true;
} else if ((f.length() == 3) && isSlash(f[2])) {
// e.g., "x:\"
return true;
// Windows shares are considered roots, but only if this does not include a path inside the share
if (isSlash(f[0]) && isSlash(f[1])) {
size_t i = f.find("/", 3);
size_t j = f.find("\\", 3);
if (i == std::string::npos) {
i = j;
// e.g., "\\foo\", "\\foo"
return ((i == std::string::npos) || (i == f.length() - 1));
# else
if (f == "/") {
return true;
# endif
return false;
std::string FilePath::removeTrailingSlash(const std::string& f) {
bool removeSlash = ((endsWith(f, "/") || endsWith(f, "\\"))) && ! isRoot(f);
return removeSlash ? f.substr(0, f.length() - 1) : f;
std::string FilePath::concat(const std::string& dirname, const std::string& file) {
// Ensure that the directory ends in a slash
if (! dirname.empty() &&
! isSlash(dirname[dirname.size() - 1]) &&
(dirname[dirname.size() - 1] != ':')) {
return dirname + '/' + file;
} else {
return dirname + file;
std::string FilePath::ext(const std::string& filename) {
size_t i = filename.rfind(".");
if (i != std::string::npos) {
return filename.substr(i + 1, filename.length() - i);
} else {
return "";
std::string FilePath::baseExt(const std::string& filename) {
size_t i = findLastSlash(filename);
# ifdef G3D_WINDOWS
size_t j = filename.rfind(":");
if ((i == std::string::npos) && (j != std::string::npos)) {
i = j;
# endif
if (i == std::string::npos) {
return filename;
} else {
return filename.substr(i + 1, filename.length() - i);
std::string FilePath::base(const std::string& path) {
std::string filename = baseExt(path);
size_t i = filename.rfind(".");
if (i == std::string::npos) {
// No extension
return filename;
} else {
return filename.substr(0, i);
std::string FilePath::parent(const std::string& path) {
size_t i = findLastSlash(removeTrailingSlash(path));
# ifdef G3D_WINDOWS
size_t j = path.rfind(":");
if ((i == std::string::npos) && (j != std::string::npos)) {
i = j;
# endif
if (i == std::string::npos) {
return "";
} else {
return path.substr(0, i + 1);
bool FilePath::containsWildcards(const std::string& filename) {
return (filename.find('*') != std::string::npos) || (filename.find('?') != std::string::npos);
bool FilePath::matches(const std::string& path, const std::string& pattern, bool caseSensitive) {
if (! caseSensitive) {
flags |= FNM_CASEFOLD;
return g3dfnmatch(pattern.c_str(), path.c_str(), flags) == 0;
static int fixslash(int c) {
return (c == '\\') ? '/' : c;
std::string FilePath::canonicalize(std::string x) {
std::transform(x.begin(), x.end(), x.begin(), fixslash);
return x;
void FilePath::parse
(const std::string& filename,
std::string& root,
Array<std::string>& path,
std::string& base,
std::string& ext) {
std::string f = filename;
root = "";
base = "";
ext = "";
if (f == "") {
// Empty filename
// See if there is a root/drive spec.
if ((f.size() >= 2) && (f[1] == ':')) {
if ((f.size() > 2) && isSlash(f[2])) {
// e.g. c:\foo
root = f.substr(0, 3);
f = f.substr(3, f.size() - 3);
} else {
// e.g. c:foo
root = f.substr(2);
f = f.substr(2, f.size() - 2);
} else if ((f.size() >= 2) && isSlash(f[0]) && isSlash(f[1])) {
// e.g. //foo
root = f.substr(0, 2);
f = f.substr(2, f.size() - 2);
} else if (isSlash(f[0])) {
root = f.substr(0, 1);
f = f.substr(1, f.size() - 1);
// Pull the extension off
// Find the period
size_t i = f.rfind('.');
if (i != std::string::npos) {
// Make sure it is after the last slash!
size_t j = findLastSlash(f);
if ((j == std::string::npos) || (i > j)) {
ext = f.substr(i + 1, f.size() - i - 1);
f = f.substr(0, i);
// Pull the basename off
// Find the last slash
size_t i = findLastSlash(f);
if (i == std::string::npos) {
// There is no slash; the basename is the whole thing
base = f;
f = "";
} else if ((i != std::string::npos) && (i < f.size() - 1)) {
base = f.substr(i + 1, f.size() - i - 1);
f = f.substr(0, i);
// Parse what remains into path.
size_t prev, cur = 0;
while (cur < f.size()) {
prev = cur;
// Allow either slash
size_t i = f.find('/', prev + 1);
size_t j = f.find('\\', prev + 1);
if (i == std::string::npos) {
i = f.size();
if (j == std::string::npos) {
j = f.size();
cur = min(i, j);
if (cur == std::string::npos) {
cur = f.size();
path.append(f.substr(prev, cur - prev));
std::string FilePath::expandEnvironmentVariables(const std::string& path) {
// Search for pattern
size_t end = path.find_first_of('$', 0);
if (end == std::string::npos) {
// Pattern does not exist
return path;
size_t start = 0;
std::string result;
while (end != std::string::npos) {
const std::string& before = path.substr(start, end - start);
result += before;
start = end + 1;
std::string var;
if (path[start] == '(') {
// Search for close paren
end = path.find_first_of(')', start + 1);
if (end == std::string::npos) {
throw std::string("Missing close paren in environment variable in \"") + path + "\"";
var = path.substr(start + 1, end - start - 1);
} else {
// Search for slash or end of string
end = path.find_first_of('/', start);
size_t i = path.find_first_of('\\', start);
if ((size_t(i) != std::string::npos) && ((end == std::string::npos) || (size_t(i) < end))) {
end = i;
if (end == std::string::npos) {
// If the varible goes to the end of the string, it is the rest of the string
end = path.size();
} else {
var = path.substr(start, end - start + 1);
if (! var.empty()) {
const char* value = getenv(var.c_str());
if (value == NULL) {
throw (std::string("LocalLightingEnvironment variable \"") + var + "\" not defined for path \"" + path + "\"");
} else {
result += value;
} else {
// We just parsed an "empty" variable, which was probably a default share on Windows, e.g.,
// "\\mycomputer\c$", and not a variable name.
result += "$";
start = end + 1;
end = path.find_first_of('$', start);
// Paste on the remainder of the source path
if (start < path.size()) {
result += path.substr(start);
return result;
/** Generate a unique filename based on the provided hint */
std::string FilePath::makeLegalFilename(const std::string& f, size_t maxLength) {
std::string tentative;
for (size_t i = 0; i < G3D::min(maxLength, f.size()); ++i) {
const char c = f[i];
if (isLetter(c) || isDigit(c) || (c == '-') || (c == '+') || (c == '=') || (c == '(') || (c == ')')) {
tentative += c;
} else {
tentative += "_";
return tentative;