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\file G3D.lib/source/Sphere.cpp
Sphere class
\maintainer Morgan McGuire, http://graphics.cs.williams.edu
\created 2001-04-17
\edited 2011-02-10
#include "G3D/platform.h"
#include "G3D/Sphere.h"
#include "G3D/stringutils.h"
#include "G3D/BinaryOutput.h"
#include "G3D/BinaryInput.h"
#include "G3D/AABox.h"
#include "G3D/Plane.h"
#include "G3D/Any.h"
namespace G3D {
int32 Sphere::dummy;
Sphere::Sphere(const Any& a) : radius(0) {
if (a.size() == 1) {
radius = a[0];
} else if (a.size() == 2) {
center = a[0];
radius = a[1];
} else {
a.verify(false, "Sphere must recieve exactly 1 or two arguments.");
Any Sphere::toAny() const {
Any a(Any::ARRAY, "Sphere");
if (center != Point3::zero()) {
return a;
Sphere::Sphere(class BinaryInput& b) {
void Sphere::serialize(class BinaryOutput& b) const {
void Sphere::deserialize(class BinaryInput& b) {
radius = (float)b.readFloat64();
const Sphere& Sphere::inf() {
static const Sphere s(Point3::zero(), finf());
return s;
std::string Sphere::toString() const {
return format("Sphere(<%g, %g, %g>, %g)",
center.x, center.y, center.z, radius);
bool Sphere::contains(const Vector3& point) const {
float distance = (center - point).squaredMagnitude();
return distance <= square(radius);
bool Sphere::contains(const Sphere& other) const {
float distance = (center - other.center).squaredMagnitude();
return (radius >= other.radius) && (distance <= square(radius - other.radius));
bool Sphere::intersects(const Sphere& other) const {
return (other.center - center).length() <= (radius + other.radius);
void Sphere::merge(const Sphere& other) {
if (other.contains(*this)) {
*this = other;
} else if (! contains(other)) {
// The farthest distance is along the axis between the centers, which
// must not be colocated since neither contains the other.
Vector3 toMe = center - other.center;
// Get a point on the axis from each
toMe = toMe.direction();
const Vector3& A = center + toMe * radius;
const Vector3& B = other.center - toMe * other.radius;
// Now just bound the A->B segment
center = (A + B) * 0.5f;
radius = (A - B).length();
// (if this contains other, we're done)
bool Sphere::culledBy(
const Array<Plane>& plane,
int& cullingPlaneIndex,
const uint32 inMask,
uint32& outMask) const {
return culledBy(plane.getCArray(), plane.size(), cullingPlaneIndex, inMask, outMask);
bool Sphere::culledBy(
const Array<Plane>& plane,
int& cullingPlaneIndex,
const uint32 inMask) const {
return culledBy(plane.getCArray(), plane.size(), cullingPlaneIndex, inMask);
bool Sphere::culledBy(
const class Plane* plane,
int numPlanes,
int& cullingPlane,
const uint32 _inMask,
uint32& childMask) const {
if (radius == finf()) {
// No plane can cull the infinite box
return false;
uint32 inMask = _inMask;
assert(numPlanes < 31);
childMask = 0;
// See if there is one plane for which all of the
// vertices are in the negative half space.
for (int p = 0; p < numPlanes; ++p) {
// Only test planes that are not masked
if ((inMask & 1) != 0) {
bool culledLow = ! plane[p].halfSpaceContainsFinite(center + plane[p].normal() * radius);
bool culledHigh = ! plane[p].halfSpaceContainsFinite(center - plane[p].normal() * radius);
if (culledLow) {
// Plane p culled the sphere
cullingPlane = p;
// The caller should not recurse into the children,
// since the parent is culled. If they do recurse,
// make them only test against this one plane, which
// will immediately cull the volume.
childMask = 1 << p;
return true;
} else if (culledHigh) {
// The bounding volume straddled the plane; we have
// to keep testing against this plane
childMask |= (1 << p);
// Move on to the next bit.
inMask = inMask >> 1;
// None of the planes could cull this box
cullingPlane = -1;
return false;
bool Sphere::culledBy(
const class Plane* plane,
int numPlanes,
int& cullingPlane,
const uint32 _inMask) const {
// Don't cull if the sphere has infinite radius
if(!isFinite(radius)) return false;
uint32 inMask = _inMask;
assert(numPlanes < 31);
// See if there is one plane for which all of the
// vertices are in the negative half space.
for (int p = 0; p < numPlanes; ++p) {
// Only test planes that are not masked
if ((inMask & 1) != 0) {
bool culled = ! plane[p].halfSpaceContains(center + plane[p].normal() * radius);
if (culled) {
// Plane p culled the sphere
cullingPlane = p;
return true;
// Move on to the next bit.
inMask = inMask >> 1;
// None of the planes could cull this box
cullingPlane = -1;
return false;
Vector3 Sphere::randomSurfacePoint() const {
return Vector3::random() * radius + center;
Vector3 Sphere::randomInteriorPoint() const {
Vector3 result;
do {
result = Vector3(uniformRandom(-1, 1),
uniformRandom(-1, 1),
uniformRandom(-1, 1));
} while (result.squaredMagnitude() >= 1.0f);
return result * radius + center;
float Sphere::volume() const {
return (float)pi() * (4.0f / 3.0f) * powf((float)radius, 3.0f);
float Sphere::area() const {
return (float)pi() * 4.0f * powf((float)radius, 2.0f);
void Sphere::getBounds(AABox& out) const {
Vector3 extent(radius, radius, radius);
out = AABox(center - extent, center + extent);
} // namespace