semver_bash is a bash parser for semantic versioning
Semantic Versioning is a set of guidelines that help keep version and version management sane. This is a bash based parser to help manage a project's versions. Use it from a Makefile or any scripts you use in your project.
semver_bash can be used from the command line as:
$ ./ "3.2.1" "3.2.1-alpha"
3.2.1 -> M: 3 m:2 p:1 s:
3.2.1-alpha -> M: 3 m:2 p:1 s:-alpha
3.2.1 == 3.2.1-alpha -> 1.
3.2.1 < 3.2.1-alpha -> 1.
3.2.1 > 3.2.1-alpha -> 0.
Alternatively, you can source it from within a script:
. ./
local MAJOR=0
local MINOR=0
local PATCH=0
local SPECIAL=""
semverParseInto "1.2.3" MAJOR MINOR PATCH SPECIAL
semverParseInto "3.2.1" MAJOR MINOR PATCH SPECIAL