2023-11-07 18:17:57 -05:00

442 lines
14 KiB

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# Enable the module? (1: true | 0: false)
Solocraft.Enable = 1
# Announce the module when the player logs in?
Solocraft.Announce = 1
# Balancing - Groups (Overloading), Global Spellpower and Stats modifier, Global Class Balancing,
# and XP Gain Balancing
# Enable Debuff of new party members who enter the dungeon to avoid overloading the dungeon?
# Overloading is when a group member already in the dungeon has the full offset/buff of the
# dungeon applied then they invite new group members who enter the dungeon and also receive an
# offset which creates a huge imbalance.
# The debuff will make the new members weak until all members leave the instance/dungeon
# instance/dungeon and re-enter which will then split the offset among all the group members.
# Default: 1 (on)
# 0 (off)
SoloCraft.Debuff.Enable = 1
# Spellpower Bonus Multiplier
# Spellcasters spellpower bonus multiplier to offset no spellpower received from stats
# Formula: (player->level * multiplier) * ((classBalance / 100) * difficulty)
# Example Level 24 Mage with default modifier and a dungeon difficulty of 5 will receive a base
# Spellpower increase of 300.
# Default: 2.5
# 0.0 (Disable)
SoloCraft.Spellpower.Mult = 2.5
# Stats Percentage Bonus Multiplier
# Forumla: player->Stats * (((classBalance / 100) * difficulty) * multiplier)
# Default: 100.0
# 0.0 (Disable)
SoloCraft.Stats.Mult = 100.0
# Class Balancing Modifier
# This settings will only allow the percentage specified of the difficulty for the specified class
# Example Level 24 Mage with default modifier (2.5), a dungeon difficulty of 5, and a 80 percent class
# balance modifier will receive a base Spellpower increase of 240.
# Note: 0 will completely disable the class from receiving difficulty modifiers from any dungeon
#Default: 100 (Full Dungeon Difficulty Modifer will be Applied)
# 0 (Disable) - 100
SoloCraft.DEATH_KNIGHT = 100
SoloCraft.DRUID = 100
SoloCraft.HUNTER = 100
SoloCraft.MAGE = 100
SoloCraft.PALADIN = 100
SoloCraft.PRIEST = 100
SoloCraft.ROGUE = 100
SoloCraft.SHAMAN = 100
SoloCraft.WARLOCK = 100
SoloCraft.WARRIOR = 100
# XP Gain
# This settings will Enable/Disable XP gained while in the current dungeon
#Default: 1 (Enabled)
# 0 (Disable)
Solocraft.XP.Enabled = 1
# XP Balancing (XP Gain must be Enabled)
# This settings will decrease the XP gained based on the Difficulty setting of the dungeon
# and how many players are in the group.
#Default: 1 (Enabled)
# 0 (Disable)
Solocraft.XPBal.Enabled = 1
#Catch all Bucket - Difficulty Offset Defaults
# Difficulty Multipliers
# Defaults: 5, 10, 25, 40
Solocraft.Dungeon = 5.0
Solocraft.Heroic = 10.0
Solocraft.Raid25 = 25.0
Solocraft.Raid40 = 40.0
#Classic Instances - Difficulty
Solocraft.ShadowfangKeep = 5.0
Solocraft.Stockades = 5.0
Solocraft.Deadmines = 5.0
Solocraft.WailingCaverns = 5.0
Solocraft.RazorfenKraulInstance = 5.0
Solocraft.Blackfathom = 5.0
Solocraft.Uldaman = 5.0
Solocraft.GnomeragonInstance = 5.0
Solocraft.SunkenTemple = 5.0
Solocraft.RazorfenDowns = 5.0
# Scarlet Monastery
Solocraft.MonasteryInstances = 5.0
# Zul'Farrak
Solocraft.TanarisInstance = 5.0
Solocraft.BlackRockSpire = 10.0
Solocraft.BlackrockDepths = 5.0
Solocraft.OnyxiaLairInstance = 40.0
Solocraft.SchoolofNecromancy = 5.0
Solocraft.Zul'gurub = 20.0
Solocraft.Stratholme = 5.0
Solocraft.Mauradon = 5.0
# Ragefire Chasm
Solocraft.OrgrimmarInstance = 5.0
Solocraft.MoltenCore = 40.0
Solocraft.DireMaul = 5.0
Solocraft.BlackwingLair = 60.0
# Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj
Solocraft.AhnQiraj = 20.0
Solocraft.AhnQirajTemple = 40.0
#BC Instances - Difficulty
# The Black Morass
Solocraft.CavernsOfTime = 5.0
Solocraft.CavernsOfTimeH = 5.0
Solocraft.Karazahn = 10.0
# The Battle for Mount Hyjal - Hyjal Summit
Solocraft.HyjalPast = 25.0
# The Shattered Halls
Solocraft.HellfireMilitary = 5.0
Solocraft.HellfireMilitaryH = 5.0
# The Blood Furnace
Solocraft.HellfireDemon = 5.0
Solocraft.HellfireDemonH = 5.0
Solocraft.HellfireRampart = 5.0
Solocraft.HellfireRampartH = 5.0
# Magtheridon's Lair
Solocraft.HellfireRaid = 25.0
# The Steamvault
Solocraft.CoilfangPumping = 5.0
Solocraft.CoilfangPumpingH = 5.0
# The Underbog
Solocraft.CoilfangMarsh = 5.0
Solocraft.CoilfangMarshH = 5.0
# The Slavepens
Solocraft.CoilfangDraenei = 5.0
Solocraft.CoilfangDraeneiH = 5.0
# Serpentshrine Cavern
Solocraft.CoilfangRaid = 25.0
# The Eye
Solocraft.TempestKeepRaid = 25.0
# The Arcatraz
Solocraft.TempestKeepArcane = 5.0
Solocraft.TempestKeepArcaneH = 5.0
# The Botanica
Solocraft.TempestKeepAtrium = 5.0
Solocraft.TempestKeepAtriumH = 5.0
# The Mechanar
Solocraft.TempestKeepFactory = 5.0
Solocraft.TempestKeepFactoryH = 5.0
# Shadow Labyrinth
Solocraft.AuchindounShadow = 5.0
Solocraft.AuchindounShadowH = 5.0
# Sethekk Halls
Solocraft.AuchindounDemon = 5.0
Solocraft.AuchindounDemonH = 5.0
# Mana-Tombs
Solocraft.AuchindounEthereal = 5.0
Solocraft.AuchindounEtherealH = 5.0
# Auchenai Crypts
Solocraft.AuchindounDraenei = 5.0
Solocraft.AuchindounDraeneiH = 5.0
# Old Hillsbrad Foothills
Solocraft.HillsbradPast = 5.0
Solocraft.HillsbradPastH = 5.0
Solocraft.BlackTemple = 25.0
Solocraft.GruulsLair = 25.0
Solocraft.ZulAman = 5.0
Solocraft.ZulAmanH = 5.0
Solocraft.SunwellPlateau = 25.0
# Magister's Terrace
Solocraft.Sunwell5ManFix = 5.0
Solocraft.Sunwell5ManFixH = 5.0
#WOTLK Instances - Difficulty
# Naxxramas
Solocraft.StratholmeRaid = 10.0
Solocraft.StratholmeRaidH = 25.0
# Utgarde Keep
Solocraft.Valgarde70 = 5.0
Solocraft.Valgarde70H = 5.0
Solocraft.UtgardePinnacle = 5.0
Solocraft.UtgardePinnacleH = 5.0
# The Nexus
Solocraft.Nexus70 = 5.0
Solocraft.Nexus70H = 5.0
# The Occulus
Solocraft.Nexus80 = 5.0
Solocraft.Nexus80H = 5.0
# The Culling of Stratholme
Solocraft.StratholmeCOT = 5.0
Solocraft.StratholmeCOTH = 5.0
# Halls of Stone
Solocraft.Ulduar70 = 5.0
Solocraft.Ulduar70H = 5.0
# Drak'Tharon Keep
Solocraft.DrakTheronKeep = 5.0
Solocraft.DrakTheronKeepH = 5.0
# Azjol-Nerub
Solocraft.Azjol_Uppercity = 5.0
Solocraft.Azjol_UppercityH = 5.0
# Halls of Lighting
Solocraft.Ulduar80 = 5.0
Solocraft.Ulduar80H = 5.0
# Ulduar
Solocraft.UlduarRaid = 10.0
Solocraft.UlduarRaidH = 25.0
Solocraft.GunDrak = 5.0
Solocraft.GunDrakH = 5.0
# Violet Hold
Solocraft.DalaranPrison = 5.0
Solocraft.DalaranPrisonH = 5.0
# The Obsidian Sanctum
Solocraft.ChamberOfAspectsBlack = 10.0
Solocraft.ChamberOfAspectsBlackH = 25.0
# The Eye of Eternity
Solocraft.NexusRaid = 10.0
Solocraft.NexusRaidH = 25.0
# Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
Solocraft.Azjol_LowerCity = 5.0
Solocraft.Azjol_LowerCityH = 5.0
Solocraft.IcecrownCitadel = 10.0
Solocraft.IcecrownCitadelH = 25.0
# The Forge of Souls
Solocraft.IcecrownCitadel5Man = 5.0
Solocraft.IcecrownCitadel5ManH = 5.0
# Trial of the Crusader
Solocraft.ArgentTournamentRaid = 10.0
Solocraft.ArgentTournamentRaidH = 25.0
# Grand Trial of the Crusader Heroic
Solocraft.ArgentTournamentRaidH10 = 10.0
Solocraft.ArgentTournamentRaidH25 = 25.0
# Trial of the Champion
Solocraft.ArgentTournamentDungeon = 5.0
Solocraft.ArgentTournamentDungeonH = 5.0
# Pit of Saron
Solocraft.QuarryOfTears = 5.0
Solocraft.QuarryOfTearsH = 5.0
# Halls of Reflection
Solocraft.HallsOfReflection = 5.0
Solocraft.HallsOfReflectionH = 5.0
# The Ruby Sanctum
Solocraft.ChamberOfAspectsRed = 5.0
Solocraft.ChamberOfAspectsRedH = 5.0
#Player Level Thresholds
#Max player level difference over the Dungeon's Level for Solocraft to apply the
# difficulty offset buff.
# Default: 10
# Disable: 80
Solocraft.Max.Level.Diff = 10
#Dungeon Base Levels
#Catch All - Default 80
Solocraft.Dungeon.Level = 80
#Classic Instances - Base Level
Solocraft.ShadowfangKeep.Level = 15
Solocraft.Stockades.Level = 22
Solocraft.Deadmines.Level = 18
Solocraft.WailingCaverns.Level = 17
Solocraft.RazorfenKraulInstance.Level = 30
Solocraft.Blackfathom.Level = 20
Solocraft.Uldaman.Level = 40
Solocraft.GnomeragonInstance.Level = 24
Solocraft.SunkenTemple.Level = 50
Solocraft.RazorfenDowns.Level = 40
# Scarlet Monastery
Solocraft.MonasteryInstances.Level = 35
# Zul'Farrak
Solocraft.TanarisInstance.Level = 44
Solocraft.BlackRockSpire.Level = 55
Solocraft.BlackrockDepths.Level = 50
Solocraft.OnyxiaLairInstance.Level = 60
Solocraft.SchoolofNecromancy.Level = 55
Solocraft.Zul'gurub.Level = 60
Solocraft.Stratholme.Level = 55
Solocraft.Mauradon.Level = 48
# Ragefire Chasm
Solocraft.OrgrimmarInstance.Level = 15
Solocraft.MoltenCore.Level = 60
Solocraft.DireMaul.Level = 48
Solocraft.BlackwingLair.Level = 40
# Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj
Solocraft.AhnQiraj.Level = 60
Solocraft.AhnQirajTemple.Level = 60
#BC Instances - Base Level
# The Black Morass
Solocraft.CavernsOfTime.Level = 68
Solocraft.Karazahn.Level = 68
# The Battle for Mount Hyjal - Hyjal Summit
Solocraft.HyjalPast.Level = 70
# The Shattered Halls
Solocraft.HellfireMilitary.Level = 68
# The Blood Furnace
Solocraft.HellfireDemon.Level = 68
Solocraft.HellfireRampart.Level = 68
# Magtheridon's Lair
Solocraft.HellfireRaid.Level = 68
# The Steamvault
Solocraft.CoilfangPumping.Level = 68
# The Underbog
Solocraft.CoilfangMarsh.Level = 68
# The Slavepens
Solocraft.CoilfangDraenei.Level = 68
# Serpentshrine Cavern
Solocraft.CoilfangRaid.Level = 70
# The Eye
Solocraft.TempestKeepRaid.Level = 70
# The Arcatraz
Solocraft.TempestKeepArcane.Level = 68
# The Botanica
Solocraft.TempestKeepAtrium.Level = 68
# The Mechanar
Solocraft.TempestKeepFactory.Level = 68
# Shadow Labyrinth
Solocraft.AuchindounShadow.Level = 68
# Sethekk Halls
Solocraft.AuchindounDemon.Level = 68
# Mana-Tombs
Solocraft.AuchindounEthereal.Level = 68
# Auchenai Crypts
Solocraft.AuchindounDraenei.Level = 68
# Old Hillsbrad Foothills
Solocraft.HillsbradPast.Level = 68
Solocraft.BlackTemple.Level = 70
Solocraft.GruulsLair.Level = 70
Solocraft.ZulAman.Level = 68
Solocraft.SunwellPlateau.Level = 70
# Magister's Terrace
Solocraft.Sunwell5ManFix.Level = 68
#WOTLK Instances - Base Level
# Naxxramas
Solocraft.StratholmeRaid.Level = 78
# Utgarde Keep
Solocraft.Valgarde70.Level = 78
Solocraft.UtgardePinnacle.Level = 78
# The Nexus
Solocraft.Nexus70.Level = 78
# The Occulus
Solocraft.Nexus80.Level = 78
# The Culling of Stratholme
Solocraft.StratholmeCOT.Level = 78
# Halls of Stone
Solocraft.Ulduar70.Level = 78
# Drak'Tharon Keep
Solocraft.DrakTheronKeep.Level = 78
# Azjol-Nerub
Solocraft.Azjol_Uppercity.Level = 78
# Halls of Lighting
Solocraft.Ulduar80.Level = 78
# Ulduar
Solocraft.UlduarRaid.Level = 80
Solocraft.GunDrak.Level = 78
# Violet Hold
Solocraft.DalaranPrison.Level = 78
# The Obsidian Sanctum
Solocraft.ChamberOfAspectsBlack.Level = 80
# The Eye of Eternity
Solocraft.NexusRaid.Level = 80
# Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
Solocraft.Azjol_LowerCity.Level = 78
#Icecrown Citadel
Solocraft.IcecrownCitadel.Level = 80
# The Forge of Souls
Solocraft.IcecrownCitadel5Man.Level = 78
# Trial of the Champion
Solocraft.ArgentTournamentDungeon.Level = 80
# Trial of the Crusader
Solocraft.ArgentTournamentRaid.Level = 80
# Pit of Saron
Solocraft.QuarryOfTears.Level = 78
# Halls of Reflection
Solocraft.HallsOfReflection.Level = 78
# The Ruby Sanctum
Solocraft.ChamberOfAspectsRed.Level = 80