diff --git a/authserver b/authserver
index bbaae46..05417c8 100755
Binary files a/authserver and b/authserver differ
diff --git a/lua_scripts/extensions/ObjectVariables.ext b/lua_scripts/extensions/ObjectVariables.ext
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74f330e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lua_scripts/extensions/ObjectVariables.ext
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+-- Copyright (C) 2010 - 2016 Eluna Lua Engine
+-- This program is free software licensed under GPL version 3
+-- Please see the included DOCS/LICENSE.md for more information
+-- filename.ext files are loaded before normal .lua files
+-- This extension allows saving data to specific object for it's lifetime in current runtime session
+-- Supports Map, Player, Creature, GameObject
+-- SetData sets a value
+-- obj:SetData(key, val)
+-- GetData gets the data table or a specific value by key from it
+-- local tbl = obj:GetData()
+-- local val = obj:GetData(key)
+local pairs = pairs
+local variableStores = {
+ Map = {},
+ Player = {},
+ Creature = {},
+ GameObject = {},
+local function DestroyMapData(event, obj)
+ local map = obj:GetMapId()
+ local inst = obj:GetInstanceId()
+ for k,v in pairs(variableStores) do
+ local mapdata = v[map]
+ if mapdata then
+ mapdata[inst] = nil
+ end
+ end
+local function DestroyObjData(event, obj)
+ local otype = obj:GetObjectType()
+ local guid = otype == "Map" and 1 or obj:GetGUIDLow()
+ if otype == "Player" then
+ variableStores[otype][guid] = nil
+ return
+ end
+ local map = obj:GetMapId()
+ local inst = obj:GetInstanceId()
+ local mapdata = variableStores[otype][map]
+ if mapdata then
+ local instancedata = mapdata[inst]
+ if instancedata then
+ instancedata[guid] = nil
+ end
+ end
+local function GetData(self, field)
+ local otype = self:GetObjectType()
+ local guid = otype == "Map" and 1 or self:GetGUIDLow()
+ local varStore = variableStores[otype]
+ if otype == "Player" then
+ varStore[guid] = varStore[guid] or {}
+ if field ~= nil then
+ return varStore[guid][field]
+ end
+ return varStore[guid]
+ end
+ local map = self:GetMapId()
+ local inst = self:GetInstanceId()
+ varStore[map] = varStore[map] or {}
+ varStore[map][inst] = varStore[map][inst] or {}
+ varStore[map][inst][guid] = varStore[map][inst][guid] or {}
+ if field ~= nil then
+ return varStore[map][inst][guid][field]
+ end
+ return varStore[map][inst][guid]
+local function SetData(self, field, val)
+ local otype = self:GetObjectType()
+ local guid = otype == "Map" and 1 or self:GetGUIDLow()
+ local varStore = variableStores[otype]
+ if otype == "Player" then
+ varStore[guid] = varStore[guid] or {}
+ varStore[guid][field] = val
+ return
+ end
+ local map = self:GetMapId()
+ local inst = self:GetInstanceId()
+ varStore[map] = varStore[map] or {}
+ varStore[map][inst] = varStore[map][inst] or {}
+ varStore[map][inst][guid] = varStore[map][inst][guid] or {}
+ varStore[map][inst][guid][field] = val
+for k,v in pairs(variableStores) do
+ _G[k].GetData = GetData
+ _G[k].SetData = SetData
+RegisterPlayerEvent(4, DestroyObjData) -- logout
+RegisterServerEvent(31, DestroyObjData) -- creature delete
+RegisterServerEvent(32, DestroyObjData) -- gameobject delete
+RegisterServerEvent(17, DestroyMapData) -- map create
+RegisterServerEvent(18, DestroyMapData) -- map destroy
diff --git a/lua_scripts/extensions/StackTracePlus/LICENSE b/lua_scripts/extensions/StackTracePlus/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49afdbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lua_scripts/extensions/StackTracePlus/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+The MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2010 Ignacio Burgueño
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/lua_scripts/extensions/StackTracePlus/README.md b/lua_scripts/extensions/StackTracePlus/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8216333
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lua_scripts/extensions/StackTracePlus/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# StackTracePlus #
+[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/ignacio/StackTracePlus.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/ignacio/StackTracePlus)
+[StackTracePlus](https://github.com/ignacio/StackTracePlus) provides enhanced stack traces for [Lua 5.1, Lua 5.2][1] and [LuaJIT][2].
+StackTracePlus can be used as a replacement for debug.traceback. It gives detailed information about locals, tries to guess
+function names when they're not available, etc, so, instead of
+ lua5.1.exe: D:\trunk_git\sources\stacktraceplus\test\test.lua:10: attempt to concatenate a nil value
+ stack traceback:
+ D:\trunk_git\sources\stacktraceplus\test\test.lua:10: in function
+ (tail call): ?
+ D:\trunk_git\sources\stacktraceplus\test\test.lua:15: in main chunk
+ [C]: ?
+you'll get
+ lua5.1.exe: D:\trunk_git\sources\stacktraceplus\test\test.lua:10: attempt to concatenate a nil value
+ Stack Traceback
+ ===============
+ (2) C function 'function: 00A8F418'
+ (3) Lua function 'g' at file 'D:\trunk_git\sources\stacktraceplus\test\test.lua:10' (best guess)
+ Local variables:
+ fun = table module
+ str = string: "hey"
+ tb = table: 027DCBE0 {dummy:1, blah:true, foo:bar}
+ (*temporary) = nil
+ (*temporary) = string: "text"
+ (*temporary) = string: "attempt to concatenate a nil value"
+ (4) tail call
+ (5) main chunk of file 'D:\trunk_git\sources\stacktraceplus\test\test.lua' at line 15
+ (6) C function 'function: 002CA480'
+## Usage #
+StackTracePlus can be used as a replacement for `debug.traceback`, as an `xpcall` error handler or even from C code. Note that
+only the Lua 5.1 interpreter allows the traceback function to be replaced "on the fly". LuaJIT and Lua 5.2 always calls luaL_traceback internally so there is no easy way to override that.
+local STP = require "StackTracePlus"
+debug.traceback = STP.stacktrace
+function test()
+ local s = "this is a string"
+ local n = 42
+ local t = { foo = "bar" }
+ local co = coroutine
+ local cr = coroutine.create
+ error("an error")
+That script will output (only with Lua 5.1):
+ lua5.1: example.lua:11: an error
+ Stack Traceback
+ ===============
+ (2) C function 'function: 006B5758'
+ (3) global C function 'error'
+ (4) Lua global 'test' at file 'example.lua:11'
+ Local variables:
+ s = string: "this is a string"
+ n = number: 42
+ t = table: 006E5220 {foo:bar}
+ co = coroutine table
+ cr = C function: 003C7080
+ (5) main chunk of file 'example.lua' at line 14
+ (6) C function 'function: 00637B30'
+**StackTracePlus** is aware of the usual Lua libraries, like *coroutine*, *table*, *string*, *io*, etc and functions like
+*print*, *pcall*, *assert*, and so on.
+You can also make STP aware of your own tables and functions by calling *add_known_function* and *add_known_table*.
+local STP = require "StackTracePlus"
+debug.traceback = STP.stacktrace
+local my_table = {
+ f = function() end
+function my_function()
+function test(data, func)
+ local s = "this is a string"
+ error("an error")
+STP.add_known_table(my_table, "A description for my_table")
+STP.add_known_function(my_function, "A description for my_function")
+test( my_table, my_function )
+Will output:
+ lua5.1: ..\test\example2.lua:13: an error
+ Stack Traceback
+ ===============
+ (2) C function 'function: 0073AAA8'
+ (3) global C function 'error'
+ (4) Lua global 'test' at file '..\test\example2.lua:13'
+ Local variables:
+ data = A description for my_table
+ func = Lua function 'A description for my_function' (defined at line 7 of chunk ..\test\example2.lua)
+ s = string: "this is a string"
+ (5) main chunk of file '..\test\example2.lua' at line 19
+ (6) C function 'function: 00317B30'
+## Installation #
+The easiest way to install is with [LuaRocks][3].
+ - luarocks install stacktraceplus
+If you don't want to use LuaRocks, just copy StackTracePlus.lua to Lua's path.
+## License #
+**StackTracePlus** is available under the MIT license.
+[1]: http://www.lua.org/
+[2]: http://luajit.org/
+[3]: http://luarocks.org/
diff --git a/lua_scripts/extensions/StackTracePlus/StackTracePlus.ext b/lua_scripts/extensions/StackTracePlus/StackTracePlus.ext
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40c25c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lua_scripts/extensions/StackTracePlus/StackTracePlus.ext
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+-- tables
+local _G = _G
+local string, io, debug, coroutine = string, io, debug, coroutine
+-- functions
+local tostring, print, require = tostring, print, require
+local next, assert = next, assert
+local pcall, type, pairs, ipairs = pcall, type, pairs, ipairs
+local error = error
+assert(debug, "debug table must be available at this point")
+local io_open = io.open
+local string_gmatch = string.gmatch
+local string_sub = string.sub
+local table_concat = table.concat
+local _M = {
+ max_tb_output_len = 70 -- controls the maximum length of the 'stringified' table before cutting with ' (more...)'
+-- this tables should be weak so the elements in them won't become uncollectable
+local m_known_tables = { [_G] = "_G (global table)" }
+local function add_known_module(name, desc)
+ local ok, mod = pcall(require, name)
+ if ok then
+ m_known_tables[mod] = desc
+ end
+add_known_module("string", "string module")
+add_known_module("io", "io module")
+add_known_module("os", "os module")
+add_known_module("table", "table module")
+add_known_module("math", "math module")
+add_known_module("package", "package module")
+add_known_module("debug", "debug module")
+add_known_module("coroutine", "coroutine module")
+-- lua5.2
+add_known_module("bit32", "bit32 module")
+-- luajit
+add_known_module("bit", "bit module")
+add_known_module("jit", "jit module")
+local m_user_known_tables = {}
+local m_known_functions = {}
+for _, name in ipairs{
+ -- Lua 5.2, 5.1
+ "assert",
+ "collectgarbage",
+ "dofile",
+ "error",
+ "getmetatable",
+ "ipairs",
+ "load",
+ "loadfile",
+ "next",
+ "pairs",
+ "pcall",
+ "print",
+ "rawequal",
+ "rawget",
+ "rawlen",
+ "rawset",
+ "require",
+ "select",
+ "setmetatable",
+ "tonumber",
+ "tostring",
+ "type",
+ "xpcall",
+ -- Lua 5.1
+ "gcinfo",
+ "getfenv",
+ "loadstring",
+ "module",
+ "newproxy",
+ "setfenv",
+ "unpack",
+ -- TODO: add table.* etc functions
+} do
+ if _G[name] then
+ m_known_functions[_G[name]] = name
+ end
+local m_user_known_functions = {}
+local function safe_tostring (value)
+ local ok, err = pcall(tostring, value)
+ if ok then return err else return (": '%s'"):format(err) end
+-- Private:
+-- Parses a line, looking for possible function definitions (in a very na?ve way)
+-- Returns '(anonymous)' if no function name was found in the line
+local function ParseLine(line)
+ assert(type(line) == "string")
+ --print(line)
+ local match = line:match("^%s*function%s+(%w+)")
+ if match then
+ --print("+++++++++++++function", match)
+ return match
+ end
+ match = line:match("^%s*local%s+function%s+(%w+)")
+ if match then
+ --print("++++++++++++local", match)
+ return match
+ end
+ match = line:match("^%s*local%s+(%w+)%s+=%s+function")
+ if match then
+ --print("++++++++++++local func", match)
+ return match
+ end
+ match = line:match("%s*function%s*%(") -- this is an anonymous function
+ if match then
+ --print("+++++++++++++function2", match)
+ return "(anonymous)"
+ end
+ return "(anonymous)"
+-- Private:
+-- Tries to guess a function's name when the debug info structure does not have it.
+-- It parses either the file or the string where the function is defined.
+-- Returns '?' if the line where the function is defined is not found
+local function GuessFunctionName(info)
+ --print("guessing function name")
+ if type(info.source) == "string" and info.source:sub(1,1) == "@" then
+ local file, err = io_open(info.source:sub(2), "r")
+ if not file then
+ print("file not found: "..tostring(err)) -- whoops!
+ return "?"
+ end
+ local line
+ for i = 1, info.linedefined do
+ line = file:read("*l")
+ end
+ if not line then
+ print("line not found") -- whoops!
+ return "?"
+ end
+ return ParseLine(line)
+ else
+ local line
+ local lineNumber = 0
+ for l in string_gmatch(info.source, "([^\n]+)\n-") do
+ lineNumber = lineNumber + 1
+ if lineNumber == info.linedefined then
+ line = l
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if not line then
+ print("line not found") -- whoops!
+ return "?"
+ end
+ return ParseLine(line)
+ end
+-- Dumper instances are used to analyze stacks and collect its information.
+local Dumper = {}
+Dumper.new = function(thread)
+ local t = { lines = {} }
+ for k,v in pairs(Dumper) do t[k] = v end
+ t.dumping_same_thread = (thread == coroutine.running())
+ -- if a thread was supplied, bind it to debug.info and debug.get
+ -- we also need to skip this additional level we are introducing in the callstack (only if we are running
+ -- in the same thread we're inspecting)
+ if type(thread) == "thread" then
+ t.getinfo = function(level, what)
+ if t.dumping_same_thread and type(level) == "number" then
+ level = level + 1
+ end
+ return debug.getinfo(thread, level, what)
+ end
+ t.getlocal = function(level, loc)
+ if t.dumping_same_thread then
+ level = level + 1
+ end
+ return debug.getlocal(thread, level, loc)
+ end
+ else
+ t.getinfo = debug.getinfo
+ t.getlocal = debug.getlocal
+ end
+ return t
+-- helpers for collecting strings to be used when assembling the final trace
+function Dumper:add (text)
+ self.lines[#self.lines + 1] = text
+function Dumper:add_f (fmt, ...)
+ self:add(fmt:format(...))
+function Dumper:concat_lines ()
+ return table_concat(self.lines)
+-- Private:
+-- Iterates over the local variables of a given function.
+-- @param level The stack level where the function is.
+function Dumper:DumpLocals (level)
+ local prefix = "\t "
+ local i = 1
+ if self.dumping_same_thread then
+ level = level + 1
+ end
+ local name, value = self.getlocal(level, i)
+ if not name then
+ return
+ end
+ self:add("\tLocal variables:\r\n")
+ while name do
+ if type(value) == "number" then
+ self:add_f("%s%s = number: %g\r\n", prefix, name, value)
+ elseif type(value) == "boolean" then
+ self:add_f("%s%s = boolean: %s\r\n", prefix, name, tostring(value))
+ elseif type(value) == "string" then
+ self:add_f("%s%s = string: %q\r\n", prefix, name, value)
+ elseif type(value) == "userdata" then
+ self:add_f("%s%s = %s\r\n", prefix, name, safe_tostring(value))
+ elseif type(value) == "nil" then
+ self:add_f("%s%s = nil\r\n", prefix, name)
+ elseif type(value) == "table" then
+ if m_known_tables[value] then
+ self:add_f("%s%s = %s\r\n", prefix, name, m_known_tables[value])
+ elseif m_user_known_tables[value] then
+ self:add_f("%s%s = %s\r\n", prefix, name, m_user_known_tables[value])
+ else
+ local txt = "{"
+ for k,v in pairs(value) do
+ txt = txt..safe_tostring(k)..":"..safe_tostring(v)
+ if #txt > _M.max_tb_output_len then
+ txt = txt.." (more...)"
+ break
+ end
+ if next(value, k) then txt = txt..", " end
+ end
+ self:add_f("%s%s = %s %s\r\n", prefix, name, safe_tostring(value), txt.."}")
+ end
+ elseif type(value) == "function" then
+ local info = self.getinfo(value, "nS")
+ local fun_name = info.name or m_known_functions[value] or m_user_known_functions[value]
+ if info.what == "C" then
+ self:add_f("%s%s = C %s\r\n", prefix, name, (fun_name and ("function: " .. fun_name) or tostring(value)))
+ else
+ local source = info.short_src
+ if source:sub(2,7) == "string" then
+ source = source:sub(9) -- uno m?s, por el espacio que viene (string "Baragent.Main", por ejemplo)
+ end
+ --for k,v in pairs(info) do print(k,v) end
+ fun_name = fun_name or GuessFunctionName(info)
+ self:add_f("%s%s = Lua function '%s' (defined at line %d of chunk %s)\r\n", prefix, name, fun_name, info.linedefined, source)
+ end
+ elseif type(value) == "thread" then
+ self:add_f("%sthread %q = %s\r\n", prefix, name, tostring(value))
+ end
+ i = i + 1
+ name, value = self.getlocal(level, i)
+ end
+-- Public:
+-- Collects a detailed stack trace, dumping locals, resolving function names when they're not available, etc.
+-- This function is suitable to be used as an error handler with pcall or xpcall
+-- @param thread An optional thread whose stack is to be inspected (defaul is the current thread)
+-- @param message An optional error string or object.
+-- @param level An optional number telling at which level to start the traceback (default is 1)
+-- Returns a string with the stack trace and a string with the original error.
+function _M.stacktrace(thread, message, level)
+ if type(thread) ~= "thread" then
+ -- shift parameters left
+ thread, message, level = nil, thread, message
+ end
+ thread = thread or coroutine.running()
+ level = level or 1
+ local dumper = Dumper.new(thread)
+ local original_error
+ if type(message) == "table" then
+ dumper:add("an error object {\r\n")
+ local first = true
+ for k,v in pairs(message) do
+ if first then
+ dumper:add(" ")
+ first = false
+ else
+ dumper:add(",\r\n ")
+ end
+ dumper:add(safe_tostring(k))
+ dumper:add(": ")
+ dumper:add(safe_tostring(v))
+ end
+ dumper:add("\r\n}")
+ original_error = dumper:concat_lines()
+ elseif type(message) == "string" then
+ dumper:add(message)
+ original_error = message
+ end
+ dumper:add("\r\n")
+ dumper:add[[
+Stack Traceback
+ --print(error_message)
+ local level_to_show = level
+ if dumper.dumping_same_thread then level = level + 1 end
+ local info = dumper.getinfo(level, "nSlf")
+ while info do
+ if info.what == "main" then
+ if string_sub(info.source, 1, 1) == "@" then
+ dumper:add_f("(%d) main chunk of file '%s' at line %d\r\n", level_to_show, string_sub(info.source, 2), info.currentline)
+ else
+ dumper:add_f("(%d) main chunk of %s at line %d\r\n", level_to_show, info.short_src, info.currentline)
+ end
+ elseif info.what == "C" then
+ --print(info.namewhat, info.name)
+ --for k,v in pairs(info) do print(k,v, type(v)) end
+ local function_name = m_user_known_functions[info.func] or m_known_functions[info.func] or info.name or tostring(info.func)
+ dumper:add_f("(%d) %s C function '%s'\r\n", level_to_show, info.namewhat, function_name)
+ --dumper:add_f("%s%s = C %s\r\n", prefix, name, (m_known_functions[value] and ("function: " .. m_known_functions[value]) or tostring(value)))
+ elseif info.what == "tail" then
+ --print("tail")
+ --for k,v in pairs(info) do print(k,v, type(v)) end--print(info.namewhat, info.name)
+ dumper:add_f("(%d) tail call\r\n", level_to_show)
+ dumper:DumpLocals(level)
+ elseif info.what == "Lua" then
+ local source = info.short_src
+ local function_name = m_user_known_functions[info.func] or m_known_functions[info.func] or info.name
+ if source:sub(2, 7) == "string" then
+ source = source:sub(9)
+ end
+ local was_guessed = false
+ if not function_name or function_name == "?" then
+ --for k,v in pairs(info) do print(k,v, type(v)) end
+ function_name = GuessFunctionName(info)
+ was_guessed = true
+ end
+ -- test if we have a file name
+ local function_type = (info.namewhat == "") and "function" or info.namewhat
+ if info.source and info.source:sub(1, 1) == "@" then
+ dumper:add_f("(%d) Lua %s '%s' at file '%s:%d'%s\r\n", level_to_show, function_type, function_name, info.source:sub(2), info.currentline, was_guessed and " (best guess)" or "")
+ elseif info.source and info.source:sub(1,1) == '#' then
+ dumper:add_f("(%d) Lua %s '%s' at template '%s:%d'%s\r\n", level_to_show, function_type, function_name, info.source:sub(2), info.currentline, was_guessed and " (best guess)" or "")
+ else
+ dumper:add_f("(%d) Lua %s '%s' at line %d of chunk '%s'\r\n", level_to_show, function_type, function_name, info.currentline, source)
+ end
+ dumper:DumpLocals(level)
+ else
+ dumper:add_f("(%d) unknown frame %s\r\n", level_to_show, info.what)
+ end
+ level = level + 1
+ level_to_show = level_to_show + 1
+ info = dumper.getinfo(level, "nSlf")
+ end
+ return dumper:concat_lines(), original_error
+-- Adds a table to the list of known tables
+function _M.add_known_table(tab, description)
+ if m_known_tables[tab] then
+ error("Cannot override an already known table")
+ end
+ m_user_known_tables[tab] = description
+-- Adds a function to the list of known functions
+function _M.add_known_function(fun, description)
+ if m_known_functions[fun] then
+ error("Cannot override an already known function")
+ end
+ m_user_known_functions[fun] = description
+return _M
diff --git a/lua_scripts/extensions/_Misc.ext b/lua_scripts/extensions/_Misc.ext
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5eae744
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lua_scripts/extensions/_Misc.ext
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+-- Copyright (C) 2010 - 2016 Eluna Lua Engine
+-- This program is free software licensed under GPL version 3
+-- Please see the included DOCS/LICENSE.md for more information
+-- filename.ext files are loaded before normal .lua files
+-- Randomize random
+-- Set debug.traceback to use StackTracePlus to print full stack trace
+local trace = require("StackTracePlus")
+debug.traceback = trace.stacktrace
diff --git a/worldserver b/worldserver
index abd385a..45d208a 100755
Binary files a/worldserver and b/worldserver differ