99 lines
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99 lines
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#  AzerothCore
## BeastMaster NPC
- Latest build status with azerothcore: [](https://github.com/azerothcore/mod-npc-beastmaster)
## Important notes
You have to use at least AzerothCore commit [3f0739f](https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/commit/3f0739f1c9a5289444ff9d62834b7ceb38879ba9).
## Description
This module allows each class (even Warlocks and Death Knights) to use hunter pets by adding a special NPC. This NPC provides the following options:
- teach the necessary hunter skills
- provide different pets (even exotic) which can be customized in the config file
- food for the pets
- stables (only for hunters)
The module can be configured to be restricted to hunters only. In this mode it can serve as a source for rare pets specified in the config file.
## How to use ingame
As GM:
- add NPC permanently:
.npc add 601026
- add NPC temporarily:
.npc add temp 601026
## Notice:
Due to the uniquiness of the module you will get this message on the worldconsole, but nothing is broken.
It is due to the npc not exactly having a gossip menu in the database, the script handles the gossip menu.

Please add the adjustment to the conf to have that error message not show up:
# Creatures.CustomIDs
# Description: The list of custom creatures with gossip dialogues hardcoded in core,
# divided by "," without spaces.
# It is implied that you do not use for these NPC dialogs data from "gossip_menu" table.
# Server will skip these IDs during the definitions validation process.
# Example: Creatures.CustomIDs = "190010,55005,999991,25462,98888,601026" - Npcs for Transmog, Guild-zone, 1v1-arena modules
# Skip Dk Module, Racial Trait Swap Modules
# Default: ""
Creatures.CustomIDs = "190010,55005,999991,25462,98888,601026"
## Installation
Clone Git repository:
cd <ACdir>
git clone https://github.com/azerothcore/mod-npc-beastmaster.git modules/mod-npc-beastmaster
Import SQL automatically:
cd <ACdir>
bash apps/db_assembler/db_assembler.sh
choose 8)
Import SQL manually:
cd <ACdir>
bash apps/db_assembler/db_assembler.sh
choose 4)
cd <ACdir>
mysql -P <DBport> -u <DPuser> --password=<DBpassword> world <env/dist/sql/world_custom.sql
## Edit module configuration (optional)
If you need to change the module configuration, go to your server configuration folder (where your `worldserver` or `worldserver.exe` is), copy `npc_beastmaster.conf.dist` to `npc_beastmaster.conf` and edit that new file.
(If using Docker, place the `npc_beastmaster.conf` file into your `azerothcore-wotlk\docker\worldserver\etc` folder.)
## Credits
* [Stoabrogga](https://github.com/Stoabrogga): further development
* [Talamortis](https://github.com/talamortis): further development
* [BarbzYHOOL](https://github.com/barbzyhool): support
* [StygianTheBest](http://stygianthebest.github.io): original author (this module is based on v2017.09.03)
AzerothCore: [repository](https://github.com/azerothcore) - [website](http://azerothcore.org/) - [discord chat community](https://discord.gg/PaqQRkd)
## License
This code and content is released under the [GNU AGPL v3](https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/blob/master/LICENSE-AGPL3).