2023-11-07 05:04:30 -05:00

52 lines
2.5 KiB

## We suggest using the latest master branch
This is old and may not be working.
We suggest that you always use the latest version of our master branch.
## Upgrade instructions
For server administrators: instructions about how to upgrade existing servers are available [here](http://www.azerothcore.org/wiki/Upgrade-from-pre-2.0.0-to-latest-master).
## Release notes
I'm pleased to release this new version of AzerothCore. This achievement was only possible thanks to all the contributors of our awesome community.
Special thanks to @talamortis @BarbzYHOOL @Deku @Stoabrogga @poszer @Viste @wetbrownsauce @CookieMonsterDev @Nefertumm @xDevICCI @pangolp @Winfidonarleyan @brussens @Yehonal
@comix1988 @Rochet2 @masterking32 @mik1893 @STARRHELD @a4501150 @Trystanosaurus @FALL1N1 @Kaev @Ayasecore @Pondaveia @Gargarensis and all the other [developers](https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/graphs/contributors), testers, supporters and custom modules/tools developers!
The full list of improvements was just too big to be published here, so I will only add some of the improvements that have been implemented since release 1.x:
- Solved all DB installation issues
- Implemented AC Docker setup
- Fixed all DB startup errors
- Eluna is now supported (special thanks @AyaseCore )
- Travis now prevents startup DB errors to get on master
- Fixed all compilation warnings
- Align most of the DB tables structure with TC
- Align SmartAI enums with TC
- Align conditions enums with TC
- Misc improvements to the SmartAI system
- The core will now trigger error if unsupported SmartAI action/even/types are used
- Fixed MySQL 5.7 issues
- Fixed many Quests (the list is too big to report it here)
- Improved movement and positioning for vanity pets
- Fixed clang 7 build
- Fixed Val'anyr Hammer of Ancient Kings
- Fixed Amplify Damage
- Update waypoints for black knight in Trail of the champion to be more blizzlike
- Fixed Mage Empowered Fire Talent
- Warlock Life Tap
- Fixed Mirror Image
- Added a few custom commands
- Fixed Glyph Learning for dual talent
- Fixed Deathgrip
- Fixed Rogue Tier 1 proc
- Fixed Guild Charter
- Fixed heirlooms to apply stats before giving health.
- Fixed pet bar will now show after /reload command
- Fixed npc falling through textures
- Fixed Noth the Plaguebringer casting upon returning back to ground
...and many other improvements! You can check the full changelog [here](https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/commits/master).