2023-11-07 05:04:30 -05:00

61 KiB

We suggest that you always use the latest version of our master branch.

Do NOT download the source code from the release, always use latest master version by following the official guide.

Upgrade instructions

For server administrators: instructions about how to upgrade existing servers are available here.


Thanks to all people that have contributed to this release! @Kitzunu @Knindzagxg @Helias @LukasVolgger @Winfidonarleyan @Viste @locus313 @Si1ker @wizzymore @BarbzYHOOL @peti446 @Nefertumm @IntelligentQuantum @Voxstrasza @Shard-MW @aradep @Yehonal @GMKyle @Selyria @grimgravy @brussens @r0m1ntik @sanctum32 @pangolp @vhiperdev @Ercules76 @FALL1N1 @Rochet2 @aleigood @P-Kito @imxari @Kaev @ArashGorge @mik1893 @masterking32 @AsunaFrostwyrm @meerd @Zoidwaffle @Hacaw @55Honey @ChromieCraftServer @merdlin @iThorgrim-Hub @JamesGent @mpfans @pklloveyou @steenburgh @FrancescoBorzi and all the other developers, testers, supporters and custom modules/tools developers!

Top dev-contributors of 3.0.0



chore(Core/PathGenerator.h): Kill Malformed whitespace
fix(DB/Creature): King Magni Bronzebeard combat script
fix(DB/Graveyard): Add Horde graveyards in Darkshore
fix(DB/Creature): faction of ravenoak
feat(CI): deprecate gcc 7
fix(gcc): type warning [1/2]
fix(Core/Spell): Paralytic Poison
fix(CI): temp restore ci-install.sh
fix(Core): Activate creatures and objects during opening cinematics
fix(DB/Quest): improve quest poi for some quests
fix(DB/spell_area): remove spell 57940 on area 480
chore(CI): Improve error message of check_pending_sql
feat(Core/Config): allow initial (free) amount of Guild Bank tabs
fix(DB/Waypoint): Hezrul Bloodmark
feat(DB/locales): Import deDE locales (Part 15)
feat(DB/locales): Import deDE locales (Part 14)
fix(Core/QuestTracker): do not store quest if quest_id is null
fix(DB/Creature): Gyromasts Revenge
fix(DB/locale): Spanish translation quests in elwynn forest
fix(DB/locale): Spanish translation for Death Knight quests
refactor(Core/cs_reload): Improve page_text(_locale) output
feat(Core/Opcodes): Implement CMSG_CHANNEL_MODERATE
fix(Core/Creature): Implement INHABIT_ROOT
feat(DB/Translations): import translation text from @mpfans
feat(DB/locales): import locales from TC
fix(Core/SpellMgr): Essence of Wintergrasp only applies if config is enabled
feat(Core/Warden): optimization + PQR detection
feat(DB/game_tele): Hidden Places
fix(DB/creature): Remove WotLK recipe drops from Vanilla NPC Sorrow Wing
fix(Scripts/boss_freya): adds apply SPELL_CONSERVATOR_GRIP 6s after spawn
fix(Core/Spell): Killing Spree range
fix(Core/SpellMgr): Death Plague stacks
feat(Core/Player): implement GetFreeInventorySpace()
fix(DB/Quest): Taken by the Scourge
feat(Core/Conf): allow to change the cost of the guild bank tabs
feat(DB/game_tele): Improve GM Teleports
fix(Docker): binary update on rebuild
fix(DB/Creature): Ethereal Priest Power-Shield Spam
fix(CI): disable macos-11.0
chore(2021_01_14_01.sql): int not string
feat(DB/locales): Import deDE locales (Part 13)
fix(Core/CreatureAI): revert NPC repositioning and path system (temporarily)
fix(Scripts/DB/Creature): Set PvP flag for some creatures
fix(DB/Quest): Shadow Vault Decree
fix(DB/Creature): Civilian Recruit Valiance Keep
chore(IssueTemplate/BugReport): Fix typo
fix(DB/loot_template): Fill in comment fields
feat(DB/locales): Import deDE locales (Part 12)
refactor(Core): fix some warnings from VS
fix(Core/The Oculus) Drakos dragon keepers
chore(ReadME): Add codefactor
fix(Build/Cmake): CMake now uses the Windows env vars
refactor(db_assembler): Allow connecting to non default mysql ports
chore(Core/SpellAuraEffects): Comment out empty if
fix(DB/Creature): Fix Borean Tundra Footmans
chore(core): Remove malformed whitespace
chore(core): remove malformed whitespaces
fix(Core/Opcodes): Implement CMSG_GROUP_SWAP_SUB_GROUP
fix(DB/gossip_menu_option): Give me a bomber!
feat(CI/Ubuntu): use acore.sh to install deps
chore(CI/codestyle): fix build
fix(DB/Script): Quest Re-Cursive
feat(CI/Codestyle): added codestyle check
fix(DB/Graveyard): add ghostZone for zone 3479
fix(Core/Spell): [Potion] Elixir of Minor Fortitude effect disappear
fix(Core/Spell): Earthliving weapon proc
fix(Core/Crash): safe calculation in GetMeleeAttackPoint
fix(scripts/instance): Force correct gossip/text updates
fix(CI/MacOS) workaround for configure os failing
fix(Core/ArenaTeam): Arena team queue protections
fix(DB/Update): fix missing delete
fix(DB/SmartAI): Demolitionist Legoso weird behavior
fix(DB/Creature): Laris Geardawdle (9616) missing text
fix(DB/Creature): Guvan (npc 17482) incorrect NPC flags (can't train priests past lvl 6)
fix(DB/Creature): position of guid 17952
fix(DB/Creature): Ranger Lilatha walk speed correction
fix(DB/Quest): "Botanist Taerix" and "Urgent Delivery!"
feat(Core/CreatureAI): improve npc position during the combat
fix(DB/Creature): Shadowglen Webwood Spiders Population
fix(DB/smart_scripts): Add abilities to Arcanist Torseldori and Bloodmage
fix(DB/Visual): The Sun Gate
fix(DB/creature): Add female models to Chosen Zealots
chore(MySQL): Deprecate 5.6
fix(DB/Creature): Engineer "Spark" and Geezle
fix(DB/Quest): Galaen's Fate
fix(DB/gameobject): adjust spawntimesecs of multiple GOs
fix(Core/Quest): They're Alive! Maybe...
fix(DB/Quest) add missing quest to brewfest npc's
feat(DB/translations): import quest_template, quest_request_items and quest_offer_reward from TC
fix(CI): Only run macos build if ubuntu build is successful
refactor(Core/sWorld): improve singleton management
fix(DB/quest): Thalorien Dawnseeker - Quest texts
fix(DB/Creature): add/fix spawns in Ghostlands & Eversong Woods
fix(DB/Loot): drop chances for white items in starter zone
chore(Core/Conf): Change default of RecordUpdateTimeDiffInterval
fix(DB/acore_string): Adjust characters for pinfo
fix(dashboard): check if acore user already exists
fix(Core/GO): failed attempt
fix(DB/gameobject): Quest 'Soaked Pages' GO respawn time
fix(DB/acore_string): Remove weird spaces in npc info
fix(DB/creature_template): Add mechanic_immune_mask for Hyjal bosses
fix(DB/smart_scripts): Script "Crowleg" Dan
chore(Core/SpellMgr): Indentation
fix(DB/game_event_gameobject): Brewfest gameobject in Winter Veil
fix(scripts/Felmyst): Adjust beam target
fix(Core/Object): Fix small error in Position::IsWithinBox
fix(scripts/Ulduar): Kologarn - Focused Eyebeam
fix(scripts/Ulduar): Expedition Base Camp
fix(CI): update procedure/function check
fix(Core/Guild): Implement gender in guild
refactor(scripts/BlackrockMountain): Remove commented NPC scripts
fix(DB/broadcast_text_locale): Guard gossip for hunter class [esES/esMX]
fix(DB/Spell): Clearcast proc
chore(config): Improve dist files
fix(apps/scripts): Add quotes for directory paths containing empty spaces
refactor(Core): Remove player title defines
fix(Core/Spell): Clicking lock portal cost mana
feat(CI/MacOS): use acore.sh to install deps
fix(Bash/simple-restarter): always show the correct command name
Core/Utils: Create std::optional helper class
fix(README): catalogue link
docs: add sponsor link
refactor(Core): removed unused ace includes
docs(PR-template): normalized captions #3867
 docs(README.md): normalized captions #3863
feat(Core): Another way to get talent points
fix(scripts/CullingOfStratholme): Remove "Corrupting Blight" at Infinite Corruptor's death
fix(scripts/Oculus): Reset Mage-Lord Urom's position at death
fix(DB/creature): Improve starting NPCs
fix(DB/npc_vendor): Argent Tournament
fix(DB/Quest): Make 6962 not repeatable
fix(DB/item_template_locale): Item Description deDE
refactor(Core): apply clang-tidy modernize-raw-string-literal
feat(CI/macOS): add macos-11.0 Big Sur to CI build
fix(CI/macOS): remove old openssl removal
fix(DB/quest_poi_points): Fix The Battered Hilt Questline
fix(DB/smart_scripts): Quest "Enlistment Day"
feat(Bash/restarter): add restarter to the available bin/ collection
fix(Bash/installer): client data version
refactor(Core/Social): Cleanup
fix(DB/spell_custom_attr):  Debuffs incorrectly applied as buffs
feat(DB/locales): Import deDE locales (Part 11)
fix(DB/Quest): Text for quest "When the Cows Come Home"
fix(DB/waypoint_data): Great Hexer Ohodo pathing
fix(Core/conf): Battleground kill XP rate description
feat(DB/locales): Import deDE locales (Part 10)
fix(DB/creature_template): Improve The Nexus
refactor(Core): apply clang-tidy modernize-pass-by-value
fix(Core): a typo introduced in the Rest & Inn Improvements
chore(ReadMe): Add Discussions to important links
refactor(Core): apply clang-tidy modernize-deprecated-headers
feat(Core/Config): Arena points - Games required
fix(DB/item_template_locale): Twisted Reflection item description
feat(DB/locales): Import deDE locales (Part 09)
fix(DB/creature_template_addon): Add 'Shadowform' aura to Saronite Animus
fix(DB/access_requirement): Add missing quest_failed_text #3804
fix(Core/Game): Rest & Inn Improvements
fix(DB/smart_scripts): Ulduar- Iron Mender casting Fuse Metal out of combat #3802
fix(DB/creature): Ulduar 25 Antechamber trash pack #3800
fix(DB/creature_loot_template): Quest item drop chance - 'Guardian of the Monument' #3796
fix(DB/creature_template): Improve damage
fix(DB/creature_template): Improve Ulduar
fix(DB/creature_template): Improve Utgarde Keep
fix(DB/creature_template): Improve The Oculus
fix(DB/creature_template): Improve Utgarde Pinnacle
chore(Core): forgot to add copyright in new files + small correction
refactor(Core): apply clang-tidy modernize-use-bool-literals
fix(CMake): Deprecation warning #3814
refactor(Core): apply clang-tidy modernize-use-default-member-init
refactor(Core): apply clang-tidy modernize-use-equals-default
refactor(Core): apply clang-tidy modernize-loop-convert
refactor(Core): apply clang-tidy modernize-use-emplace
fix(DB/creature_template): Improve Onyxia Lair
fix(DB/creature_template): Improve Vault of Archavon
refactor(Core/PetAI): remove useless code
refactor(Core): apply clang-tidy modernize-use-noexcept
refactor(Core): apply clang-tidy modernize-redundant-void-arg
refactor(Core): apply clang-tidy modernize-use-nullptr
refactor(Core): apply clang-tidy modernize-use-nodiscard
refactor(Core): apply clang-tidy modernize-use-override
refactor(Core/sLog): improve singleton management
fix(DB/Raid): improved Eye of Eternity
fix(DB/creature_template): Improved Obsidian Sanctum
fix(DB/creature_formations): Elite patrolling positions
fix(DB/creature): Respawn time secs
fix(Scripts/Ulduar): Yogg-Saron's portals
fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improve - Stitched Giant
fix(DB/creature): Improve - The Battle For The Ebon Hold
feat(DB/locales): Import deDE locales (Part 08)
fix(Core/Social): cleanup + fix crash in friend system
fix(DB/creature_template): Adjust levels for Snobold Vassal and Saronite Animus
fix(DB/smart_scripts): Open door on Sneed's death
feat(DB/locales): Import deDE locales (Part 07)
fix(DB/Instance): Fix equip issue and text errors
fix(bin/scripts): Allow script work with git bash
feat(DB/locales): Import deDE locales (Part 06)
feat(DB/locales): Import deDE locales (Part 05)
feat(DB/locales): Import deDE locales (Part 04)
fix(Core/Pathfinding): Improve - Point movement
fix(Deps/Acelite): add missing Windows dependency
fix(DB/creature_template): Remove skull level on dungeon bosses
feat(DB/locales): Import deDE locales (Part 03)
feat(DB/locales): Import deDE locales (Part 02)
feat(CMake): show version when running cmake
feat(DB/locales): Import deDE locales (Part 01)
feat(Core/Script): Hooks for custom arena teams/types
test(Formulas.h): GetGrayLevel, GetColorCode, GetZeroDifference
chore(CMake/Tests): use conventional CMake flag to enable tests
fix(DB/Quest): Import "In Service of the Lich King" audio correct
fix(ci): update semicolon check #3799
fix(Scripts/ObsidianSanctum): Code revamp [1/2]
fix(DB/gossip): remove cataclysm gossip/gossip flag from Anduin Wrynn
fix(Scripts/ICC): Intro Event Timers and Text
fix(Scripts/VOA): code-style improvements + bandwidth consumptio
fix(Scripts/DB): Mimiron Computer NPC text
fix(scripts/Ulduar): Assembly of Iron - interrupt immune effect
fix(scripts/Commands): Avoid get gm phase when summoning
fix(ci): update semicolon check
fix(DB/creature): Starting zones
fix(DB/creature): Delete duplicate Big Roy
feat(CI): Add check for semicolon at end of pending sql update file #3749
Revert "fix(Core/Player): Improve rested removal"
fix(DB/creature): Ulduar 25 extra trash packs
fix(DB/conditions): Fix quest Kibler's Exotic Pets
feat(Core/Config): Added pet experience rate
fix(DB/spell_proc_event): The Black Heart
fix(DB/conditions): Frenzyheart Champion & Hand of the Oracles
refactor(Core): remove ACE types
feat(Core/Misc): remove ACE Auto_Ptr
fix(DB): failure due to missing semicolumn
fix(DB/scripts): Freya - Sun beam
refactor(DB/player_factionchange_titles): Add comment section
fix(Scripts): Ignis the Furnace Master - Iron construct buff stacks #3731
fix(CI): make labeler work with UnitTests
refactor(Core/SpellMgr): simplify dbc data corrections
fix(DB/locales): Restore deleted quest locales
feat(ci): Add apps directory to bash label
refactor(Apps/Defines): Codefactor warning
fix(Core/Player): Improve rested removal
fix(Core/bin): Add quotes to pwd in docker build scripts
fix(Core/SpellMgr): Thorns should not miss
feat(DB/locales): Import deDE quest locales
refactor(Tools): restyle tools with astyle
fix(DB/creature_loot_template): Emblem of Triumph #3689
feat(Core/Config): configurable BG Respawn Timers
refactor(Core/Common): restyle tools with astyle
fix(DB/creature): Maker's Overlook
fix(DB/gameobject): Dalaran Forge Spell Focus range
fix(DB/creature): Rabid Brown Bear Position
fix(DB/quest_poi_points): Seeds of the Blacksouled Keepers Quest POI
fix(DB/quest_poi_points): The Fallen Sisters Quest POI
fix(DB/creature) Frosthorn Ram Position
fix(Core/Command): additem - doesn't work when name contains apostrophe
fix(Core/Condition): Implement CONDITION_QUESTSTATE
fix(Core/Conditions): Implement CONDITION_DAILY_QUEST_DONE
feat(Core/MapUpdate): switch from ACE_Method_Request to PCQ
fix(Core/Item): Meta gems sometimes ignore added sockets
feat(Core/Spells): Functions will return cast result
fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Classic Rares II
fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Hinterlands II
fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Hilsbrad Foothills
fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Silverpine Forest
fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Alterac Mountains
fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Arathi Highlands
fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Dun Morogh
fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Wetlands
fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Badlands
fix(Labeler): revert CORE changes(#3683)
fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Searing Gorge
fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Strangethorn Vale II
fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Elwynn Forest
feat(Core/Config): Improve config
chore(Labeler): Workaround for CORE label
chore(Deps/Acelite): Update to 6.5.10
fix(Docker): fix log files not being generated in Docker setups
feat(DB/locales) Import deDE quest locales from TrinityCore
fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Blasted Lands
fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Westfall
fix(DB/quest_poi): A Portabale Power Source
feat(MMAPS/mapbuilder): restore ability to work with custom MapIDs >= 1000
fix(DB/gameobject): The Codex of Blood
fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Duskwood
fix(DB/creature_template) flags_extra for brewfest barker bunny's
fix(Core/Logs): Fix arguments in function call
fix(DB/gameobject_loot): Gordok Tribute
fix(DB/smart_scripts) Rachelle Gothena Position
fix(DB/creature/gameobject): Brother against brother
fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved redrige mountains
fix: broken link
fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved swamp of sorrows
fix(DB/creature_template): Void Zone from Lady Blaumeux
fix(Core/Unit): ranged auto-attack sound issue if a player attacks target not in LOS
fix(DB/spelldifficulty_dbc): Fix Disrupting shout [10/25]
fix(DB/creature_template):  Fix Twilight Fissure
fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved loch modan
fix(DB/Zone):improved Burning Steppes
fix(DB/creature) Coilskar-Assasin Position
fix(DB/waypoint_data): Ulduar Colossus path fix
fix(DB/creature) Light's Hope Muradin/Saurfang Wrong Models
fix(Core/CS): Fixed learn command using null session when send over SOAP
feat(CI): check if pending sql has procedure or function
fix(Script/ICC): Spirit Alarm and Deathbound Ward
fix(DB/creature_template): Ulduar - Overload
fix(Scripts/Ulduar): Supercharge stack issue fix
fix(Core/Ulduar): Stone Nova stacks [25 mode]
fix(Scripts/Ulduar): Boss XT-002 enrage sound
fix(DB/Creature): Shandy Glossgleam
fix(DB/Quest): The Black Box
fix(CI): do not run core_build on forks
fix(Scripts/Ulduar): Hodir flash freeze safe spots
fix(DB/Dungeon/Quest): Entry into Karazhan
fix(DB/Quest): Rifle the Bodies
fix(DB/Zones):improved Tirisfal Glades
fix(DB/Creature):improved Defender of Timbermaw
fix(DB/smart_scripts): Gordok Ogre-Mage
fix(Spell): Expose weakness
fix(DB/Zones): improved missing & skipped some NPCs
fix(DB/creature_template): Adjust Anub'arak minions level
fix(DB/creature_template): Nerubian Burrower's immunity
fix(DB/Zone):improved Hinterlands
fix(DB/Zone): improved Strangethorn Vale
fix(DB/creature_loot_template): Pattern: Fur Lining - Arcane Resist
fix(DB/Zone): improved Western Plaguelands
fix(DB/Zone):improved Eastern Plaguelands
fix(DB/SAI): Speaker Mar'grom
fix(Core): fixed crash happening when clearing old mail
feat(Core/Unit): don't allow additions threat in evade mode and implement AURA_INTERRUPT_FLAG_LEAVE_COMBAT
fix(DB/Loot): Naxxramas 25
refactor(Core/Mail): avoid big mail loading/saving time, only load 50 mails at a time
fix(CI): add workaround for configure os (macos-10.15)
fix: update labeler.yml
fix(Actions): Labeler
fix(Action): Labeler
fix(DB/Creature): remove mobs from brewfest camp
chore(CI): fix Trailing spaces
fix(Core/Util): EventMap::RepeatEvent when eventId is retrieved by ExecuteEvent() call
fix(Scripts/Ulduar): cast electrical charge only if player dies
feat(Actions): Automatically add labels on PRs
fix(DB/Spell): make 38318 positive
chore(DB/VerifiedBuild): Creatures 3.1.x(#3409)
fix(Core/Unit): Eating anim
refactor(Core/Game): restyle game lib with astyle
fix(DB/Event):  Brewfest - Synthebrew Goggles and Ram Racing Reins
refactor(Core/Scripts): restyle scripts lib with astyle
fix(Core/Creature): dead creatures spawn position on respawn
fix(DB/Creature): npc positions
fix(Core/Boss): Toravon Script Mechanics
fix(DB): Resupplying the Excavation
refactor(Tools): restyle tools with astyle
feat(Core/Movement): added orientation input for Point movement
fix(Core/Misc): fixed NOPCH build
fix(Core/Script) npc Tom Hegger target player for aggro text
fix(Issue/Config): correct links
fix(DB): ICC Intro Event - Saurfang/Muradin MODELID
fix(DB/Dungeon): Dire Maul West
fix(DB/Dungeon): improved Upper Blackrock
fix(DB/Dungeon): improved Dire Maul East
fix(Core/Spells): prevent client crash on use spell Neural Needle + ESC
chore(Core/Player): remove useless SendQuestComplete
fix(DB/Quest): Post-partum Aggression
fix(DB/Dungeon): improved Dire Maul North
 fix(DB/Waypoint): npc guid 1021 path
feat(Docker): add timezone settings to dockerfile
fix(Core/PacketsIO): Send correct messages about server first achievements depending on faction.
feat(Core/Events): update holiday code and remove misleading log (event date is the one from game_event)
feat(InstanceScripts): new scriptable function DoAction()
feat(CI/macOS): improve caching level
chore(DB/VerifiedBuild): Items 3.1.x
fix(DB/Creature): faction of several creatures
docs: Move README.md to .github folder
chore(DB/VerifiedBuild): Gameobjects 3.1.x
feat(CI): add support for GCC
chore(DB/VerifiedBuild): Quests 3.1.x
fix(DB/Event): Brewfest starttime
refactor(Travis): Remove unused travis files
fix(DB/Creature): Remove Noblegarden item from Redridge Mongrel
chore(DB/VerifiedBuild): Creatures 3.2.0
fix(Core/AuraScript): Soul Feast should apply on some Valithria mobs
fix(DB/Quest): gluttonous lurkers: improve the current SmartAI
chore(DB/VerifiedBuild): Quests 3.2.0
fix(Core/Misc): all GCC warnings
chore(DB/VerifiedBuild): Creatures 3.2.2
fix(DB/Quest): gameobject loot and related responsible spell script
chore(Core/Scripting): cleanup unused code
fix(Scripts/Ulduar): Hodir Door
chore(DB/VerifiedBuild): Items 3.2.0
fix(CI): do not run import-pending-sql on forks
fix(DB/Creature): Prince Sandoval is not attackable
docs(Readme): Minor improvements
refactor(Core/Common): restyle common lib with astyle
feat(Core/Time): remove inherited ACE Time
chore(Core/Shared): restyle shared lib with astyle
chore(Core/Worldserver): restyle worldserver lib with astyle
feat(Deps/MySQL): add support MariaDB 10.5
chore(Core/Authserver): restyle authserver library with astyle
fix(DB/SAI): remove links pointing to non-existing ID
chore(DB/VerifiedBuild): Items 3.2.2
refactor(Core/Misc): remove the ternary operator when used improperly
fix(DB/Creature): Remove wrong Steam Burst
docs(issue_template): add template for feature requests
fix(Scripts/Wintergrasp): fix disabled always false
chore(DB/VerifiedBuild): Creatures 3.3.0
fix(Core/Spline): -Wcast-function-type warning
fix(Core/player): do not show zone at first login
docs(SECURITY): Move SECURITY.md to .github folder
refactor(Core): replace ACE atomic types with standard C++
fix(DB/spell_custom_attr): Remove spell that doesn't exist
fix(Scripts/AzjolNerub): Amanitar not casting “Mini” and mushroom not cleansing the player on death
refactor(Core/Tools): remove ACE from tools
chore(DB/VerifiedBuild): Items 3.3.0
fix(Scripts/ICC): visual of the Blood Council Bosses
chore(DB/VerifiedBuild): Gameobject 3.3.0
Revert "feat(pull_request_template): Introduce the new github way"
refactor(Scripts/Stratholme): fix warnings and made code more readable
chore(DB/VerifiedBuild):] Quests 3.3.0
fix(DB/pool_template): improve spawn quantity of herbs in northrend
refactor(Core/ICC): Move hardcoded spells to enum
chore(DB/VerifiedBuild): Creatures 3.3.5
fix(Scripts/ICC): Don't show Heroic Attempts on Normal difficulty
chore(DB/VerifiedBuild): Items 3.3.5
fix(Core/Tools): fix GCC warnings in extractors
chore(DB/VerifiedBuild): Quests 3.3.5
fix(Core/Misc): GCC warnings
feat(code_of_conduct): add code of conduct to the project
fix(DB/Dungeon): improved Lower Blackrock Spire
refactor(lfg): refactor code and style
fix(Core/Script): Anomalus
fix(CI/macos): reduce cache size
chore(DB/Zone): enable allowMount in Emerald Dream
fix(CORE/Dungeon): Mage-Lord Urom now cats empowered arcane explosion when he teleports to the center
chore(CI): solve
chore: add ./apps/joiner/ to .gitignore
feat(pull_request_template): Introduce the new github way
feat(CI/Linux): use compression in ccache
chore(deps): update gsoap to version 2.8.105
feat(Core/Script): Playing music from GameObjects and added holiday zones music script
[Dungeon] Scholomance
fix(Docker): fix Priority class denied
docs(issue_template): add links to issue create window
fix(Core/Quest): Death Comes From On High
Core/Scripts: fix Nightfall proc chance and reduce it for victims with level above 60.
fix(CORE/Commands): Renamed .character deleted old to .character deleted purge
feat(contributing) Add guidelines for new contributors
feat(DB/SmartAI): [Raid] Ulduar
fix(DB/Creature): Atal'ai Priest unattackable
feat(CI): actions/cache@v2
chore(CI/Docker): skip Scripts for shorter build times
fix(CI/macOS): ccache issue
fix(CORE/Raid): Muradin/Saurfang not de-spawning after finishing movement
fix(CORE/Raid): Lich King “Pain and Suffering” snapping and “Shadow Trap” not targeting tanks
refactor(Core): NULL -> nullptr
docs(README): fix url
fix(Core/SpellEffects): Make Shadowmeld drop combat
fix (Core/Quest) Correct link quest and fix command lookup quest for multilanguage dbc
Core/DB fix Icecrown Citadel Raid - Saurfang Intro Roleplay
feat(DB/SAI): [Azeroth] Classic Rares - Part I
feat(DB/Creature): [Zone] Thousand Needles
feat(DB/SAI): [Azeroth] Missed & Skipped Creatures
[Zone] Isle of Quel'Danas
[Zone] Tanaris
fix(DB/Creature): Eversong Woods
chore(CI): change bot's commit message format
fix(DB/Creature): Ungoro Crater
fix(DB/Creature): Silithus
fix(DB/Creature): Yulda the Stormspeaker
Allow mages to refresh Living Bomb
fix(DB/Creature): Stratholme
refactor(Core): remove ace_autoptr, cleanup
fix(DB/SAI): improve Feralas NPCs
fix(Core/Gossip): Remove hard-coded texts from the: The forge of souls C++
fix(DB/SmartScriptMgr): Move CWZ valid check
fix(build): remove warning
fix(quest): improve quest force of neltharaku
refactor(creature-loot): improve chance % of Bohan NPC
fix(Core/DBCStores): prevent crash worldserver
fix(DB/GO): improve gameobject instances respawn timesecs
fix(Core/SpellAuras): Show auras to client limit
fix(Scripts/UtgardePinnacle): Svala Sorrowgrave's loot disappearing too quickly
feat(CI): add Windows to the CI
fix(Core/Spells): Winter's Chill now stacks from multiple sources
feat(CI): add macOS to our CI
fix(Core/Command): Can comment closed tickets
feat(Core/Command): Reenable .teleport name on offline player
feat(Core/SendListInventory): Add multivendor function
fix(CI): Made test run in relative path
fix(CI/Core/ArenaSpectator): clang warnings + prevent new warnings
refactor(CORE/Instance): Move Pandemonius script from SAI to Core script
feat(Core/Commands): Character check bag && work
fix(Scripts/DB): Add Prison to spawn Yor, move Yor AI from SAI
feat(CI): add Ubuntu 18.04 to the CI
test: add code coverage report
fix(Core/Unit): melee attack through LoS
fix(#2147): enrage and some false-negative spells
fix(deps): update gsoap to fix vulnerability issue
test: fix some cmake params
test: fix unit test linking problem in ubuntu 18.04
chore(unit-object-accessor): add findConnectedPlayer to object accessor
Create rev_1592783105272652900.sql
refactor(Core/SpellInfo): Positive/Negative spells from SpellFamilyName into DB
feat(CI/Docker): build all containers in CI
feature(testing-automation): unit tests with Google Framework
fix(DB/Creature): Desolace
fix(Core/ObjectMgr): solve Global Storage issue
fix(DB/SAI): improve Mulgore zone
feat(Docker): update to Ubuntu 20.04 + more improvements
fix(DB): improvements to Magister's Terrace
fix(Core/Spell): rogue's poisons logic check
refactor(Scripts/SAI): move Gryphoneer Windbellow to SAI
fix(DB/Creature): Opening the Dark Portal
fix(DB/GameTables): correct links to data from gt* DB tables
fix(DB/Creature): Escape from Durnholde
chore: Removed unwanted submodule
feat(bash): support for derivated distro + refactor conf
chore(worldserver.conf): Update GM.StartLevel to core default
feature(World/Config): Implement MaxWhoListReturns
fix(DB/item_template): Savange and Hateful Gladiator's range
fix(Core/playercreateinfo_item): Alter amount of allowed items
fix(Core/Script): Remove hardcoded Loch Modan texts
fix(Core/Creature): Lady Katrana hardcoded text
Core/Misc: update g3dlite lib
feat(SUPPORT): Show contributors how to get help
fix(Core/MailHandler): Prevent client crash while receiving a malformed mail
fix(Core/Vendors): Load npc_vendor items in the right order
fix(DB/Creature): The Botanica
fix(DB/Creature): The Mechanar
fix(DB/Creature): The Arcatraz
fix(DB/Creature): Dustwallow Marsh
feat(Core/DBC): rework load DBC
fix(DB/Creature): Barrens
fix(DB/Creature): Durotar
Fix db_assembler on macOS
fix(Core/SmartScripts): Disallow Gob to use Combat with Zone
fix(DB/Gameobject): Maraudon portal clickable
fix(DB/Sai): Remove Gameobject from being in combat with zone
fix(DB/Creature): Captain Greenskin formation
fix(DB/Spell): Savory Deviate Delight auras should not stack
doc(readme): Fixed catalogue link
fix(DB/Creature): Vereth the Cunning stand state
fix(Core/Player): Display random properties in inspect
refactor(Core/World): Make the file a bit more pretty
fix(DB/Creature): Stonetalon Mountains
fix(DB/Creature): Ashenvale
feat(Core/Config): rework configs load system
fix(DB/Creature): Azshara
refactore(core/config): Move BG Report AFK To Conf
fix(DB/Creature): Darkshore
wiki(Security): Fix link
wiki(Security): Add a security policy
chore(CMake)!: Drop support for MariaDB 10.1
feat(Core/Loot): Increase the max loot possible by 2
fix(DB/Creature): Auchenai Crypts
fix(DB/Creature): Underbog
fix(DB/Creature): Steamvault
fix(DB/Creature): Light's Hope Chapel dialogue script
fix(DB/Creature): Slave Pens
fix(Core/SpellScript): Script item Egg Nog
fix(DB/Creature): Shadow Labyrinth
fix(DB/Fix): Sethekk Halls
fix(DB/Creature): Mana Tombs
fix(DB/Creature): Felwood
fix(DB/Creature): Winterspring
refactor(issue_template): Move it to Githubs "new" place
feat(Core/Config): Enable/Disable Debug BG/Arena
fix(DB/Creature): Remove loot from totems
fix(Core/Spell): Implement SPELL_ATTR0_CU_DONT_BREAK_STEALTH
refactor(Core/BG): improvements to the queue system
fix(DB/Creature): Dragonmaw Bonewarder
fix(DB/Creature): Outland Rares
fix(Core): C++ 11 rule of 3 compiant constructors
fix(Core/Battleground): fix queue issue
fix(DB/SmartScripts): Swamp of Sorrows
fix(DB/Locale): Add several entries for frFR
fix(Core/WorldSocket): All control paths will return a value
fix(DB/Creature): Desolace
fix(DB/Quest): Mastery of the Crystals
fix(DB/Creature): Blackfathom Deeps
fix(DB/Creature): Shattered Halls
fix(DB/Creature); Blood Furnace
fix(DB/Creature): Hellfire Ramparts
fix(DB/Creature): Sunken Temple
fix(DB/Creature): Zul'farrak
[Dungeon] Maraudon
fix(DB/Creature): Uldaman
fix(DB/Creature): Razorfen Downs
fix(Core/BG): do not start new BGs if there are BGs with free slots
fix(DB/Creature): Scarlet Monastery
fix(DB/Creature): Gnomeregan
fix(DB/Creature): Razorfen Kraul
fix(DB/Creature): The Stockade
feat(CI): update clang-7 to clang-9, add clang-10 build
fix(Core/MailHandler): Security check
fix(Core/Spell): Allow to cast and aura all spells
feat(CI): upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04
fix(Core/Clang): make it work with clang 10
fix(DB/Quest): A Dire Situation
fix(build): eluna
feat(CI): refine cache usage in gh-actions
fix(DB/Creature): Shadowfang Keep
fix(CMake/FindMySQL): Allow MySQL 8.0 in Windows
fix(DB/Creature): Wailing Caverns
fix(Core/Query): Update GroupMgr query to support MySQL 8.0
fix(Core/Script): Felmyst
fix(Core): solve issue with MariaDB
fix(DB/Creature): Deadmines
refactor(Core/Command): tele to teleport
fix(Core/Script): Trial of the Crusader
fix(Core/ChatHandler): Prevent messages > 255 characters
fix(Core/Mysql): my_bool type conflict
fix(Docker): Mysql Password
fix(DB/Creature): Ragefire Chasm
feat(Core/Docker): Enable SOAP for external usage
feat(Docker): Container healthchecks
fix(Docker): Persistent volumes for ac-database
fix(Core/Pet): Risen Ghoul random name & pet detail
fix(DB/Quest): Take No Chances
feat(Core/Battleground): Config to allow/disallow ability to Share Quest & Ready Check
fix(DB/ImportSQL): Missed import SQL f2892764cd
fix(Core/Query): Escape MySQL 8.0 Keyword
fix(DB/Quest): The Deathstalkers
refactor(DB/acore_string): Rename locale columns
fix(DB/Quest): Repurposed Technology
fix(DB/Gameobject): Reagent Pouch
fix(DB/Quest): Skybreaker Questchain
fix(Core/Command): additem checks
fix(DB/Locale): Locale fix for quest 919
fix(DB/Gameobject): Dalaran Forges
refactor(Core/Query): escape some MySQL 8.0 keywords
fix(bash): joiner tool has been moved
fix(DB/Quest): Secrets of the Flamebinders quest chain
 feat(DB/Account): Delete account_muted when deleting an account
fix(Core/Script): Grand Magus Telestra talk
fix(Core/Command): cheat explore
fix(DB/Quest): Deprecated quests
fix quotes on 74e0f00
style(Core/Achievement): Improve error msg for achievement_reward
fix(DB/Quest): Image of Commander Ameer Quests Start/End
chore(DB): fix syntax in sql update
fix(DB/Creature): Julianne Death Sound
fix(DB/Creature): Dreadsaber & Shardhorn Rhino positioning
fix(DB/Creature_text): ToC Lich King
fix(DB/Creature): Bloodmaul Skirmisher Spawn Point
fix(Core/Account): GM Level 1 will not be hostile to players
fix(CI): core_build on coverity_scan is not needed
feat(Core/Conf): Move BG rewards to config
fix(DB/lang): TBC Heroic Dungeon Keys German Description
fix(DB/lang): Totem Item Description
fix(DB/Creature): Naxxramas Cultistl
feat(Core/conf): Move arena charters cost to config
fix(DB/Quest) Deprecated quests
fix(DB/Quest): Brothers in Death event
feat(DB): Import german quest_request_items texts from GTDB (Part 4/4)
feat(Core/commands): Display reason for muting player
feat(CORE/command): .account onlinelist orders accounts by IP
fix(DB/reputation): Kurenai and Mag'har reputation amount rewarded
fix(DB/Creature): Stinky aura
fix(DB/Quest): Shoot 'Em Down
fix(DB/Item): Chest of Spoils loot
feat(Core/Config): Configurable buy/sell rates
fix(DB/Item): Tome of Tranquilizing Shot Deprecated
fix(DB/SAI): Grizzly Hills transport
Fix(DB/Dungeon): The Nexus
fix(DB/Quest): More locations to complete Patching Up
fix(Core/DB/Events): Game Event on Calendar
fix(DB/NPC): Eridan Bluewindl now award Flute of the Ancients
chore(CI): update import_pending_sql.yml
fix(Core/Raid): Eyes activate when endboss dead in Naxxramas
fix(CI): sql import
fix(DB/Spell): Clam drops
fix(CI):updated token for import_pending_sql
feat(CORE/command): .kick will now display the kick reason
fix(DB/Creature): Ragefire Shaman will now cast heal
fix(core/packet): prevent client crash from malformed packet/message
fix(DB/item): Missing loot for Heart-Shaped Box (#792)
feat(CI): migrate from Travis to GitHub Actions
feat(Core/AI): CU_SAI - Custom Target Options
fix(DB/Quest): Old Whitebark's Pendant
Fix reward text for Quest: Shaodw's Edge
fix:(DB/Item) Mechanical Greench / Wand of Holiday Cheer
feat(Core/AI): CU_SAI - set creature in combat outside of dungeon
feat(Core/AI): CU_SAI - Custom Event Options
feat(Core/SAI): new Actions + Polar Coords System Offset Relocating
fix(Core/Mail): Mailhandler cleanup
fix(DB/Quest): Teron Gorefiend chaining
fix(DB): The Green Hills of Stranglethorn German quest texts
fix(Core/Creature): Use proper name for wander distance
fix(CORE/locale): achievement_reward_locale should now work
fix(DB): Fix quest minor text errors
fix error loot altac valley
feat(DB/lang): import German quest_request_items Texts from GTDB (Part 3/4)
fix(DB/Gossip): Corrupted Cat gossip #2762
fix(DB/creature): Add waypoint for Morin Cloudstalker
fix(core): "Silenced - You can only chat with GMs" spell
style(DB): battelground_template entries now commented by type (arena or bg)
fix(Core/Hook): OnFirstLogin can now make persistent changes
fix(app/db_assembler): Allow recursion with bash
feat(Core/Config): make stop time for creatures with WP movement configurable #2715
fix(DB/creature_formations): Thal'trak Proudtusk pathing
fix(DB/creature_formations): Moon Priestess Amara pathing
feat(DB/Creature): Add missing Little Adeline NPC #2747
fix(Calendar/Packets): add additional validation when creating events
fix(DB/reputation): Sporeggar repeatable quest reputation rate
Fix(Core/Packets/AntiDOS): Remove from default some repetitive movement packets
fix(DB): Marsh Lurker spawn position
chore(Core/AH): Restore little comment
fix(Core/Pet): Pet chase range check for melee ranged spells
fix(DB): error on default MySQL install
feat(DB/lang): Import german quest_request_items texts from GTDB (Part 2/4)
Revert "Fix(Core/Gameobjects): non-consumable goobers no longer despawn on use"
feat(Core/Packet): Implement AntiDOS protection from Trinity
fix(Core/Gossip): fix titles in quest reward being able to show in gossip
fix(DB/creature): Remove duplicates Cenarion Stormcrow
Fix(Core/Gameobjects): non-consumable goobers no longer despawn on use
fix(Core/Spell): Melee ranged spells
fix(DB/creature_template): PvP flagged creatures in Talon Den
Core/Misc: Remove dependency on undefined behaviour
Fix(Core/Packet): Calendar events exploits
fix(DB/Gameobject): Secret Safe loot
fix(GameObject/Quest): GameObject quest / gossip window
fix(DB/Quest): Shaman quest "Earth Sapta"
feat(DB/lang): Import german quest_offer_reward texts from GTDB (Part 1/4)
fix: Zul'Aman raid improvements
fix(apps): Script for default git commit template returns output
fix(core/packet): check malformed guild packet to prevent client crash
fix: TC link and fix spacing
chore(README): Add linkedin link
fix(DB/quests): Added german locale for "Ashenvale Hunt"
fix(Core/Dungeon): Halls of stone doors
fix(DB/Creature): Argent Guard Thaelrid
Morph command update
fix(Core/Pet): only show pet details for hunter pets and demons
feat(Core/Hook): A few new hooks
fix(Core): build with ENABLE_EXTRA_LOGS
feat(Core/Hook): New GlobalScript hook
fix(Core/Crash): remove unneeded hook OnPlayerChat
fix(Core/commands): Realign columns for command ".pdump"
refactor(HandleAuctionListOwnerItems): prevent crash
feat(Core/Config): Parameter to set all creatures with WP movement active
 fix(Core/Packet): fix crash happening when someone sends small packets that is processed directly to WorldSocket
Core/Misc: Remove redundant null pointer checks before delete
refactor(Core/Spells): Improved logic and DX Spell::EffectSummonPet
feat(Core/Spell): Header include optimization for files: SpellAura.h SpellAuraEffects.h
fix(Core/Misc): fix some exploits
fix(DB/gossip): Fix several gossip options for NPCs in Un'Goro Crater
fix(Core/CreatureGroups): Fix "MoveSplineInitArgs::Validate" errors
fix(DB/npc_trainer): remove some wrong spells from trainer tables
fix(Core/CreatureAI): Skip creatures in evade mode for DoZoneInCombat
fix(Core/Unit): Fix Guardian Pets clearing combat state
fix(Core/Eluna): Fix issues with spell procs with Eluna
fix(DB/SAI): Duskwing
fix(DB/SAI): Quest "Anatoly Will Talk"
fix(DB): sql import
feat(DB): Test accounts using various GM levels
fix(Core/TempSummon): Fix crash concerning PlayerScript hook
docs(REPO): removed unused submodule
fix(DB/SAI): Grizzly Bear
feat(Core/Hook): New PlayerScript hooks
fix(Core): potential crashes/bugs reported by static analysis #2
Fix (Core/DB): Remove hardcoded text from Malygos
fix(Core/Hook): Make OnPlayerLeaveMap actually trigger
fix(DB/SAI): Innocuous Scarab
fix(DB/SAI): Devilsaurs
fix(Core/Player): Fix removal of quest items
refactor(CORE/scripts): Clearer error when script unassigned or alrea…
fix(DB/creature): Imperial Eagle
fix(Core/DK): Don't allow starter dk to queue bg
fix(Core): Fixed a few crashes/bugs that were found via static code analysis
fix(Core): Improve logging msg when missing .conf file
fix(Core) : Enable randomProperties or suffix up to 5
fix(CORE): Missing override on various functions
fix(Core/Battleground): must fix IC scoreboard
feat(Core/Battlegrounds) Reworked enhanced bg system for modules
fix(Core/Player): Only save player's glyphs when needed
fix(Core/CreatureScript): Fix dk quest 12701 #2557
fix(core): Improve output for 2 small errors
feat(Core/Hook): New PlayerScript hook "OnPetInitStatsForLevel"
fix(Core/Battlegrounds): Fix compile error
refactor(Core/BG/AB): code cleanup
fix(DB/SAI): Loramus Thalipedes quests/gossip
refactor(Core/BG/AV): code cleanup
fix(DB): Various database cleanups
Fix(Core/Battleground): Fixed Nagrand Arena door position
chore(github): Clean up pull_request_template.md
feat(DB/Worldstates): added worldstates entry 20004 in characters DB
fix(DB/creature): Great Wavethrasher position
fix(DB/SAI): Kanati Greycloud
fix(DB/SAI): Snufflenose Gopher
fix(Core/Tools): fix build
fix(Core/Battlegrounds) Rewrite RandomBG and enabling bg/arenas weights
chore(Core/Soap): Renamed TCSoap to ACSoap
fix(Core/Spell): Glyph of Eternal Water
fix(Core/CreatureScript): Grand Warlock Nethekurse
fix(DB/SAI): Wastewalker Captive
fix(Core/Intance): Fixed group spawn UBRS Rend
fix(Core/Spell) Add an intervene trigger condition to avoid stealth removal
feat(Core/Misc): remove and replace ACE_Singleton
feat(Core/CommandScript): New GM command "player learn"
fix(Core/ItemHandler): crash buy back item
fix(DB/Locales): Various names & title fixes in locales
fix(Core/Guild): Crash during money deposit / withdrawal
fix(DB/SAI): Citizen of New Avalon
fix(DB/GameEvent): Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganca Event NPC's & Gameobject
fix(Core/Raid): Save correct data to DB after killing Ragnaros (issue #2464)
fix(DB/SAI): Fix SAI error during quest "The Seer's Relic"
fix(Core/BG) Moved AddObject AV doors after their spawn, closes #2453
feat(docs): Revamp the README
fix(DB/SAI): Enraged Feral Scar
feat(Core/ItemHandler): Optional item recovery
fix(DB/SAI): Re-added Snowblind Follower interaction for quest 14090
fix(Core/GameObjectScript): Environmental damage of burning game objects
fix(Core): Rand shuffle seed (RandomBattlegroundSystem,ICC-Marrowgar & Deathwhisper)
fix(Core/SpellScript): Remove hard-coded texts from the "Pit of Saron" c++ script
fix(DB): Command reload acore_string
fix(CI): Enable Travis modules check
fix(Core/Misc): few improvements to ut8 handling
refactor(Core): rename namespaces and macros to acore
fix(DB/SAI): Freed Crusader
fix(DB/GameObject): Quest event "The Bones of Nozronn"; quest sparkle for GO type "GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_SPELL_FOCUS"
fix(Core/CreatureScript): Fix Ragnaros magma blast
fix(DB/waypoint_data): Wyrmrest Guardian
fix(DB/Quest): "Hot and Cold" quest item
fix(Core): Missing updates for creatures; disable Travis modules check
fix(docker): garbled cjk characters in docker
fix(Core/Raid):Putricide mutated abomination being energized by players
feat(Core/Misc): replace ACE based typedefs
feat(DB/characters): added comments to worldstates
fix(DB/game_event): use another default minimum date to avoid import errors
feat(DB/Translations) Imported german translations from GTDB
fix(Core/PetAI): aggro and movement of Warlock's IMP
fix(Core/Deps): fix build for Windows
fix(Core/GridNotifiers): Fix crash
fix(Core): uint32 assignment, prevent crash, closes #2433
feat(Core/Misc): replace all prefix preprocessor defines from CompilerDefs with AC_
feat(Core/Shared): added new library - shared
feat(Core/PacketIO): restrict CMSG_EMOTE/CMSG_STANDSTATECHANGE to only allow emotes/stand states that client can send by itself
fix(Core): prevent movement exploit
feat(Deps/Jemalloc): update Jemalloc to 5.2.1
fix(Core/GridNotifiers): increased visibility for large creatures, part 2
fix(Core/MovementHandler): fix crash at null guid in mover
fix(Core/Gossip): Enable gossip translations from database(#2427)
feat(Core/DBLayer): move DatabaseWorkerPool into it's own translation unit
fix(Core/Quest): The Lich, Ras Frostwhisper
feat(Core/Debugging): improve crash reports
feat(Core/GameEvent): Allow unspecified end_time for game events
feat(Core/Opcode): simple opcode filter to log non-existing opcode
fix(Core/Dungeon): Elder Nadox hardcore texts + Ahn'kahar Spell Flinger spells.
fix(Core/Crash): Improved Utf8toWStr() function to prevent crashes
fix(Core/Spell): Eye of Gruul healing discount spell
fix(Core/Spell): Glyph of Shadow Word: Death
fix(DB/SAI): Garm area
fix(DB/SAI): Quest "Canyon Chase" (Horde/Alliance)
fix(DB/creature_template): Make Sunreaver Dragonhawk not attackable in Argent Tournament Grounds
feat(Docker): Enable warnings during build
fix(Core/AuthSocket): Added check for AuthFlooder
fix(DB/SAI): Waypoint pause errors
fix(Core/Item): Random item properties generation
fix(DB/waypoint_scripts): Chilltusk
fix(DB/gossip_menu_option): Quest "The Exorcism of Colonel Jules"
fix(DB/SAI): Garm's Bane
fix(DB/creature_loot_template): Fix Baron Rivendale loot, close #2349
feat(DB/points_of_interest): Improved points_of_interest table, close #1193
fix(Core/Commands): debug send opcode
fix(DB/Core): Quest "The Great Hunter's Challenge"; add new condition CONDITION_QUEST_OBJECTIVE_PROGRESS
fix(DB/Quest): Fix quest Hotter than Hell requirement of Fel Reaver corpse
feat(DB/game_tele): Added Emerald Dream teleports
fix(DB/SAI): Fulgorge
feat(Core/Tools): mmaps working with mapID >= 1000
feat(Core/SpellMgr): Worldserver option for ICC buff
fix(DB/SAI): Quest event "The Reckoning"
feat(CI): add docker to travis build
fix(DB/SAI): Fel Reaver
fix(DB/SAI): Sen'Jin Fetish
fix(DB/SAI): Battle beneath the Dark Portal, part 2
fix(DB/gossip_menu_option): Gossip Dalaran NPCs
feat(docker): allow script-less build
fix(Core/spell_item): Fix a few items with spell effects
feat(cmake/macro): Allow scripts to lower prioritize other scripts
fix(Core/Battleground): Improving the Anti-Spam BG Queue Announcer
fix(Core/Chat): Channel exploit
feat(Core/CreatureAddon): increased visibility for large creatures
fix(DB/SAI): Wind Trader Marid
fix(DB/gameobject): Tallonkai's Dresser
fix(Core/Chat): Prevent Horde / Alliance chat via custom emotes
feat(Core/Config): Add parameter to load all grids of all non-instanced maps on server start
fix(DB/SAI): Ruul the Darkener
fix(DB/SAI): Quest "What Is Going On?"
fix(DB/SAI): Venomspite quests / area
feat(Core): Added ABORT() macro to prevent the usage of ASSERT(false) as a quick hack to crash the core misusing assert
fix(Core/Hunter): Stable Master, exotics pets management, tame validations.
fix(CMake): Use cmake-generator-expressions for escaping quotes
feat(Cmake): set policy CMP005 to NEW
feat(Cmake): set minimal support version 3.8 and added interface libs for world and auth
fix(Core/CreatureScript): Quest "Kindness"
fix(DB/SAI): Sarathstra
feat(Cmake/Build): Use interface targets for inheriting flags and definitions
fix(DB/Quest): Lumber Hack
fix(Core/Dungeon): Small corrections to Boss Novos encounter and some npcs wrong behavior
fix(DB/Quest): "The Hunter's Path"
fix(DB/gameobject_template): Quest "Thwarting Kolkar Aggression"
fix(DB/SAI): Bath'rah the Windwatcher
fix(Core/CreatureScript): Ormorok log errors
fix(Core/GameObjectScript): Load ICC Scourge Teleport gossip from DB
fix(DB/Creature): Gimorak's Den
fix(Core/Worldsession): add option to prevent logout when AFK in a sanctuary zone
fix(Core/Spell): "Taming the Beast" hunter quests, part 2
fix(DB/SAI): Quest "Territorial Trespass"
fix(DB/creature): Add random movement to critters in "Pit of Saron"
fix(Core): Build error concerning debug log message
fix(Core/Spell): "Taming the Beast" hunter quests
fix(DB/Core): "Sons of Hodir" quests / areas
feat(Core/Player): Additional option for worldserver config parameter "InstantFlightPaths"
chore(Core/Player): Fix all apply item mods for scale
chore(PRTemplate): Update style pull_request_template.md
fix(SQL): rework dir for sql update
feat(Core): enable C++17
fix (Core/Vehicle): delay position update in Vehicles, this may be deleted
chore(Core/AI): Convert the hardcoded variadic RAND functions into one C++11 variadic template version.
fix(DB/SAI): Thrym
fix(Core/CreatureScript): Sindragosa - Ice Tomb and Frost Imbued Blade buff
fix(Core/Dungeon): Scourgelord Tyrannus died mid-air. Body got stuck mid-air and can't be looted
fix(DB/creature): Thrall position (Orgrimmar)
refactor(Core/Misc): Rewrite name handling functions that use raw buffers
 refactor(ItemTemplate): add missing enums + other minor improvements
fix(DB/creature): Random movement "Stoic Mammoth" & "Roaming Jormungar"
fix(bash): update the data files version
feat(CI/Travis): use Ubuntu 18.04 + update min clang version
fix(DB/SAI): Quest "Keeping Pace" (Zamek's Distraction)
chore(authserver): improve startup console logs
fix(db-assembler): error 'cant find any matching row in the user table'
fix(DB/SAI): Stoneskin Gargoyle (Naxxramas)
feat(Core/BG): rewrite invite in bg
fix: revert unwanted Spell changes
chore(CI): disable staging branch
fix(Core/Dungeon): Remove Goblin Rocket Pack from inventory in ICC Gunship Battle
Creature type flags
fix(DB/SAI): The Drakkensryd
fix(Core/Deps): fix build
fix(Core/Deps): Update recastnavigation to last version
feat(Core/Deps): Added fmt lib
fix(Core/Boss Script): Obsidian Sanctum Bugs Fixed (Cant enter instance while boss in combat , fix HardMode problem with damage drakes before starting boss)
fix(Core): Fix build - C3848 compile error
fix(DB/creature): Thorim position (Temple of Storms)
fix(Core/SpellInfo): Magmadar's Enrage dispel fix
fix(DB/creature): Random movement for "Icemaw Bear" and "Ravenous Jormungar"
fix(Core/Commands): Support morph uint32 ids
fix(Scripts/Karazhan): Cleanup in opera event
fix(DB/SAI): Mirage Raceway - goblin / gnome racing
fix(Core/Instance): Fix instance resetting exploit
feat(Core/CFBG): Added support module mod-cfbg
Updated client data downloader url with vmaps 4.3
feat(core/AI): implement DoCastSelf helper
fix(DB/Core): Throwing spells for Instructor Razuvious and Drakkari Battle Riders
chore(README.md): add Discord badge
chore: improved pull_request_template.md
fix(DB/SAI): Revamp Crystalweb Cavern
fix(Core/Raid/Boss Script): Naxxramas boss loatheb kill event
fix (Core/Dungeon/Boss Script): Remove Goblin Rocket Pack from inventory.
fix(Core/DB/Quest): Let Them Eat Crow
fix(DB/Waypoint): Saedelin Whitedawn waypoint
fix(DB/Creature): Enslaved Netherwing Drake flying animation
fix(Core/SAI): fix parameters for action type "SMART_ACTION_UPDATE_TEMPLATE"
fix(Core/Achievements): Skill achievements
fix(Core/Quest): Scratches
Fix client game crash with invite player to invalid name for Channel.
fix(DB/Quest): Ending their world
fix(Core/Dungeon/Boss Script):  Halls of Stone - Brann Respawn - Naxxaramus Noth Teleport phase Bug - Ulduar StormcCaller Brundir inFly Die Bug
fix(DB/gameobject): Band-aid fix for Malygos platform
fix(DB/CreatureScript): The Lurker Below
fix(Core/Spell): Flame Breath (Catapult)
fix(DB/CreatureScript): Deathblow to the Legion
chore(PR template): automatically add instructions for testing
DB/SAI: actually execute Technician Zhanaa's script on quest turn-in
fix Emalon Loot
fix(Core/Boss): Boss Urom
fix(Core/Battleground): Warsong flags can be picked up while mounted
fix(DB/Core): Dragonflayer Strategist spell "Hurl Dagger"
fix(Core/Boss Scripts): Update boss_hodir.cpp - Fix ice shards cast speed in 10 man
fix(DB/SAI): Overthane Balargarde
fix(DB/Gameobject): Pumpkin wrong placement
refactor(Naxxramas): code cleaning
fix(Core/CreatureScript): fix Skadi / Grauf text error
fix(DB/SAI): fix a few issues for Jotunheim
fix(DB/SAI): fix movement / SAI errors
fix(Core): Online status of accounts
fix(DB/Creature): Razorscale Harpoon Fire State
fix(DB/Creature): High Overlord Saurfang
fix(DB/Quests): For Great Honor & Concerted Efforts
fix(DB/gameobject): Faction+flags ID 184632
fix(DB/creature_text): "Scarlet Medic" / "Scarlet Infantryman"
feat(Core/Pool): improve pool manager
fix(DB/Creature): Fixing reports related to DB, SAI, Text
fix(DB/Creature): Flatland Prowler SAI
feat(Core): GUID recycler
fix(DB/SAI): quest "When All Else Fails"
fix(DB/Creature): Kargath Grunt equipment
fix(DB/Creature): Warsong Marksman's corpses
fix(DB/Quest): Fix Fire At Will!
[CFBG module part 3] Core/BG: Rework functions, delete ASSERT's.
fix(DB/Creature): Ribbon Pole Dance NPC's
fix(Core/Wintergrasp): Leaving Wintergrasp with the minimap button
fix(Core/Wintergrasp): Spam msg's
fix(DB/Spell): Argent Dawn trinkets
fix(DB/SAI): Mini Diablo, Panda Cub, Sleepy Willy
fix(DB/Creatures): Living & Mature lasher
fix(DB/Creature/Event): Arena Vendors & Creatures
fix(DB/Creature): Ulathek aggro text
feat(Core/SAI): improve SAI logging for missing creature text
fix(DB/SAI): Zergling vs Grunty
Fix(Core/DB): Naxxramas overhaul
Let's make it clear.
fix(Core/Spell): Haunted Memento
fix(Core/Creature): Mature Netherwing Drake
fix(DB/Core): "Battle for the Undercity" buffs
feat(Core/Player): Added new functions for `BGData`
feat(Core/Hooks): Added new BG hooks
fix(Core/Spell): Holy Priest Tier 5 Greater Heal Refund proc
chore(core): fix indentation
fix(DB/SAI): Orbaz Bloodbane - Ominous Cloud
fix(DB/Creature): Quintis Jonespyre gossip menu
Sartharion Boundary
fix(Core/npc_professions): Swordsmith specialization
fix(DB/SAI): Death Knight Adept mass spawn
fix(DB/Creature): Venture Co. Strip Miners now move/attack/cast
fix(DB/npc_vendor): Empty vendors honor/arena S6 horde side
fix(DB): King Krush
fix(DB/Creature): FixCreature Sporebat+Greater Sporebat+Young Sporebat+Sporewing
fix(Core/Spell): Target "TARGET_DEST_CHANNEL_TARGET"
fix(DB/SAI): Chicken Escapee
fix(Core/Spells): Spell ID Shadow Ward (Warlock)
fix(Core/BG): prevent potential crash in BG
fix(DB/SAI): Thalgran
fix(DB/SAI): Serfex the Reaver
fix(DB/Quest): Tormented By the Past
fix(Core): check quest conditions on item equip
fix(DB/Core): Play "Lament of the Highborne" as music instead of sound
fix(DB): Dismiss Frenzyheart companion
fix(DB/Spell): Judgement of wisdom/light procs
fix(DB/Quest): Horn Fragment
fix(Core/Quest): Memories of Stormhoof
feat(Core/Player): PartyLevelReq invite settings
fix(DB/SAI): Various fixes for Mogor (Ring of Blood)
fix(DB/Creature): Hide various dungeon creature triggers
fix(DB/Gameobject): Empty Cauldron
fix(DB/Core): Fix some issues concerning "Thorim's Charm of Earth" (Mending Fences)
fix(Core/Spell): Big Blizzard Bear
fix(DB/Quest): The Key of Warlord Zol'Maz
fix(DB/SAI): Ring of Blood creature despawn
fix(DB/Quest): "Defeat the Gearmaster" / "The Gearmaster"
fix(DB/Core): Mother Smolderweb
fix(SQL): solve critical issue #1921
fix(DB/Creatures/Objects): Revamp Wintergarde mine to include more mobs and mineral nodes
fix(DB/Creature): Hide creature trigger on Shirrak the Dead Watcher
fix(DB/SAI): Wastewalker Slave&Wastewalker Worker
fix(Core): Bag/Fishing pole equip
refactor(Docker): fix codacy warnings
fix(DB/SAI): Quest "Jack Likes His Drink"
fix(Core/Spells): Shaman Reincarnation
fix(DB/Gameobject): Spire Spider Egg Trap
fix(DB/SAI): Fix some db errrors
fix(DB/Quest): Dark Iron Legacy
Core/Spells: Fix wintergrasp spells yards
Improved check
fix(DB/Quest): Going Bearback SAI
fix(DB/SAI): Defias Taskmaster on loot
fix(Core/Raid): Vault of Archavon stomp
fix(DB/Gossip): Stormpike Quartermaster
fix(CORE): Low-level quests blue "!" instead of yellow w/ tracker
fix(DB/Quest): The Assassination of Harold Lane
fix(DB/SAI): Watchman Doomgrip / Warbringer Construct
fix(Core/Raid): Reworked Archimonde fight
fix(Core/Waypoint): Drakkari Gutripper
fix(DB/Waypoints): Guardian Lasher & Winter Revenant
feat(Core/Icons): New look
fix(Core/Combat): Casters combat
fix(DB/SAI): Fizzcrank Bomber
fix(DB/Quest): A Spirit Ally QuestId 9847
fix(DB/SAI): Overseer Deathgaze
fix(DB/Core): Emotes / reaction during quest "The Taste Test"
fix(DB/Creature); Kelgruk Bloodaxe
fix(DB/Fishing): Fix db errors
fix(DB/Gameobject): Missing in DB (Giving conflicts on quest)
fix(DB): Defendo-tank 66D - fix target of "say" action
fix(Core/SAI) Add missing parameters for SMART_ACTION_MOVE_TO_POS
fix(DB) TC Alignment - Characters arena stats
fix(DB/Creature): Deadmines Pathing for 23 creatures
fix(Core/Dungeon) Blackrock Depths - Ambassador Flamelash
fix(DB/Quest): Healthy Dragon Scale
fix(DB/Creature): Delete creature, wrong spawn
feat(Core/Commands): Arena command
feat: Add creation_date column to characters table
fix(DB/Quest): Returning the Favor
fix(DB/Creature): Delete some creatures in Dragonblight
fix(DB/SAI): Bleeding Hollow Riding Worg despawn
fix(DB/SAI): Void Spawner - Quest - Warp Rifts
fix(Core): Auth/World conf.dist corrections
fix(DB): Raised Mud Despawn (quest "An Embarassing Incident")
fix(Core/Dungeon) BRD - The seven minibosses re-order
fix(DB/SAI): Blackrock Depths creatures
fix(DB): Sturdy Vine Despawn (quest "Some Make Lemonade, Some Make Liquor")
feat(Core/Commands): Deserter command (BG/Instance)
fix(Core): increase visibility distance of large game objects
fix(DB/Quest): Gaining Acceptance
fix(DB/SAI): Skorn
fix(DB/SAI): Darkspear Spear Thrower
fix(DB/SAI): Alterac Valley mobs movement
fix(CORE/Quest): Death's Challenge gossip menu
fix(DB/SAI): Teldrassil missing SAI
fix(DB/SAI): Bloodmyst Isle missing SAI
fix(DB/Creature): NPC Ethereum guardian
fix(DB/SAI): phasing after reward for "Return To Angrathar"
fix(Core/Raid): Ulduar - Kologarn
fix(DB/Creature): Dalaran creatures speech
fix(CORE/Commands): .Pinfo - Show guild informations
fix(sql): Eversong Woods missing SAI
fix(DB/SAI): Trident of Naz'jan to SAI
fix(Core/Spells): Change to the way the spell effect SPELL_EFFECT_JUMP work.
fix(DB/Quests): Blood Elfs starting zone quests for classes
fix(CORE/Battleground): Captain Galvangar position
fix(DB/Creature): Coilskar defender
fix(DB/SAI): fix mini-event for quest "All Hail Roanauk!"
fix(CORE): Increase C'Thun Dark Glare spell timer
feat(Core/Quest): Quest item reward
fix(CORE/Spells): Druid forms
fix(CORE/Spells): Shadowmourne spell effect
fix(CORE/Raid): Obsidian Sancturn - Tenebron
fix(CORE/Raid): Molten Core - Ragnaros hammer orientation
fix(DB/SAI): Head of Nefarian (A&H)
fix(Core): implement "SCRIPT_COMMAND_MOVEMENT" (35) to fix Defias Thug waypoint errors
Fix(DB/Core): UBRS - General Drakissath
fix(Core/DB): Hardcoded text - Eastern Kingdoms
Fix(DB/Core): Dragonmaw Peon AI
Fix(DB/Gameobject): Neferian head spawntime updated to 2 hours
fix(DB/SAI): battle beneath the dark portal
Fix(DB/SAI): Creature text for "Battle for the Undercity"
feat(Cmake/MYSQL): Correct support MariaDB for windows
changes to loot from Trinitycore
DB/Creature: Grom'tor, Son of Oronok
fix(DB): Training the Beast quest reward text
feat(core): Increased limit of realms
fix(DB/SAI): Shadowlord Deathwail
chore(git): Add a commit template & introduce new guidelines
Fix(Core/Spells): Fix parry aura spells
Fix(DB/SAI): Desolace AI for centaurs
fix(Docker): allow to use modules
fix(CI): fix paths for dry-run check
DB/Quest: Head of Nefarian (A)
fix(Core/Battlegrounds): log errors about creatures not found
feat(CI): Travis check modules
Fix(Core/BG): Queue Announcer FIX
Core/ICC: Lady Deathwhisper
feat(Core/Commands): Quest Add
Fix(DB/Misc): Borean Tundra SAI
Fix(DB/Quest/Gameobject): Despawn time for The Lord of Blackrock
Fall From Grace
fix(Core/Eluna): fix compiler warning concerning Eluna
feat(Core/Library): Rename shared library to common
fix(Cmake/Eluna): Add Eluna files in game lib
Fix(DB/Creature): Spirit of Olum and Spirit of Udalo
Fix(DB/SAI): Rough Stone & Dragonmaw Bonewarder
fix(Core): fix a few issues with "Battle for the Undercity"
feat(Cmake): Add new hook AFTER_LOAD_CMAKE_MODULES
DB: Shattered sun marksman SAI
feat(Cmake): Rewrite build and use inherited dependencies
Fix(Core/Player: On first login cinematics
DB/Core: Heroes of old Blizzlike and Fix
fix(Core/Commands): Learn spell for GM lvl 3
chore(Docker): add comments to explain the building steps
Fix(DB/Quest): Data Rescue
Fix(Core/Scripts): NPC Iruk gossip from DB
Feat(Core/Item): Proper way to add item signature
fix(DB/SAI): despawn Jenny when quest "Load'er Up!" is complete
fix(DB): Fezzix "jumping" through the air
fix(DB/Core): quest chain leading to "Battle for the Undercity"
feat(Core): Changing max pass size
Fix(DB/Quest): Blueleaf Tubers
Core/Misc: Replace ACE_UINT* to uint*
fix(CI): prevent failing Travis runs
feat(DB): Keeping database names consistent troughout the system
Refactor(Core/Misc): Remove remaining COMPILER_HAS_CPP11_SUPPORT related macros
Fix(DB/Quest): Assassin's Contract & Baron's Demise
Refactor(Core/Gossip): Replacing old macros with new
Rewrite(Core/BanManager): Rewrite Ban system
Fix(DB/Quest): Heroes of Old
Feat: Add Codacy badge
Fix(Core/Quest): Correct add locale in quest
Fix(Core/DB/Ulduar): Assembly of Iron
Fix(DB/NPC): Librarian Garren
Fix(DB/Quest): Ogre Head On A Stick
Fix(Core/Player): fix periodic eating and drinking emotes
refactor(DB/world): graveyard_zone
Fix(DB): Fixing several Npc issues
DB restructuring - world - achievement_reward
fix(DB/Quest): WANTED: Boss Grog'ak
Skill perfect item template
Switch to C++14 to solve compilation issues
Feat:Update README.md
Fix(Core/Common): Added header <unordered_map> in file DBCStore.h
Fix(Core/Ticket System): Ticket comment visual output bug
feat(Core/Chat): Add config option to allow use LFG anywhere not only in city
fix(DB): Fjord Hawk, Fjord Turkey
fix(DB/Core): play event after quest "Hero of the Mag'har"; extend SAI to play music
fix(DB): a few improvements to the giant wandering outdoor creatures
fix(DB): zeppelin master - remove gossip option "Where is the zeppelin now?"
Fix(Core): GM command not working while GM mode is on
feat(CI): improve Travis build time
Fix(Scripts/Instances/Oculus): improvements
fix(DB): Malmortis creature text
fix(Core/WorldSession): change how to storing data in account_tutorial
Fix(Scripts/Spells): Check range to fire totem when casting Fire Nova.
fix(Core/Player): close all character tickets when delete
fix(Core/Commands): fix reload creature_template and creature movment
fix(Modules): solve breaking change
fix(core): prevent unsupported-by-client passwords
feat(core): allow to debug KickPlayer()
feat(cpp): enable C++17 support
fix(Docker/macOS): solve disconnection issues
feat(core): allow to disable auto-kick for idle players
Fix(Core/Ulduar): Multiple fixes to Flame Leviathan
feat(Core/Movement): Implement move time skipped handler
Eluna: load the configuration file using the new method.
fix(Docker): no need to duplicate *.dist files
feat(modules): Allow modules to extend Battlegrounds
fix(DB/creature): correct phaseMask of NPC Ravenous jormungar
fix(Core/DB/Quest): Battle for the Undercity
Core/ChatHandler: Update Addon message read fix (#811)
fix(DB): Pit of Saron intro
feat(CI): add commit hashes to the automatic SQL import
chore(readme): fix stackoverflow default view
feat(Commands): Added cheat commands
feat(docker): add cache for faster rebuild
fix(DB/Item): Hateful Gladiator's Longbow No Range
feat(CI): dynamically calculate thread count for build process
Core/Skills: Add FishingBaseSkillLevel dynamic change method
fix(DB/Quest): Morrowgrain to darnassus
style(cpp): DBC AchievementCriteriaTypes indentation
fix(CI): break on errors in CI scripts
Core/Eluna: Hotfix call sEluna->OnGameEventStart method arg register
feat(CI): improve Travis configuration
Core/Hooks: Adds hooks for start and stop game events
Core/Hooks: Add new Player hooks
chore(docs): use new wiki
fix(CI): Travis triggers the AC bot only once
fix(DB): sql update chain for all DBs
DB: Fixing some issues